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Everything posted by candide

  1. Any Wikipedia article is not better nor worse than the sources it uses. That's why it's always necessary to look at the sources. There is no good or bad Wikipedia " in general" as authors are different. In this particular Wikipedia article, the sources are legit and seem to confirm what is written in the WP article ( well, for the parts I checked)
  2. No conjecture. Republicans died more than Democrats from Covid after the vaccine was available, because a lower percentage of them got vaccinated. To be honest, Trump did not directly tell them they should not get vaccinated. He told them to do what they want, while MAGA outlets were diffusing anti-vaccine propaganda. Republicans' excess death rate spiked after COVID-19 vaccines arrived, a study says https://www.npr.org/2023/07/25/1189939229/covid-deaths-democrats-republicans-gap-study https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-in-republican-counties-have-higher-death-rates-than-those-in-democratic-counties/
  3. Interesting. Do you have a source about it? How long between the time he contacted the FBI, and the time they came to seize the laptop with a Grand Jury subpoena?
  4. Here's Jim Jordan's tweet. You can easily see on the second page that he put together two unrelated parts of the transcript (one being from the part I posted before). Lol! It's so obvious. The loser is not even able to edit it properly. 😀
  5. I guess your memory is Jim Jordan's tweet editing the testimony. 😀 No 404 about this link, I just checked. Plenty of other articles available, too.
  6. What I have mentioned are facts. BTW very damning about what, exactly?
  7. What a joke! Jim Jordan was caught lying about it by editing the testimony! 😀 Here's the unedited part of the testimony in which Morrel replies to Jim Jordan. https://www.politicususa.com/2023/04/21/jim-jordan-just-got-busted-with-evidence-of-his-hunter-biden-lies.html/amp
  8. No. Agents represent their administration, not ex-agents. And it did actually present earmarks of Russian disinformation: laptop content brought up by Giuliani, known for his contacts with Russian agents in Ukraine; copy of laptop given only to the NYPost shortly before the election, so no one could check it, etc.... It looks like Giuliani had done all he could to suggest it was a Russian disinformation. 😀
  9. Ex-agents and what they wrote is not what you claimed they said in your previous post.
  10. Nash! He will be protected by the Aryan brotherhood. Welcome dear brother!!
  11. I already commented about it. They are not sued for reporting to the police, they are sued for diffusing the whole content to the public.
  12. That's not the problem. He has the right, and even the duty, to inform the police, as in the case of Gary Glitter. Hunter doesn't not sue them for reporting to the police, he sues them for diffusing the content to the public. They have no right to diffuse the whole content of the laptop, in particular the most personal parts. Even if he may own the laptop, he doesn't own the content.
  13. I did not miss the fact that the comparison used was irrelevant to Hunters case.
  14. Sure! Lend me your computer and I will put the content on the Internet! 😃
  15. MAGAs are so pathetic! They cannot get Joe Biden because they have no evidence, so they lash out at Hunter! Kind of consolation prize... 😆
  16. Why? They stated that It “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” It was true. Who could have trusted a copy of a laptop content, provided by Giuliani (😃), known for his contacts with Russian agents in Ukraine, a copy that no one except the NYPost could obtain and check.
  17. Blah blah again. No one gave money to Biden and got classified information in exchange. And there is no classified information in the book. You are completely incohent. 😀
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