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Everything posted by candide

  1. In particular when there is no incriminating evidence! 🙂
  2. He didn't sell secrets. It's a lie! 🙂
  3. B.S.! 😆 Only Syria voted for Russia at the U.N. and the U.S. was funding the opposition to El Assad. The Houti are rebels, they are not Yemen's government. The government is supported by S.A. and the Emirates..
  4. If's not the BBC, it's the BBC foundation! 😆
  5. As usual, no reliable source to back up your claim! Typical MAGA logic. Repeat the same lie over and over, believing it will make it true. 😆
  6. You are still posting the same lie about USAID financing BLM. 🙂
  7. Which link about what? 😆
  8. He was the boss. Anyway it doesn't matter as Riclag was lying. The quoted source doesn't say that.
  9. How do you dare to mention facts when replying to MAGAs? That's really not nice!
  10. It's not that simple. He has succeeded to stop high inflation and budget deficit. However, the country is in recession, unemployment is rising, and more than 50% of people are at poverty level , a 20 years record. Another issue is the debt. He has evaluated the peso by 50%, so the external debt has been multiplied by 2 in pesos. It's a bit clearly to draw any conclusion from this experiment.
  11. Well, to check whether it's legal or not, before starting it, would have spared some trouble and confusion.. And, as you you mention, if proven legal before, they may have got more people accepting it. As to the dealine, it's the current administration that decides about it. If they want to extend it, they don't need a Judge decision.
  12. That was point, which obviously escaped the attention of other posters. The best ones leave, in particular as they are usually offered at least partial telework (another good reason to leave, in particular those working in computing and data science). And the "bad" ones stay. The same logic also applies to departments. It can be expected that more people would leave computing departments, than purely administrative departments.
  13. If prices are going up, they will go down one day, that's obvious! My point is that Trump and Vance made the price of eggs a major campaign issue, and Trump also promised to bring down the price of food immediately. It was their choice, not mine. So it's fair that they now get a taste of their own medicine! 😆
  14. Which lunatic could have been previously trolling (and lying) about the price of eggs! 😆 https://www.yahoo.com/news/j-d-vance-caught-lying-151334443.html https://boingboing.net/2024/09/23/jd-vance-caught-lying-about-egg-prices-in-viral-video-gaffe.html/amp
  15. Hamas may not be, but the PA (Fatah) is.
  16. I find it funny that no poster from the MAGA pack who criticized my post linking a reliable (and non partisan) source, seems to be able to contradict me in the same way! 🤣
  17. How is that lame deflection working for you? 🙂
  18. That was under Trump, right? Oh, and it's also another claim which is not supported by the source you linked. Would you be lying? 😆
  19. Feel free to post contradictory evidence! I'm not holding my breath! 🙂
  20. Judge temporarily blocks Trump plan offering incentives for federal workers to resign https://apnews.com/article/buyout-offer-deadline-trump-federal-workers-ce854b19c41b90cd657f75cf09511e96
  21. I know. But they did not show the required clearances at this occasion. The fact that the President can does not mean that he actually did for this particular crew. But if you have evidence that they were in possession of these clearances at the moment they tried to get access, feel free to link it! 🙂 Musk’s DOGE crew lacked high-enough security clearance to access that information, so the two USAID security officials — John Vorhees and deputy Brian McGill — were legally obligated to deny access
  22. It says this particular crew did not have the required clearances at this particular occasion. And you still haven't shown anything to support your claim that this crew had the required clearances when they came up that day at that time. 🙂 Musk’s DOGE crew lacked high-enough security clearance to access that information, so the two USAID security officials — John Vorhees and deputy Brian McGill — were legally obligated to deny access
  23. I posted facts (whatever one may think about this initiative). You are posting vague allegations.
  24. I have provided a reliable source to back this hypothesis. You have provided nothing to back your claim.
  25. You mean like the $50 millions worth of condoms! 🙂
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