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Everything posted by candide

  1. More blah blah from you. There have been several indictments and guilty pleas about the fake electors plot.
  2. That's your usual trolling statement when you have no valid argument.
  3. Useless blah blah again..😃
  4. You know, like something brought up by Giuliani, known for his contacts with Russian operatives (ex. Derkach) and for diffusing Russian disinformation (ex. Crowdstrike is Ukrainian), given shortly before the election (he had it already for one year) to only the biased NYPost, so that no one was able to check it. You can blame Giuliani for that. He could have diffused it publicly earlier so that everyone could check it. Maybe he was not sure himself that it was reliable. Talking about sheeps, That's rich from you! 😃
  5. Free and fair. Confirmed by every court (including. Republican judges), by election supervisors (including. Republicans), by every recount and audit (including partisan GOP audits), and by Trump's DOJ. Go back to your MAGA alternate universe. 😀 BTW, it's Trump who claimed the 2016 election was rigged by massive voter fraud, before and after the election, not Hillary! BTW, do you also believe the birther and pizzagate conspiracy theories? 😀
  6. Because they were ot lying (they said it looked like disinformation, which was true), and also were not government agents! 😃
  7. The way the other poster presented it, it looked like it was Biden FBI which decided to change the system in order hide the real crime figures. The change has been made by the Trump administration. The new system has been implemented for more than three years, which means that 2021, 2022, and 2023 figures can be compared, as the same method has been used.
  8. Sorry, I don't have my own economic investigations department so I have to outsource part of my research 😁 I have shown what I needed to illustrate my point. If you want to go on splitting hairs, why don't you do it by yourself?
  9. Not tired of trolling? Iit's you who talked about mail in vote, not me!
  10. Nothing fishy as this new method has been progressively implemented by the Trump FBI, and the final switch occured at the end of his mandate, before Biden was sworn in.😁 Another MAGA conspiracy theoryy.
  11. That was my point (ironically). As it was personal, how could the SC decision lead to a delay?
  12. Why should I care to come up with it, as it is irrelevant to the point I made?
  13. They are quite relevant to illustrate my claim that comparing UK only to the sick man of Europe is a sign of lack of ambition. Are you not tired of splitting hairs?
  14. Because the distinguished economists appointed by the House of Commons consider It's relevant to compare UK with these countries.
  15. The eurozone is also included in the comparison.
  16. While I agree that UK fared better (or not as worse) than initially expected, the EU always performed better than UK and other large EU countries had a higher growth than Germany. Data provided in my previous post.
  17. Why compare only with the current sick man of Europe? It shows a clear lack of ambition! 😃 https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/ P.S. Sorry to contradict your wet dreams, but the FN/RN has completely dropped the idea of Frexit since 2017, as it found out it was not popular at all. It is also not likely they they will get an absolute majority Sunday.
  18. So making a payment to a porn star is part of Presidential duties? 😀
  19. You have another understanding, it does not mean my understanding is incorrect. As to the "other leftists" comment (the BBC leftist, lol), the events reported have not been made up and have been reported in plenty of other media. So you just admitted that evoking large scale mail in voting is irrelevant as it has not been identified as a factor of large voter fraud. It doesn't matter whether other countries adopted it or not.
  20. So you think Trump is lying about it? Nice to know that!
  21. Have they made a decision about this new currency, or just talking about it? Is China ready to drop the Yen and have a currency not controled by the CPC? Which countries are by far the main economic partners of BRICS countries (the U.S, NATO countries and their allies, Japan, OZ, SK....)? It seems that It's convenient to hide Russia's low GDP behind the whole BRICS GDP, which is mainly about China and India (two countries which have been in conflict for years). The BRICS are neither a strategic alliance nor a trade zone.
  22. I know, military expenses have boosted Russia's GDP. So what? It does not change the fact that Russia is an economic dwarf and that GDP stagnated between 2012 and 2022., or that Russian population has been decreasing (even before the invasion of Ukraine.
  23. It looks like we have won a subscription to the NYPost! 😁
  24. Of course I know it. How is it a fact that it would run everything and Biden would be its puppet (your claim)?
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