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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. So, what are these 'minor news items', then? I'd like to know.
  2. OK - which of you is going to show this post to 'Bob's' wife'?
  3. Would that be T.Turner's Nutbush city?
  4. Now lets see the face...........
  5. Some people just can't keep their mouths shut can they? Some advice - you're not funny. The guy was asking a serious question. Stop trying to be clever!
  6. My wife has just turned 40 and she too is suffering from hair loss, and although to me it is minimal, to her, she is losing, 'a lot'. She has longish hair about shoulder length, maybe a little longer and I have said to her many times that if she were to cut her hair short, she would encourage growth. But while she has it 'trimmed', occasionally, she won't go for the short, 'Bob' style that many western women will adopt, simply because, a), her hair has 'always' been long b), because she believes people will think she is a 'Tom'. I try to encourage her to keep it short as I read somewhere, many years ago that when your hair, (Women, I am mainly referring to), is longer then the weight of their hair, hanging down is actually placing stress on the roots, not to mention the 'top knot' that many Thai women favour sometimes when working, or the swept back from the forehead fashion, also adopted by Asian women that stresses the roots as well. Yet I know she would look really great with short hair and very cute. But, as the saying goes, "You can take a horse to water - but you can't make the horse drink it", right? however, often repeat my advice for a short style. Maybe one day she will listen - but perhaps I am wrong - yes?
  7. Somebody needs to explore the meaning of the word, 'giant'! It's just a big creamy looking buffalo.
  8. Agreed! Do they honestly believe that the world doesn't know about Thailand's pollution problem? My daughter in UK mentioned it weeks ago. - it was splashed all over the news, nationwide!
  9. Everybody did watch the video and saw what you seem to have missed. It's no good you trying to downplay the entire incident - they were in the wrong. Tell you what - why don't you try it and see what everyone can see........... go on - rise out of your armchair and try it!
  10. I am English and I lived in Scotland for 7 years, but don't recall that Scots don't like us. You obviously don't know much about Scotland - I was even married to a Scots lady. My eldest daughter was born in Scotland. Stop watching trash like Mel Gibson's 'Braveheart' - he did the same with 'The Patriot' Neither are factually correct and Gibson has racist views about England - as have many others. We don't care. We like being English and we're not all drunken pigs as many nationalities are exactly the same! Pots and kettles!
  11. I'm just surprised that the American's name isn't Sacoulis! Causes an accident in a foreign country and then skips the country, condoned by the US government. Diplomatic immunity ......again?
  12. Wow! a couple of posts, an I-ta-lian-know-it-all, describing every foreigner her as though 'h'e, or is it a 'she' is aware of every older expat's physical appearance and sex habits, trounces into this forum, a Brit-hating spaghetti-eater, with no idea what he/she/it is talking about! Who are you? Are you the older-sexual-activity-policeman-checker-upperer? Why do you think Brits, but slightly less, the Germans, treat you so badly? Is it because you are so dreary? Opinionated about expats? They've all got bad teeth, bad breath, overhanging bellies? Pigging out on knob enhancers? Demeaning Thai women who associate with foreigners? What a gem you are! No wonder you are so lost, unhappy, bitter, twisted and sad. Italy is best for you old man - sob your heart out to your beautiful women there - they'll probably laugh at you - just as they did before you left the place!
  13. What do you do - hang them off your bell-end, then?
  14. Yeah - but this guy looks like he's about to blow the horse!
  15. Quite! Right slap bang after the 2 Swiss guys, The French Rolex guy and the 2 Netherlanders in the story posted above this - you decide to call out the Brits. Wonder where you 'originated', eh? Somewhere perfect? But of course - YOU are one of the 'good guys', yes? Awarded the PCM -for cleverness!
  16. Oh, such a clever play on words - well done you! Clever, clever boy! The world is amazed at your cleverness
  17. Better to have chained it up by the neck with a 12" chain - suspended 2 metres above the ground!
  18. Big deal. Clever, clever you!
  19. Why? I see that you failed totally to 'empathise' with the poor woman whose arm was nearly torn from her body by this wretched creature. Good to see you have your priorities right. Savage dog and owner 1st Victim - 2nd. I'm sure you deserve great applause!
  20. Do you make a habit of following old, balding Brits into the toilet? Why would you do that? Are you the 'Ex-wife checker-upper' to Thailand? What business is it of yours? What unpleasant little secrets do you have - we could all follow YOU into the bathroom, is that OK?
  21. Please advise us all - what would you expect us to do with it? Splatter it all over her? The sheets, the ceiling? She swallows it? Give it to the dog, the cat? Freeze it for female lollipops? Wipe it on the walls? Polish the cutlery with it? Enlighten us mongrels - please!
  22. Maybe, the best thing that can happen for Biden is that Trumpy gets immunity from the SCOTUS. Because if Presidents are immune to prosecution - Biden can personally and legally kill Trump in whatever manner he wishes - and be immune as well! Biden could then relinquish the Presidency - and the USA would be saved! Yes?
  23. But nothing nice to say about the old Thai guy, eh?. How petty and mean-minded can you get?
  24. This is one of the most heart-warming stories I have the pleasure to read in the last 20 years - here in Thailand. Well done to this determined, innovative and interesting guy. Well done to all those who supported him and made sure that his dream not only came true - but that they helped him to do it. Free of charge - accommodation and food. The look of happiness on his face is priceless!
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