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Posts posted by DM07

  1. 31 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    So you are discriminating against child molesters then. 

    Because child molesters live on the fringes of society and their heart of hearts believe they are doing nothing wrong or unusual. That's why they can't be cured. 

    Don't they deserve their place in a job of their choosing ?

    Smokers, drug addicts, kiddy fiddlers, darth vader fanatics, gays, ladymen, alcoholics , Muslims, Christians, Jews, sadists, all live a different lifestyle. They shouldn't expect everyone else to follow their way. It's just not for everyone. 

    Trying to be funny?

    Try harder!

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, foxboy said:

    The way I see it.. it's the business owner being 'punished' for making staff choices based on his personal preferences and having the 'courage' to do so ?

    Yeah...like this upstanding citizen in the 'Murica, who was discriminated against and discriminated against his religious believes, and who rightfully refused to bake a cake for some faggots...right?!


    Oh...I forgot the ?...that indicates that this soooooo funny!


    • Sad 4
  3. 4 minutes ago, timendres said:

    Laws are generally ineffective and typically make matters worse, with some exceptions. What is needed is for good people to stand up and help change the hearts and minds of the people. When the peoples' hearts are right, laws are unnecessary.

    Nice and correct sentiment!

    Little question, though: have you read the comments on the last 4,5 pages on this thread...?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    I'm equating all criminals with the law. I also said robbery, financial crime etc etc. The sentence would reflect the use of violence or not. White collar crime is now punished severely especially in the US.


    These 'asylum seekers" are often purely economic migrants willing to break the law and then hoping to wangle asylum if caught. Or don't you think they're criminals?

    Some might be- most of them are not!

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

    Sessions: "If you cross the border illegally, your children will be separated from you."

    Illegal migrant: "Yeah right"

    *Crosses border*

    *Kids get separated from parents*

    Illegal migrant: "But, Drumpff!!!!  Muh kids!!!"


    You can't make this stuff up folks.  These people act like they're entitled to migrate to the US but hopefully they'll get the message.

    Ahm...actually, they are "entitled" to migrate into the USA!

    It's called "seeking asylum" and it can hardly be done from abroad!

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

    I refer you to my last post.

    I don't really get the point of the "economic immigrants"?!

    As if the situation, that made them want to become "economic immigrants" just fell from the sky!

    "We" and "our countries" often went into these same places, exploited them and when "we" were done, "we" "set them free", went home and left them, with their own economics in tatters, robbed of their resources and often without any plan for the life after.

    And I am not just referring to colonization!

    "We" laid the groundwork for this "economic migration", but "we don't want anything to do with the results of our policies!

    Because we got the best out of that situation- so #$%@ the rest! 

  7. 2 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

    Love, understanding and solidarity left the building a long time ago.


    It is now reached the stage where this '' Migration '' issue is threatening to collapse Governments.



    Seehofer has been on this for some time now- it is nothing new!

    He also tried to get his BS into the negotiations for the coalition, floated it before the last election.

    The CSU continues to "fish" on the far right wing!

    It is disgusting and despicable...but hardly new! 

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