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Everything posted by Chongalulu

  1. In those circumstances,as I value my life (health) rather more I’d have got the driver to pull over (pretend you’re going to vomit or something) get out and make your own way back. Such risk is not worth taking for avoiding embarrassment
  2. That’s the mindset of lacking foresight. In virtually all instances good maintenance SAVES money in the long run through preserving longevity and preventing more costly repairs . I was once told (regularly changing)good quality oil is the cheapest mechanic of all.
  3. Although I could accurately say 91% of those killed in road traffic accidents WEREN'T wearing a seatbelt.. ????
  4. No,one is a conscious and deliberate choice to kill ,the other causing death and injury by mindless stupidity and lack of foresight.
  5. Google average IQ by country and PISA educational tables rankings for the main answer. The unbuckled person in the rear seat is a significant danger to you in front too…although you’d have little chance of getting them to understand that bit of physics . As the driver I simply firmly say "Kem cut" to everyone before setting off,not leaving until complied with.
  6. One thing several hundred WON'T be after Sonkran… "Alive and kicking" ???? ????
  7. Bet them 200 baht helmets have save thousands of lives over the years. What should they pay for a helmet 2000 ? Would be even less people wearing a helmet. if you stuff the price up. Cheap helmets for cheap heads. Mine cost equivalent of 20,000 baht. It’s only got to work once…and better still if it never has to.. ????
  8. Kindest thing I can say is "Ill informed twaddle". You are far more likely to end up a "non functioning paraplegic " resulting from a helmetless accident. Yours is a specious argument. This culture sees 25,000 people killed and another million + injured on the roads vs a similar sized population in the uk averaging around 1700 RTA deaths per year.Do you use the same Rhetoric about seat belts? You really ought to research some basic statistics to inform yourself better and avoid further embarrassment.
  9. Recently returned from Phuket. Amazed at the number of farangs ,where wearing helmets in their own country would be de rigeur ,hooning around helmetless /shirtless as though the laws of physics (and their insurance!) would suddenly be suspended during their holiday. Morons! ????‍♂️
  10. I still think helmets contains a functioning ???? brain inside has no substitute…
  11. They can ultimately only effectively police by consent. I do not need a policeman to make me wear an Arai full face helmet and gloves,even for a 1 kilometer journey and if a light/indicator goes out it’ll be fixed within the hour - self preservation is my only motivation. If Thais aren’t motivated by that then their cheap heads deserve the impact with the road coming their way…
  12. it also amuses me at the sheer ignorance and underatanding of what people are reading care to explain what you think is going on here that only you are getting It also amuses me how when people are embarrassed by what’s been pointed out they often dig the hole they’re in even deeper with a blustering, incoherent rant. Someone nearby seems to be fitting that description rather closely,eh smedly…? ????
  13. It always amuses me how some think that on line scammers are sitting at a computer in the same country where the scam is targeted ,undisguised and just waiting for the police to swoop.
  14. A crowdfund to cover her 5000 baht fine would yield a return orders of magnitude more than that sum…especially if she repeated it! ????
  15. Concur with the sentiment,although there was that 'morality police force' who killed a girl for a badly worn head scarf .. ???????? . ????
  16. Did they have the same effect on you though ? Go on,be honest..it’s an entirely confidential answer..I swear..
  17. Not personal experience. As I said, "I imagine . . ." Then You have a vivid imagination! ????
  18. I hope the tsunami doesn’t make things worse,I’m already unsteady negotiating some slippery mossy steps on the beach! ????
  19. She’ll believe you… as she did with me too… ????
  20. Frequently you have stopped breathing before completing the crossing of the road… ????
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