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Everything posted by candide

  1. I am not selectively picking any year. I was initially replying to another poster who was bragging about the level of inflation in 2019. That's why my posts were about 2019. There was nothing to bragg about as inflation was higher than in comparable countries. After that, Iwas mainly reacting to the use of "booming economy". 2.5% growth is not "booming". It's a moderate growth, which the U.S. already had under Obama. I don't disagree about the relation between growth and inflation. Trump tax cuts sustained growth a bit, created a bit more inflation, and lead to a debt increase. The Biden administration increased the debt level significantly, but at least it obtained a significant growth compared to other comparable countries, who also increased their debt level. Cumulative growth compared to pre-pandemic level (2019) ร—2 compared to Canada, ร— 2.7 compared to the eurozone, and x8 compared to UK (the other poster was also bragging about UK). Then it's likely a question of choice. More growth (jobs) vs less deficit (debt). The next President (whoever is elected) should have to reduce the deficit and at least stabilize debt. Not sure it would be the case and I don't see how Trump's program (i.e. tax cuts) will reduce inflation and debt. If he's elected, Trump will likely inherit a growing economy and a good job situation (if nothing unexpected happens before that).
  2. I replied to: "is it okay to have a man in seat who do not know what he signing when handed papers he most probaly do not read through and understand? "
  3. "Trump is too aggressive"! Oh dear!๐Ÿ˜€ He's a dumbass, a conman and a convicted felon!
  4. Which rebound? From 2.4% growth rate to 2.5% growth rate? ๐Ÿ˜€
  5. You're talking about Trump, obviously. Biden has blips, but he's not stupid, even now. Having said that, it would be better if he dropped off.
  6. Trump surfed on Obama's good economic trends he inherited from him. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/data-show-trump-didn-t-build-great-economy-he-inherited-n1237793
  7. Well, in this case, it will likely be a win by one of those parties who "work for the interests of the public and the average citizens". So we'll see whether they will be able to solve the country's problems they are denouncing during their campaign, or not. Or worse....
  8. Lol! Every time someone from the right-wing commits an offense and gets caught, it's always the same whining: witch hunt, weaponized DOJ and similar B.S.
  9. It's not about the law, It's about the evidence needed. Apparently, assaulting the Capitol during the certification of the election results in order to "stop the steal" (๐Ÿ˜ƒ) is not considered as enough evidence of obstruction by the SC. And they are still guilty of breaking into the Capitol (and other charges, if any).
  10. Life was better everywhere in the world, before Covid, including in the U.S. Nothing to do with Trump. BTW, you're not going to compare a few months of Covid under Trump, who started 2020 with zero Covid deaths, with three years of Biden's mandate, who started his mandate in the middle of a Covid wave inherited from Trump. ๐Ÿ˜€
  11. More data free statement. Growth was a bit higher in the U.S. but no "booming economy" in 2019. https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDP_RPCH@WEO/ADVEC/WEOWORLD/USA/EURO On the other hand, check the difference in 2023....
  12. Lol! It's you who made a claim. If you make a claim, show the data.
  13. I find it funny that Brexiteers, who are claiming they left the EU because it's allegedly becoming a federal State (among other reasons), are also complaining that the EU political system is not like a Federal State system (I.e. with an elected President of Europe).
  14. Not trying anything, that's what the distinguished economists appointed by the OECD and the UK House think it is relevant to consider. ๐Ÿ˜€
  15. Tell that to all economists who are using it as a major indicator! ๐Ÿ˜€ Very interesting comment. How does it apply to the U.S. economy? Tell us whether investment and accumulation of wealth are keeping pace with population growth, or whether the mix of assets is consistent with a countryโ€™s development goals, in the case of the U.S? Or is it that you play smartass but don't know what you are talking about? ๐Ÿ˜€
  16. Same under any President, including Trump. There has never been such a difference in performance under Trump, now U.S. GDP growth is ร—3, 4, up to 8, compared to other developed economies. In particular in UK which you proudly cited! ๐Ÿ˜€ To be honest, it's not all due to public policies, but it shows MAGA claims that Biden's economy is a disaster is complete B.S.
  17. That's what economists do. If you don't like it, complain to the OECD and the UK House economic studies department, troll! ๐Ÿ˜€
  18. You're starting again with unproven numbers. Broken record. I have linked a reliable source (IMF) discrediting these numbers. BTW, why UK? Because GDP growth has been 15 times lower than in the U.S. during the last published 4 quarters? ๐Ÿ˜€
  19. You are becoming pathetic. China is a developing economy. Developing or emerging economies have higher growth rates than developed economies. That's why they are called "developing" economies. ๐Ÿ˜€ The U.S. performs much better than comparable countries (i.e. G7 and eurozone). There was never such a difference in performance under Trump. It was quite average and similar to other developed countries. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  20. The economy was doing well everywhere pre-Covid. Not much to do with Trump. That's a lame argument.
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