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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 2 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

    What is "sentencing for"? Punishment of a criminal activity?


    If ongoing soft punishments do not work (for e.g. recidivists) then you need a deterrent.


    I would think that the vast majority of 'murderers' are not recidivists (but there have been some mass murders happen) and being that murder is a capital crime in a largely civilized society, how do you deter people from this crime? Not by "soft" sentencing! There needs to be a deterrent in place - if it's not to be death penalty, what is it to be? Don't replace, what may be consider  'not good' option without another sentence being put in place. Sure, the death of an wrongful person is terrible but if the 'deterrent' effect has saved many other victims then isn't this worth it? Nothing is perfect, there will always be a price to pay, one way or another. Which way to you want?


    Hope that answers your final question.

    Capital punishment doesn't work as a "deterrent"- it never has.

    Other people -on this and similar threads- have dug out a bunch of statistics, that show the exact opposite!

    If states (in the US) or countries have handed out death penalties for decades, you would see a lower rate in crimes, punishable bey death, than in other states or countries.

    That's a no- brainer!

    But the opposite is the case!

    And that is only one point against the death- penalty.



  2. 1 minute ago, lvr181 said:

    And your viable alternative is? :whistling:

    First of all: I am discussing a subject- I don't need to present a solution for every of the world's problems.

    Secondly: alternative to what? To Thailand, having a corrupt and super- flawed justice system?

    I think all other alternatives are kind of self-explanatory.

    Most of all: no death- penalty as part of any justice- system!

    Or did I misunderstand your question?

  3. 46 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    And do you think that the UK and US or other Western States are doing that?


    Do you think that protecting its citizens equates to disarming them, and removing their right to self protection?

    Oh...oh...me...me...I can answer this!

    The Uk: sure!

    The USA: sort of...if they can stop the killing of unarmed black people and the gun- madness 

    Other Western states: like Germany, Canada, Australia, The Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries, Belgium, France etc.? Hell yeah!


    To your second question: what are you talking about?

    For example, Australia has "disarmed" its people and "removed their right to self protection"...and it worked out pretty fine.

    If I am not mistaken, there are more guns per capita in Canada, but not even a 10th of the shootings, so...what are you actually hinting to?

    In Germany, there are very strict gun laws, crime is rather low...


    So you might explain, what you are on about "removing the right to self protection"?!

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, ezzra said:

    There are no sure thing for everything we do in life, for the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, perpetrators of heinous crimes where it was proved to be a crime of disproportions and unnecessary cruelty, should be met with capital punishment, not only as a deterrent, bus as in the bible, an eye for an eye, a life for a life....

    Oooooh...the bible!

    Or as I call it "God's big book of bad ideas"!

    Since you follow the bible, your neighbors must live in a state of terror every Sunday, when you try to stone them, for working on the Lord's day!


    • Thanks 2
  5. The usually well- informed Thai- populace presents us with yet another, well worked out poll.


    Just a few points:

    - it is a myth, that it will cost the tax- payer less to execute a person, than keeping them in prison for life.

    - some countries (or states) have capital- punishment for decades. If it really keeps anyone from committing a crime, you would think, the violent crime -statistics would be close to zero, by now! Well...spoiler-alert: they are not! In fact, often the rate in violent crime is much higher than in states (or countries) without the death- penalty!

    - 4 out of 100 criminals, who got handed out a death- sentence in the USA, proved to be innocent. With some of them, it showed after they were executed! 4 is too many! 1 is too many! If you execute an innocent person, you are a murderer! Period!

    - in a super-flawed justice system like Thailand (one law for the rich, another for the poor/ totally corrupt police/ totally corrupt judges/ totally backwards laws etc), capital punishment is even worse!



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  6. 16 hours ago, BobBKK said:



    Anyway you support my argument it's a CHOICE not an actuality biologically. Ergo... they are men who like to be identified as a woman.

    Oh dear...

    a) Rachel Dolezal is a fraud! If this "identity crisis" was a real thing, wouldn't you think, there would be more than 1 case in 6 billion people on Earth?

    b ) No, I am NOT supporting anything you said! Being white and living a "black lifestyle" is a choice, because there is no scientific evidence, to prove the opposite.

    Being born male or female but identifying as the opposite happens all the time and - by now- is backed by scientific- studies.

    If I start listening exclusively to "black" music, dress as a rapper, call myself Jamal from tomorrow onwards- that is a choice of a lifestyle!

    Being transgender is NOT!

    End of story!

    No one is going through complicated hormone- treaties and painful, gender changing- operations, just for the fun of it!

    Not to speak of the social drama of being ridiculed by boneheads and dumb@$$es!

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  7. 1 hour ago, gintis0604 said:

    There is shootings almost every day in Sweden now. 

    Thanks to the stupid government's "open door politic".

    Hopefully the Swedish Democrats will have enough votes in September to be able to take action against the 100 000 illegal immigrants. 

    Please show me some prove of your statement.

    "shootings almost every day..."

    I will settle with the reports of shootings on any 3 consecutive days, you can find!

    Oh...let me guess: there are no reports, because the fake media is in on the conspiracy with the Swedish government, to cover up the wrong doings of illegal immigrants, to push an Islamic agenda...right?!

    But you know, that there is one shooting almost everyday, because some right-wing politician has teld you so...right?!

    Or because the uncle of colleagues fathers friend has heard about it from ...someone in a village, that is overrun by immigrants and forces blonde Swedish girls to wear Burkhas...right?!


    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    Well I am trying to get to the point, and many LBs insist they are 'she's',  that biologically they cannot be a 'she' but if they want to identify that way then why not and we can protect that right.


    If a white person wants to identify as black (and this has happened) it doesn't change their skin colour or the biological facts.

    Sorry, but this is a false equivalency!

    You don't get born in a "white" body and "feel black"!

    That just does not happen.

    You may adopt a "black"- lifestyle...although, I have no idea, what that might look like...but it is a LIFESTYLE and thereby a choice! 

    Again: no one wakes up one day and thinks "I feel kind of womany, today and I think, I will start to wear dresses and dwell in the joys of menstruation!"



  9. 23 minutes ago, rtr4 said:

    Do you follow the real Donald or some other account as i was not able to read the statement you mentioned.  I found infesting but not mention about animals. Or you a Fake news creator?  I would say Europe is infested with illegals too which will have more ramification over there then in us at the moment. Not in the long run.

    Post #27...enjoy your big glass of shut up- juice!

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    They still have the parts that define them as a woman. 

    I do support transgender and their unusual predicament. 

    But males that cut their penis off are not women. 

    And females that sew on a penis are not men. 

    An apple is always going to be an apple. 

    An apple can never be a banana. 

    People should just accept themselves for who they are and stop being a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. 

    They are forever in conflict. They should really be refered to as transgender people. 


    A) that was not the point you made! Not my problem!

    B) Apples and Bananas fall very short in the field of human psychology 

    C) There are things to the human psyche, that you (obviously) fail to understand or have no interest in - I find the later rather more disturbing, because being dumb is one thing. Being ignorant and simply don't care, a completely other story!

    D) "People should just accept themselves..." First: yeah...it is just that easy! People with depressions should also accept, that they are a little sad, sometimes! What's the big deal?! Second: THEY accept themselves! They are transgender women or men! YOU (and the hater crowd on this thread) don't!) 

    • Like 1
  11. "Kabinta sat in the front passenger seat while the other children sat in the bed of the truck along with a caretaker. However, Phichitra forgot the child was there when she arrived at the school and locked her truck at 7.30am. She assumed the girl would get out of the pickup by herself and got distracted after taking the five others pupils to class, according to deputy superintendent Pol Lt Colonel Sombat Wongwicha. "


    So let me get this straight:

    - she had to take care of the MASSIVE number of 6 children...

    - she loved the dead girl, like she was her own child...

    - she ASSUMED, the girl got out by herself...

    - she was DISTRACTED, by the other 5 kids....

    - she FORGOT the child was there (in the seat next to her)...


    I will say one thing: I don't wish on anybody, what she is going through now!

    One the other hand: 





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  12. I really don't understand the rampant homo- and transphobia on this thread!

    Or as Louis CK once said: "No one is being gay (or trans, I might add) at you!"

    So what do you care, how they live, what they identify as and what they want to be addressed at?

    And as long as you are not forced to interact with them (which you are not), why would you care?


    There is no dissent about the fact, that some jobs are not for women...men...or those who identify as either!

    But if that is not made clear in the job-description (Looking for a bearded male- model...etc), then every person is per se okay to apply, based on the qualifications!

    Of course, no one should be employed if there are more qualified candidates available- but also no one should be denied, if her/his qualifications are clearly good, just because of who they are or what/who they identify as.

    And yes: please be so clever and lie, if you are biased against anyone!

    Just think about, how you would think, if the company declined the candidate with the words "Sorry, we don't employ Negros or Jews etc..."

    Oh wait...I guess, some of you wouldn't even have a problem with that, because...values!?


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  13. 42 minutes ago, teatree said:

    This is a public forum.  If you want to have a private conversation then do so.  Otherwise, expect interjections in response to your comments.

    Thank you, teacher!

    I am expecting responses to my comments, but made it clear to a certain user (yesterday already) that I really don't care for an interaction with him anymore.

    And since I am not answering his dumb, insulting and bigoted comments anymore, I though, he could grant me the same courtesy with my intelligent, to the point comments!

    Guess, I was wrong!

  14. 11 hours ago, greenchair said:

    Definition of woman. 

    A person that produces ova or eggs. 

    He's not a woman. 

    He's a transgender man. 

    I refuse to buy into the madness. 

    So a person, who for some reason, can not bare children is - by your own stupid definition- not a woman!

    Many infertile women will thank you for that! 

    The only thing you refuse to, is "educating yourself"!

    Not surprising, though!

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