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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. You're replying to a woman's experience of 2 Grab drivers. Your gender is 'unknown'. If you are a guy, your experiences late at night are going to be different from hers. If you are a woman, you would recognise her misgivings as a woman alone in a taxi late at night. So, fella - why not be a little more considerate, OK?
  2. So does Prayut and Prawit. Please tell me which one of the 3 are best - 'cos that's the choice.
  3. Great idea - lets keep Prayut and Prawit! Really?
  4. Click bait - I thought the same thing - ping pong shows - got excited for a moment!
  5. and the fog-horn voices! (Halo polite, naturally).????
  6. They loved him in CM and that isn't Isaan. your geography needs attention.
  7. What a crock of ****. I too was here in 2014, in fact, 2004 - now. I came here while Taksin was PM. Of course he was corrupt - but the common THAI people loved him. The military took that away. you obviously don't live here anymore so why is it important to you that the military run the country? This country needs change - democratically, not by stealth, guns and Generals.
  8. If a billion Chinese are eating bats - there can't be that many left. How many times a week do Chinese eat bats? That's 8 billion every month......
  9. Exactly. his first line should be, Take your <deleted> hats off in my office!"
  10. I find all this so laughable: A chinese businessman, (here legally)? is fleeced out of 10M baht Results in a trip to Chaeng wattana Immigration, and they pretty much know who they are"? Hmmn. It is a Major and an RTP NCO..... They are applying for an arrest warrant today. The major and his accomplice(s) don't follow the news/listen to the radio or watch TV -so they don't know? They will arrest him and them. If they are still in Thailand......... Nothing like a heads-up on your pending arrest, eh?
  11. It also appears that she is going bald as well!
  12. Very dry, very relevant and very necessary. Well said, sir!
  13. Both foreigners too. Sweden and Denmark - beware...... conspiracies will be rife!
  14. Surprisingly, her hair looks very nice - despite the contrasting colours. It's a very western style and it suits her and for her age, she's also quite attractive. It's her past that's being criticised, not her hair style. By the way, hellohello123 - do you actually have any hair yourself? Show us a photo for a laugh!
  15. I would love to see how you reacted to being slapped around a bit , handcuffed and humiliated whilst on holiday in a foreign country. Stupid opinion!
  16. Quote: :The red card system is part of a larger initiative aimed at promoting better behaviour among tourists. At the press conference, officials referred to a rise in bad behaviour among tourists in recent years, with incidents such as dangerous driving, riding a motorbike without a helmet, and not having the correct driving licence on the rise:. A further paragraph might read something like this: "The Brown envelope system is part of a larger initiative aimed at promoting better behaviour among Thai Nationals. At the press conference, officials referred to a rise in bad behaviour among Thai Nationals in recent years, with incidents such as dangerous driving, riding a motorbike without a helmet, and not having the correct driving licence on the rise". Now we understand the need for a Red card for Tourist. (Or do we)?
  17. Poking in Woking Pumping P*ssy gettin' his end away
  18. locate the victim to compensate him for the incident, adding that it has filed a complaint with Chana Songkhram police against its former guard. So, This guard had handcuffs and the copied line suggests that he is/was actually a police officer. He has been fired as a bouncer. What about the possibility that he is a serving BIB? Is he? Why hasn't he been sacked from there as well?
  19. I had this surgery here in Chiang Mai -8-9 years ago. I had both eyes done separately with about a year between each. (I was too cowardly to 'risk' both eyes at the same time). I checked with my doctor here in CM about my deteriorating vision - I was about 69-70 years old at the time. He recommended that I visit the eye specialist who operates very close to the moat in the south-East corner. the lady specialist extensively checked and appraised my eyesight and I had my first operation some weeks later. The cost then, if I remember correctly was 42,000 Baht. I had my right eye done first, (my worst eye) and the operation was carried out at Suang-Doc hospital on the Suthep Road. It was a painless and surprising procedure - I was awake the whole time and no discomfort whatsoever. I required some basic after-care, dark glasses for a few weeks, eye drops etc, and it was completed. When I returned for my check - I was amazed that my right eye was just a clear as my left eye had been. My second operation was a mirror of my first - and the same price. The lady doctor was superb and even now, my eyesight is quite clear at 78. I require glasses for reading and close computer work, but otherwise I don't need them and I continue to drive - without them. An excellent experience. My first port of call was the elderly doctor in the Loi Kroh Road. I have been his patient for some 25+ years, which included a number of back-packing years. I hoe this is of some help.
  20. He's not in Thailand. The article states he was arrested in Sweden. Do they have turd ticklers in Swedish jails?
  21. So, pray tell, which country of wonder, grace, sophistication and beautiful people were you vomited from? Please enlighten us all. After all, we British are all, 'a rough bunch' to be likened to pigs. Whatever country you originate from, I could use a much more disparagingly appropriate term of distaste. 'Flag eight', Northstart!
  22. Not all members, perhaps, I might add. I think it is unreasonable to mention the 'no ID' fact. How many people do you know who go out without money on them, sometimes contained in a wallet. The article fails to mention if he had money on his person and if you're riding an expensive machine as he was, wouldn't most people have reserve money on them? It is reasonable to speculate whether the guy had had money on him when the accident occured. This is a forum. Why get so 'offended' by what others write? But help yourself if you are offended by my comments, OK Don't forget your wallet when you go out .............!
  23. Yes .................... Hmnn .....................I wondered why that particular photo was displayed, daughter?
  24. Extremely attractive young woman, nervous about entering a Thai police station at 1am, being harrassed by 'x' number of police and you suggest she stands her ground at 1am in the morning - brilliant! Of course, 'had it been you', Guv - you would have had the police grovelling at your feet and 'Graaping' forgiveness, eh? She was a tourist for crying out loud - probably unaware of the rights and wrongs of Visas, etc - why imply the blame is on her for not defying them and standing her ground?
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