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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 13 hours ago, jackh said:

    How great it is! Trump going for a grand slam as soon as the old lady drops next. The face of govt will be changed for a loooong time to come. Oh Happy Days are here again!  MAGA



    Finally a chance to all them faggots and negros and them women- folk back in their places!

    Full speed ahead, back to the 50's, when a man was still a man and decent white people could own someone!

    >sarcasm off<


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  2. 17 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Ah, Yes! All due to the new charter of last year, which people weren't allowed to say anything bad about, before it got voted in. I wonder if any of the local folk are starting to wake up to the fact that they have been robbed way worse, than by any of the preceding politicians, because rights should be considered the number one priority, and they are vanishing one by one..

    Many in my office, were among those whistleblowers, that followed that crook, Suthep!

    They all see nothing wrong with the current state of affairs!

    So...no...no one is waking up to anything!

    They have their som tum and their Saengsom!

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  3. 53 minutes ago, Fish Head Soup said:

    Send them to Germany, the EU's migrant clearing house.


    How long did you have to "think", before you came up with this clever comment!


    I don't believe in hell and karma and all that...though, I wish I did!

    Then I could hope, that you and your ilk, come back in the next life as an oppressed, refugee, minority, stateless, homeless, devoid of nearly all human rights and ridiculed by a-holes on a web- forum, who have no empathy for anyone, except themselves!


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  4. 2 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

    No, she didn't throw a temper tantrum like a child, she didn't break any windows, she didn't throw rocks or fruit, she didn't light anything on fire or chant mindless phrases  like snowflakes do.

    She politely got up and left.

    Nice try. You get a gold star for participation though.

    ...and a few moments later, sent out a self- righteous tweet (the "I am always polite to everybody" - BS!), from her official, government tweet account!



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  5. 21 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    So anyone in the public eye, in your opinion, can be refused service, based on how the person providing the service judges their character?


    So if she happened to be black, Muslim or Jewish, lesbian, or disabled that would be ok as long as it was only on her perceived character?


    Gonna get interesting with people justifying and encouraging character based prejudice based on political affiliation.


    "We didn't ask them to leave because they were black gays, they had a Hilary is innocent badge on and we don't serve her supporters!"

    Yes, yes and yes!

    Try getting into nightclub, wearing the wrong clothes!

    You can be a really nice guy, charitable, friendly...you will not get in!

    On the other hand: if I am a known trouble maker, I might be complimented out of any establishment!


    Yes- you can refuse any service to any gay, black, jew, disabled...as long as you don't do it BECAUSE that person is black, gay, jewish or disabled!

    I know some gays and I used to work in a disabled- facility: some of these guys are just @-holes and I wouldn't mind if they would be shunned by restaurants!


    ...and yes, to the last one,if you so wish!


    Did we clear that now?

    You could do it and you should be ALLOWED to do it!

    The question if you SHOULD actually do it...not mine to answer!

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Go and ask him what laws the viewers broke .

    Ask him to tell you which laws were broken .


    Oh dear!

    Did you move to Thailand last week?

    Are you ACTUALLY telling me, you have not enough fantasy/ experience, to even imagine, that the RTP is making up $41t for various reasons, one of them being laziness?

    Another one being, one or two "high- up's" in the viewing crowd, who are a) untouchable or b ) payed an significant amount, to let this investigation end, before it began?

    You can not even in the slightest, imagine, that this" they broke no laws" is just made up crap?


    There must have been quiet a few people, watching this filth happening and NONE OF THEM filed or recorded it?


    How naive are you?


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  7. 3 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Yes but i fail to see what this has to do with that, to suggest that the police only goes after foreign criminals is laughable because it does not explain why jails are full with Thai criminals. That was what the poster said with racist statement. 

    They are full of THAI- criminals, because we are in THAILAND!

    The poster was using hyperbole to make a certain point.

    Get over it!

  8. 15 hours ago, sanemax said:

    That would be further investigations though .

    We are talking bout this crime and the reason why the viewers were not arrested and prosecuted for viewing this crime and thats because they broke no laws.

        Hopefully the Police will track the viewers down and investigate them for any other crimes that they may have committed .

      Those would be other crimes and issues and investigations though , now we are talking about this specific crime in the OP

    So in Thailand it is no crime to watch a person raping a child and NOT contacting the police to report it?

    Just asking for a friend...:coffee1:


    Dude...you should sooo change your username!

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  9. 21 hours ago, NoMeAmes said:

    The root cause for the congestion in these 2 areas, I believe, is the lack of possible stations to switch between lines or between BTS/MRT. If there were another possibility for people to change from Sukhumvit line to Silom line, say, at Ekamai, then the Siam crowd might get halved, or just simply less. The more possibilities, the less crowded Asok and Siam will be. This is how other countries have done it. They make it possible for passengers to switch trains at multiple stops, depending on their destinations. 

    The problem is a lack of brain- power!

    Otherwise, I have no idea, how Saphan Taksin has been built as the eye of a needle, it now is!

    One train going in at a time, because the idiots didn't plan ahead for an extention across the river!

  10. "Funny" story from my Tops Daily: they have - in  a place, somewhere not too obvious in their shop - a sign, that says, you get extra points on your member- card, if you bring your own bag OR use one of the empty cardboard- boxes, they provide you with!

    So far...so kind-of good!

    But if you don't bring your own bag or don't use a box, because you just want to buy a hand full of things, they still manage to give you 3 plastic bags for 6 items!

    It is sooooo hopeless!

    (And please: I told them SO... MANY... TIMES, to put the stuff in one bag, because I don't care, if my toothpaste is in one bag with my yoghurt...It does not help!)

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