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Everything posted by candide

  1. Obviously they have not received instructions about this topic yet! 😀
  2. So: - the first miracle witness, Luft happened to be a bail didger, arms trafficker, and foreign agent for China; - the second miracle witness Smirnov, made a false report and has got his information from Russian operatives; - and now the last miracle witness, Bobilinski gas been caught lying under oath. Why do I see a pattern there,? 😀
  3. Back to topic! I guess this time our MAGA posters won't claim that the elections has been rigged! 😀
  4. Gag time! 😆 “I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing. They were doing it because it’s election interference and then I got indicted a second time, and a third time and a fourth time. And a lot of people said that that’s why the Black people like me because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against,” https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/23/politics/trump-biden-racist/index.html
  5. 1. Isn't the information from the media about Navalny controlled by the government? 2. Do people feel secure enough to give their real opinion on Putin or Navalny?
  6. The same who is POTUS while It's not degenerating into an all out war?
  7. Bobulinski, another of Comer's fav witnesses caught lying under oath! 😅 Ex-Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson says photo refutes Biden impeachment witness's claims https://www.yahoo.com/news/ex-trump-white-house-aide-144700037.html
  8. Sure Kiev was never an objective, and that's why Putin attacked it!😅 Russia has more manpower and basic weapons, but advanced weapons can compensate for a lack of manpower. One of the main reason Ukraine was not successful is that a significant share of the pledged weapons was delivered too late (and still not all delivered yet).
  9. The neocons were war mongerers. Have you not followed the news? Who's currently blocking funds for Ukraine, if not the GOP Trump/Putin wing? If Biden hadn't withdrawned from Afghanistan, you would probably have called him a war mongerer. As you mentioned, the American people wanted out, and Biden was stuck by Trump's deal. Considering how badly the withdrawal had been prepared under Trump, it is certainly no clue that Trump could have done better.
  10. Putin can think that as long as the GOP under Trump's lead is able to oppose helping Ukraine. It seems you forget that it's Trump who negotiated the peace deal with the Taliban. Xi and Putin certainly don't think Biden is weak. But Putin thought the U.S. was week because it was divided. He was partly right or partly wrong depending on how you look at it.
  11. And failed to conquer Kiev and other places thanks to Biden and NATO. And now advancing again thanks to the help of the Putin/Trump wing in congress! Hard to believe you don't know this! 😀
  12. How can an adult not know that Trump is Putin's bitch,! 😀
  13. I replied to a post about Western governments. 😀
  14. The Russian leader previously voiced Biden as his choice of the two candidates as he is “more predictable” than President Trump. --Putin: ‘I Was Absolutely Right’ About Biden Sure! He prefers the guy who is opposing his invasion rather than the one who sees no problem in Putin invading Ukraine and has threatened to leave NATO (and also has already been fooled by Putin before). Oh! And everybody knows Putin always tells the truth! 😀
  15. I think it was also to remind Trump that Putin is the boss, in case Trump would forget about it.
  16. Sure! And the Justice system is independent, and the information from the Media is not controlled by the government! 😀
  17. Really? I thought making claims without being able to support them was immature.
  18. Sure! They support Putin. And that's why he regularly jails his political opponents (when he doesn't kill them 😀).
  19. It's been a long time since WW2 😀 So currently not governed by Nazis. So Putin is lying?
  20. They were not aware of his pedigree at that time. Anyway, Putin is claiming that Ukraine is governed by Nazis. True or not?
  21. So no blaming Biden any more for the economy? That's new!
  22. Says someone constantly blaming Biden because of an economic cycle! 😀 Major developped economies are similarly affected by the same cycles (conditions, circumstances)). However, some economies do better than others during the same period of time.
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