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Everything posted by candide

  1. You mean slanted fact checks such as: "no Mr. Trump, the 2020 election was not rigged and you did not win it"? 🤣
  2. It's similar in other developped countries as inflation is a global phenomenon and they are all affected by the same trends. Actually, under Trump, inflation tended to be higher than in other developped countries. The main significant difference, compared to other developped countries, is that, with a similar inflation level, the U.S. has generated much more GDP growth. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  3. In Europe, terrorism is a very concerning topic, as we have seen our people die from it. There is no way to scare terrorists once they have decided to be a terrorist, because they are ready to die. However, terrorism doesn't come out in a vacuum. A short look at the personal history of terrorists shows that they have followed a trajectory, such as first being exposed to radical ideas, then being progressively convinced and involved, then being helped, etc...Terrorists are fed ideas and information, supported, sheltered, by an ecosystem. It may be in social networks, mosques, etc... Participants in this ecosystem are not necessarily bad, they may just be stupid. It's probably the case of the guy in the O.P.. It's also probably the case of the guy who lended a flat to the terrorists who slaughtered people in Paris years ago. He found them a bit strange, but after all, "it wasn't his business". Such people can be scared and must be scared to get involved in anything related to terrorism.
  4. The old trick of the sentence isolated from its context..... 😁 “As the US Attorney for the District of Delaware, my charging authority is geographically limited to my home district,” Weiss says. “If venue for a case lies elsewhere, common Departmental practice is to contact the United States Attorney’s Office for the district in question and determine whether it wants to partner on the case. If not, I may request Special Attorney status from the Attorney General pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 515.” “Here, I have been assured that, if necessary after the above process, I would be granted § 515 Authority in the District of Columbia, the Central District of California, or any other district where charges could be brought in this matter,” he added. https://nypost.com/2023/07/01/hunter-biden-prosecutor-david-weiss-maintains-he-had-ultimate-authority-over-probe/
  5. 1 Yet I have provided a source quoting the interviews of witnesses contradicting the so-called whistleblowers. Unlike you, I don't link documents which don't support my claims. You did not provide any evidence the WB testimony alerted the Judge, as It's not true. Same as as the 'sweetheart deal' fable. 😁
  6. The so-called IRS whistleblowers have been later contradicted by other witnesses....
  7. It's funny how MAGA posters have avoided this thread after they understood it happened under Trump! 😃
  8. "In their recent testimony, the other FBI and IRS officials in the October 2022 meeting have supported Weiss’s version of events on several key points of contention, particularly his allegation that Weiss said he was “not the deciding person” on whether to bring charges. “I do not remember – I don’t – he didn’t say that. In my recollection, if he would have said that, I would have remembered it,” Thomas Sobocinski, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Baltimore field office, told the committee. “I do not recall that ever being said,” said Darrell Waldon, who was previously Shapley’s boss as the IRS special agent in charge of the Washington, DC, field office overseeing criminal investigations. “I don’t remember him saying that,” said Ryeshia Holley, an assistant special agent in charge with the FBI, who added she thought Shapley may have been confused or misunderstood what transpired at the meeting." https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/19/politics/witness-testimony-disputes-irs-whistleblower-hunter-biden/index.html
  9. What a moron! 😃 Quote from the article: Seconds later, he continued, “Doc Ronny Johnson. Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor, and he said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history, so I liked him very much indeed immediately." As usual Trump bragged about what was actually his ignorance! He did the same about Orban! 🤣 “There’s a man, Viktor Orbán, did anyone ever hear of him?” Trump said, referring to the Hungarian prime minister. “He’s probably, like, one of the strongest leaders anywhere in the world. He’s the leader of Turkey,” https://www.politico.eu/article/trump-confuses-turkish-and-hungarian-leaders-orban-erdogan/
  10. Lol! They already have the official transcript. And it's not like the GOP would ever have edited a video from political opponents (I.e. Biden) in order to smear them! Oh wait! 😀
  11. Who was the Commander in Chief when it started (Trump) and who stopped it (the Biden administration)? 😀
  12. Not missing anything. It's not surprising that, as a Democrat, he had good relations with other Democrats.
  13. It's funny to see MAGAs are ready to defend any scumbag, as long as he belongs to their camp! 😅
  14. Trump was leaning Democrat before he found out there were much better scam opportunities on the Republican side.
  15. Deflection..... BTW, I did not claim that Jones had any exclusivity on diffusing fake news.
  16. Indeed! 😆 At one point, Trump discussed his plan to bring the corporate tax rate down from 21 percent to 20 percent. “When asked why he chose 20, he said it’s a round number,” Sorkin said, which prompted Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski to let out a long, loud sigh.
  17. Jones was ready to say anything, including smearing parents of dead children, in order to make money from the gullible and nutters.
  18. The Republicans do that because they failed to prove that the 2020 election was rigged. So they do 'as if' the election was rigged, as a lane attempt to substantiate the Big Lie. And MAGA fans buy into it.
  19. But the U.S. has a Presidential regime, which means that the President has special powers. There are also other Presidential regimes outside G7, and they likely have a direct election system, such as in Brazil.
  20. The only country with a Presidential regime is France, and it's a direct election. The other G7 countries have a parliamentary regime.
  21. Indeed! From the article! "Muller allegedly told the agent that should Trump win the 2024 election, FBI officials would be thrown in jail and that if he appeared to lose the consequences would be even worse. “You can steal another election and the guns will come out and we’ll hunt you c---suckers down and slaughter you like the traitorous dogs you are,”
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