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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 3 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

     Perhaps gun laws are not the magic bullet we are being told? Is it possible criminals would not adhere 100% to gun laws? Food for thought.


    " It is illegal for a civilian in Sweden to carry a firearm, unless for a specific, legal purpose;such as hunting or attending shooting ranges"



     Now, followers of the real situation in Sweden will be heartened to know that help is possibly on the way for the poor native Swedes. Finally, enough of them have twigged to the reality of what is happening to their previously peaceful country. Sweden Democrats are now polling no1 party in Sweden and an election will be held in September. Fingers crossed for an end to the madness.



    Yeah...1 shooting with 1 casualty (bad enough, mind you) once in a blue moon, compared to 1 shooting with 1 casualty on an almost daily basis!

    Apples and oranges!

    I did not have breakfast today- guess I have an eating disorder! 

    • Like 1
  2. 39 minutes ago, BuaBS said:



    ATEP under the Obama administration also separated migrant families thousands of miles away from each other in many cases.

    But of course you don't hear about that.

    Yes you did (if you wanted to read! or listen) and many were outraged at the time!

    Although in this case, Trump really beats Obama, when it comes to quality and quantity...so to say!

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, johng said:

    Why should only foreign workers from those 3 countries be allowed to work legally in the 39 occupations forbidden to foreigners. ?

    surely if they allow non Thai then all non Thai from any country should be allowed...anyway I don't see them relaxing the 39 occupations  restrictions...look what happened recently with the

    "hair dresser revolt" ?

    As much as I understand what you are saying, I guess that these 3 nationalities are by far the best suited for these kind of "low paying jobs", as they might be able to speak the language.


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  4. 15 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    He was having a little dig at Kim , calling his missiles "cannons" , downplaying them .

    He wasnt making jokes about "concentration camps " and "starvation"

    You just said that to write something derogatory about Trump , no doubt you have called him a liar in the past , and here you are saying untrue things about him!!!!!!!

    Wow...you can not possibly be so thick!

    That Trumsters like you keep finding this bumbling fool "entertaining" and "straight forward" is one of the greatest mysteries to me!

    Okay...enjoy your chuckle about the brilliant jokes, Trump makes!

    Good day!

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    That is generally how people speak normally , informally.

    Down play things , with a bit of humour thrown in .

    Yes...I am really laughing myself to death, now!

    I somehow overlooked the humor in Nuclear Missiles, Concentration Camps and a starving population!

    I am so sorry...thanks for bringing the humorous side of all that to light for me!

    This is so very amusing!


  6. 37 minutes ago, atyclb said:



    anyone from nyc knows and recognizes trump style. it is related to the local culture, attitude, accent and should not be interpreted as adolescent or unintelligent.


    there are many many successful people in nyc that talk and have the same style, that yes can be perceived as abrasive


    obama is an intelligent person and an eloquent speaker but what were his achievements as president?



    i am a us lifelong registered democrat and great admirer of jfk

    Ooooh...I see!

    It's New York- culture to talk like an idiotic toddler!

    Good to know!

    • Haha 2
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