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Everything posted by candide

  1. I did not make it up. This is my understanding of how it would work, based on precedents of convictions for much lower offenses (ex. Sarkozy's conviction). You may have another understanding, of course. https://www.npr.org/2023/04/03/1167683121/trump-indictment-us-rare-other-countries-prosecute-leaders https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65181338 https://www.axios.com/2022/08/26/countries-where-former-leaders-jailed-charged Please stop the mail in voting B.S. There is no evidence of large fraud because of mail in voting.
  2. The nsurrection act, in particular the second and third sections, allows allow the President to use the military within the United States without the request of state representatives.
  3. I must admit that I don't have any example to show as it never happened in other western countries. I don't know of any comparable case of a President or PM, calling someone in charge of supervising elections to find him 11,700 votes, plotting fake electors lists (well, there's probably nothing equivalent), sending a mob to the Parliament (I.e. Westminster palace, Bundestag, Assemblée Nationale) and then watch it on TV for hours without asking his fans to stop assaulting the Parliament at once, and without ordering at once that security forces stop the assault.
  4. Absolutely. It's kind of you to remind us. https://theconversation.com/trump-white-house-goes-300-days-without-a-press-briefing-why-thats-unprecedented-130164
  5. Exactly. In any other western democratic country, Trump would be already convicted for trying to overturn a legitimate elections.
  6. B.S. Pushed by Trump's DOJ, by every court (including Republican judges) which examined lawsuits, by every audit and recount (including GOP partisan audits), by (mainly GOP) people and committes supervising elections, by Trump's former aids, and even by Fox News which officially acknowledged it lied about it! 😃 And you still believe this ridiculous B.S. 4 years later! 😅 Kraken anyone?
  7. A smart advisor probably told him It's safer to schedule the implementation only after the election... 😁
  8. Well, according to the numerous conspiracy theories evoked by MAGA propaganda, Biden seems to be almighty.... 😄
  9. More conspiracy theories. So the U.S. and other NATO countries wanted to sacrify Ukraine so that they could impose economic sanctions on Russia. 😆 Those NATO countries must have been really stupid and incoherent, as they had significantly invested in Russia, and were relying on it for their energy supply. They must have been even more stupid as Putin was doing the job for them, keeping Russia's GDP at the level of Spain or Italy (depending on the price of energy). Putin's failure is perfectly illustrated by the fact that Russia's GDP was around at the same level in 2022 as it was in 2012. And there were few economic sanctions during this period of time. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/RUS/russia/gdp-gross-domestic-product
  10. The best post-Covid recovery compared to other developped (G7, EU) countries. Best economic petformance among comparable developped countries compared to pre-Covid level, with similar level of inflation. Currently scoring several times better than other developped countries, record energy production and export, low unemployment... https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  11. I may be wrong, but I don't think Biden will try to overturn the 2024 election! 😃
  12. He just tried to overturn the result of a confirmed free and fair election! 🤣
  13. Someone who believes that Trump won the 2020 election talking about Kool Aid! That's rich! 😃
  14. A rejected and politically motivated lawsuit is not a proof of anything. There is evidence that Trump knew it was B.S. As to the rulings against some of the changes, it is also not a proof of fraud in the 2020 elections. I see you are still.l drinking the 2020 rigged election fairy tale. 😃 the conservative judges at the S.C. declined to cover Trump up on this particular matter.
  15. His own DOJ said it was B.S. and when fake electors lists were sent, all the lawsuits and recounts had failed. Trump is a liar.
  16. Another sign of incompetence! They are not even able to cheat properly! 😀
  17. Now that the GOP committee has failed miserably, should MAGA fans stop wasting their time with debunked conspiracy theories and false equivalences? 😀
  18. Presidents have immunity for official acts only. I doubt that calling to ask to find him 11,700 votes or plotting fake electors' list can be considered as official acts. 😀
  19. "Le Pen's National Rally and the NFP-Left will form a coalition" 😀 What are you on?
  20. It was expected that they would find a way to delay the trial. It will take time to sort it out.... As Roberts stated: "The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official. The President is not above the law."
  21. It's a joke. Plenty of sites are providing exactly the same service and have taken Megaupload's previous market (not to mention torrent-based P2P).
  22. If only for his own health, he should drop out of the race. This is too much pressure for his age.
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