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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 26 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

    Now what is there after the King's Coronation that might be the next reason for an election delay...hmmm.

    A "bomb" going of somewhere and "luckily" not hurting anyone...

    A bunch of guns and "grenades" will be found somewhere near the place where a "red-shirt leader" once had a picnic...

    7 non- junta- fans stage an "uproar" outside of some government facility in Santa Elsewhere...


    Make your pick!

    • Like 2
  2. 19 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    Former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee, Sanders’ father, responded to his daughter’s tweet expressing his dismay.


    Aaaaawwww...ins't that nice!

    hateful daddy defends his hateful daughter!

    What are you trying to prove with this?

    That there are people who can not see the forest for the trees?

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

    it was made up by leftists who uses some "scientists" as an instrument to impose a false narrative. same as they created global warming hoax. scientists get grants, PhDs, jobs, and leftists get base to impose carbon quotas.


    its  not about discovery. discovery is the fact that can be scientifically checked. google "popper criteria" to know more.


    and "intersex" idea is just a term to convince a group of people that they are oppressed minority and therefore should vote for leftists (who call themselves democrats in the US)



  4. 38 minutes ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    With the cops admitting they are still looking for a second perpetrator, executing someone who could have been a key witness in that trial, if it ever happens, may have been a tad premature. You would also think that to break the moratorium on the death penalty here, they would have chosen a case that was absolutely cut and dried, which it sounds this one might not be.

    You mean, the cops probably fumbled this case, in killing a valuable witness?

    Surely, you must be mistaken... ?

    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, Justfine said:

    Yours is narrow minded. Incredibly so. You want to impose your subjective views onto others and ignore biology.



    Okay...let's start with the mere basics: do you understand the meaning of the words "narrow" and "wide" or "broad"?

    You can not start from an opinion that refuses to see more than one side or perspective and call that  "broad" and call everyone, who can see more sides and perspectives as "narrow".

    Do you understand that?

    Also: do you understand, that there are other things at play here then "biology" OR that "biology" is really a broader (sic!) field, then what you make it out to be?

    Do you accept, that there are psychological aspects to a humans personality?

    Do you get, that not only your loved "biology", that plays into the building of a personality?

    Would you be willing to accept "biological" or "psychological" experts' opinion on different subjects or is it just "I don't FEEL this is right, so it can not be right"?

    These are the basics. If your answer to  one or more of these questions is "no", then ...please...enjoy the Friday Happy Hour and let the adults continue this discussion! 

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  6. "The meeting will provide a forum for political parties to air their opinions regarding the election and related matters of concern while the government side will take this opportunity to make clarifications regarding the parties’ questions and to forge better understanding between the two sides."


    Oooooh, this is gonna be good!

    Just read that a few times and let it slooooooowly sink in!


    • Haha 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    I f you decide that you are not willing to serve blacks or muslims or any other religion or race, then i will be your choice.
    In this case it´s better to put up a sign outside, due to that you are fair to your customers before they sit down.
    They would only had a bad experience and bad service anyway.
    On the other hand, it´s not a smart business move. A business like that will not live long, but as an owner it will still be your choice.

    So just to be clear: all you have to say to this is a) it is the (restaurants) owners choice and so be it and b ) it is not a smart BUSINESS move. But overall, I guess you are okay with it! Free enterprise and all that.....


    8 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    Well then another supporter poster used transgender male for a male that had identity issues. 

    So now I'm confused. 

    So the most suitable thing for me would be transvestite which is the term for a man that wears dresses. Who knows these days what to address them as. Hence the problems hiring them. Because people just don't know how to address them. And they get so offended when someone gets it wrong. It's a nightmare these days trying to remember all the new names, and correct words. So I'm just going to offend people. 

    You're black ,you're fat, you are a man in a dress, you are a woman with a beard. 


    ...or a poster without empathy and the willingness to educate herself! "Uuuuh...it is so hard for ME, so I just better go around, being a heartless, uneducated pri$#!"

  8. 12 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    But all the bloody do-gooders in the world say that the poor prisoner is rehabilitated and should be released back into society so that they can commit their heinous crimes again, crimes like murder, rape, assaulting the elderly while robbing them and then there is the child sex offenses. How could anyone want a convicted child sex offender be allowed to walk the streets of this earth to be able to prey on defenceless little children once they have been convicted of this ultra heinous crime.

    Only the prisoner has rights, the victims have nothing. It is time that the victims have the rights.

    Okay..."all the do- gooders" could point you to statistics, pointing out that Norway has a very small number of repeat- offenders.


    Because their prison system is set on rehabilitation.

    So it actually works IN GENERAL!


    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I think you just made that up.

    Thai transgender women prefer to be called trannies?


    There is no way that is true.

    As far as western transgender women, my understanding is that some of them take that as a slur and others do like the term.


    But it would be impolite to use that term in the company of a transgender woman without knowing their feelings. Best to use transgender women unless you know. 

    Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    These guys don't care, if they make $4!t up or offend anybody or what is polite or best for transgenders, as long as they can feel butch and put others down!

    We are (unfortunately) wasting our time, trying to talk sense!

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

    Whatever you say, think or believe because you prefer Ladyboy's they are men biologically who choose to behave, identify and act like women (which is their right). But you cannot make a Banana into an Apple. 

    ...and obviously, you can't turn a bigoted knucklehead into a thinker!


    Again: "choose" is the term in question!

    They don't "choose" anything!

    You don't "choose" to be white or black or heterosexual!

    Also you don't "choose" to identify as a woman, if you are transgender!


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  11. 37 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    Calling a man a lady boy also shows predict and ignorance. 

    They are not ladies and unless they are under 18 they certainly aren't boys. The correct term is transgender man. Tranny is also accepted as a shorter version. 

    They are not called lady boys in any other country. 

    And for good reason too. Most Tranny are very accepting of themselves. They know they are neither fully male nor fully female. You just can't go through life trying to be an apple when clearly you are a banana. 

    Fat people are fat. 

    Black people are black. 

    Transgender are transgender. 

    Stop being offended for goodness sake. 

    Oh boy...they are called "ladyboys" in may other countries...mostly by THEMSELVES! 

    As they do here in Thailand, if you ever have a closer look on dating- sites and social networks.


    So much for this brilliant piece of comprehensive posting! 


  12. "Thai women do this....Thai women do that..."

    There is no "golden rule"!

    I was going out with a bunch of respectable women with decent jobs!

    Some made a big fuss, bringing her girlfriend along, 2 or 3 times before going on a date "alone"...and a couple absolutely "put out" on the first date, after we've been chatting for  some time, online!

    Thailand is entering the 20th (!) century slowly and all this " a good Thai- woman (what ever that is!) doesn't do this or doesn't wear that..."- rubbish, is dying out more and more!

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