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Everything posted by candide

  1. Wnd! Can't you find a more crappy source! πŸ˜†
  2. You should ask him about the facts supporting his claims! πŸ™‚
  3. What has the Biden administration to do with it! It's ridiculous! πŸ˜†
  4. So Boebert is part of the scandal too? How many Republican politicians are currently rushing to stop their subscription? πŸ˜†
  5. Not as simple as you present it, Palestinian would actually have received 73%, possibly extensible to a maximum of 92% (by Israel definition of the West Bank. On top of it, the Palestinian territory would have not been contiguous. Arafat didn't not trust the Israeli for the extension and thought he was being scammed. He may have been right, in particular when considering that the Israeli RW was against it. "Based on the Israeli definition of the West Bank, Barak offered to form a Palestinian state initially on 73% of the West Bank (that is, 27% less than the Green Line borders) and 100% of the Gaza Strip. In 10–25 years, the Palestinian state would expand to a maximum of 92% of the West Bank (91 percent of the West Bank and 1 percent from a land swap).[14][16] From the Palestinian perspective this equated to an offer of a Palestinian state on a maximum of 86% of the West Bank.[14]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Camp_David_Summit
  6. Gag! Republicans are also "subsidizing" Politico! 🀣 Boebert Revealed to Have Subscription to Outlet That She Claims β€˜No One Trusts’ https://www.yahoo.com/news/boebert-revealed-subscription-outlet-she-225733309.html
  7. Slowly on the Kool Aid... πŸ˜†
  8. Quoting Bloomberg. Unfortunately, Bloomberg is behind paywall. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-01-30/x-s-post-musk-financials-signal-recovery-in-2024-after-slide (BTW, when will you link your source?) πŸ™‚ A bit more detail scbout the debt are visible in this title. Musk’s Twitter Buyout Gambit Is Getting Costlier by the Day Annual interest will hit nearly $1.2 billion if deal happens Half of the $13 billion debt from Musk LBO is floating rate https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-12/musk-s-twitter-buyout-gambit-is-getting-costlier-by-the-day
  9. It's quite good, in particular as revenue is not $5 billion but $2.9 billion. However, it's before interest, so it will be likely a loss considering it must pay $1.2 billion interest. https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/x-formerly-twitter-struggling-to-make-money/738836/
  10. Wall Street Journal Mocks Trump Supporters For Calling Tariffs 'Genius Power Play' https://www.yahoo.com/news/wall-street-journal-mocks-trump-234251079.html
  11. Under voluntary schemes, the ones who leave are often the ones who can easily find another job..... because they have a qualification which is demanded on the job market.
  12. Oooops! Then let's hope NERD funding has not been cut too!
  13. It's time that USAID stops funding pro-democracy movements! Oh wait! πŸ˜† Iran praises US for cutting foreign aid funding as it looks for a Trump message on nuclear talks President Donald Trump's moves to freeze spending on foreign aid and overhaul, maybe even end, the U.S. Agency for International Development have been lauded in Iranian state media. The reports say the decisions will halt funding for opponents of theof the country's Shiite theocracy β€” pro-democracy activists and others supported through programs as part of U.S. government's efforts to help democracy worldwide. https://www.yahoo.com/news/iran-praises-us-cutting-foreign-050815942.html
  14. Gag! Iran praises US for cutting foreign aid funding as it looks for a Trump message on nuclear talks President Donald Trump's moves to freeze spending on foreign aid and overhaul, maybe even end, the U.S. Agency for International Development have been lauded in Iranian state media. The reports say the decisions will halt funding for opponents of theof the country's Shiite theocracy β€” pro-democracy activists and others supported through programs as part of U.S. government's efforts to help democracy worldwide. https://www.yahoo.com/news/iran-praises-us-cutting-foreign-050815942.html
  15. Trump's m.o.! Tell the first B.S. that comes to his mind, make himself ridiculous, and backpedal! And then his MAGA rubes claim that it's not what he said!
  16. Wrong again! It mainly happened under Trump! And the audits made after Biden's inauguration have been led by GOP State legislatures and officials! You still have nothing.....
  17. Another intrusion of the MAGA alternate universe into the real one!
  18. Still more B.S. His tax returns have been published and show how he did it! (Unlike Trump who still hides his tax returns)
  19. Every lawsuit, recount and audit led by the GOP has failed. You have nothing!
  20. The dems and the Democratic Socialist party are not the same party. πŸ˜† The usual MAGA confusion tactics...
  21. Proof? I 'm not holding my breath! πŸ˜†
  22. What is the evidence about Yagoda's claim? πŸ˜†
  23. The usual MAGA baseless lies tactics! πŸ˜†
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