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Everything posted by candide

  1. It's all about giving MAGA losers a sense of power, by exerting a negative power on LGBT, minorities, immigrants, etc... But they will never be allowed to have a say on the real power issue: money.
  2. Have you read the full quote? 😀 "Shutting down everything immediately — and we didn't shut it down completely — but essentially major social distancing and even schools was the right thing," Fauci said. "How long you kept it was the problem, because there was a disparity throughout the country. If you go back and look at the YouTube, I kept on saying, 'Close the bars, open the schools. Open the schools as quickly and as safely as you possibly can.' But initially to close it down was correct. Keeping it for a year was not a good idea." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fauci-schools-shut-down-covid/
  3. And the reason why he refused to wear a mask is that it would have spoilt his make up! 😀
  4. Same on AN. No MAGA fan complaining about grooming kids when it really happens..... 😀
  5. And those who are not registered in HK are not trying to put their money out of the PRC and not ready to pay for it?
  6. It's a shame how the situation has worsened over years. Jews don't feel safe and often keep a low profile. Police forces are stationed in front of temples and Jewish schools. I can imagine how Jewish mothers are constantly worried. And more recently, one of the main left-wing (well, LFI is rather far left) parties actually did not clearly condemn the October 7 slaughter, just for electoral reasons. And they dare refer to Leon Blum's popular front! I am neither right-wing nor a supporter of Netanyahu's policies, but I find this disgusting. And the next election will be likely won either by the racist anti-arab/muslim RN, or by a left wing coalition led by a party (LFI) flirting with antisemists. This is F#(¥ up!
  7. My comment as external observer. To some extent, anything can work as long as there is a coherent project, which is shared and supported by enough people. The problem with Brexit is that there never was, and there's still no such project. I am not even talking about remainers. They were against Brexit and it seems there's nothing really motivating for them to change their mind. The problem lies with Brexiters. There is no commonality of interest between the people who voted Brexit because they felt they were left behind (I.e. in the NE), and the proponents of an ultra-liberal and global Britain (i.e. the ERG), who are exactly the people who left the others behind.
  8. Lol! It's the convicted felon who lost the 2020 election, who regularly call Biden 'Obama'! 😃
  9. It was about someone in particular, whose relations with the coup makers are well-known. As this person was not in really good terms with someone currently very influential, I doubt anything would happen to Thaksin. It's possibly just a way to remind him who's the boss.
  10. Nonsense! The principle of zero dollar tours is that the original fee doesn't cover the cost, and that the money is actually earned by commissions on what tourist spend in the country of destination. That's why It's called zero dollar tours. A large share of expenses occurs in Thailand. On top of it, one of the key concerns for Chinese businessmen is to put as much money as possible out of reach of the CPC. The money stays in Thailand and is used to buy businesses and condos. How do you think Chinese people can buy expensive condos in Thailand, while they are not allowed to take more then $50,000 per year out of Thailand?
  11. I remember MAGA posters on this forum claiming he was talking metaphorically (well, It's not exactly the word they used)! 😃 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-suggests-injection-disinfectant-beat-coronavirus-clean-lungs-n1191216
  12. Trump has shown he wasn't able to face a major crisis without reacting like a self-centered idiot. The only he cared was the negative impact on stock prices! It's just a flu! Ah, ah! It's a Dem hoax! 😃
  13. MAGA fans were already hating him for not following Trump's medical advices. From now on, it will be a slaughter! 😃
  14. Typical MAGA trolling m.o. to never take into account the replies to their posts and ask exactly the same question or make exactly the same claim a few hours or days later......
  15. It's funny how MAGAs and assimilated posters are already preparing lame excuses in anticipation of a possible Trump's fail during this debate. MAGAs always have a conspiracy theory at hand in order to refute reality... Same as Trump claiming the election is rigged when he's not sure to win (I.e. before the 2016 and 2020 elections). 😃
  16. Trump also asked him to investigate his Crowdstrike B.S.! You know, the boss is Ukrainian, the server is in Ukraine... 😃 It's funny to read hiwbZelinski dumped it, in a diplomatic way, by talking about something else... https://templatearchive.com/trump-zelenskiy-phone-call-transcript/
  17. According to the OP, it's not 12 million either... 😃
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