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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. Jumping Jeezes - many netizens need to look around. 2/3 of the population - regardless of age can be found sleeping anywhere - anytime. Most of them are young!
  2. I'm completely cr*p at math, but even I can see that 1.9m + 1.3m + 78K + 74K +73K does not equate to 12.46 million. It's a total of about 4million. Where did the other 8 million come from?
  3. Denial, denial, denial. Just what, exactly, was the bedridden, 78 year old doing, that was so bad that two of the world's most vicious and uncontrollable vermin example of the dog world,Would tear their way through to his room and savage him to death?
  4. Note: - 'Investigated by Engineers'. No mention of anything regarding Health and Safety..... Which doesn't appear to exist in Thailand. I feel so sorry for this woman. An accident that should never have happened. And at an airport as well!
  5. You don't. You can always gloss over, pass on and move to the next topic for your pettey and unnecessary whine. You are not the topic police. This is a forum. Most members find the topics and their replies informative, sometimes funny and occasionally, downright petulant and stupid. I am pondering over which of these categories I wish to place your post in.
  6. Quite right! All it takes for a good, brutal and repulsive dictatorship to succeed , is for international Democratic governments or weak or appeasement governments to sit on their well-oiled haunches - self-satisfied with their recent snuffling at the pig trough! Don't rock our hi-so money boat!
  7. So that's OK, then. No problems here in good 'ole Thailand - just a storm in a teacup........ Thailand still has 71,591,999 others left. Sorry, news in - 71,591,998 left. Sorry, another two - 71,591,996 Sorry, an...........
  8. Haven't read the previous posts, but in my last rented house I had rats from the small river/canal behingd the house. Lotus and all kinds of stores sell the square glue rat traps. They work a treat and I caught 4-5 within days of each other. You sprinkle bits of blue cheese a few drops of peanut oil, bits of pork - whatever. The traps cost about 40 Baht. The only downside is in the the morning; the rats are still alive and look at you with a pathetic glint from their beady eye - the one not stuck to the glue. Place a piece of square cardboard over them and kill them with a hammer blow to the head. It's quick. Then in the bin. I know this sounds unpleasant, but far more hygienic than rats in your home. No need to pay out thousands. You can also view simple rat traps that you can make yourself on YouTube
  9. Suggested caption for the photograph at the top of this post..... 'Commence Firing'!
  10. Has anyone noticed the post picture? It is the standard plastic plod, forever on duty. The arms of this one are detached from the body and hung elsewhere around it. Why is that posted as a lead-in to the story? Is he the only h'armless one in the whole RTP?
  11. Maybe, but: Surachet Hakpal stated that there was misconduct in the initial handling of the arrests, as the accused individuals were not taken to a police station in the local area; instead, they were taken straight to their superiors’ offices." It also makes you wonder why they were taken straight to their Superior's offices, doesn't it? Also maybe, To get their stories straight? Divert any investigation from those superior officers? Arrange to get other monies hidden away? The list is probably endless......
  12. Yes,. always - it is polite and friendly to do so. If it is not reciprocated, I have to consider whether they are shy, nervous or afraid to interact with foreigners. If I see that they are being rude and ignore with me, I make it clear I'm unhappy, walk out and never go back. The real question should be, do you present a smile when you enter any establishment? Surely it is good manners on everyone's part to commence pleasantries. I rarely have problems after 19 years here with multiple visits prior to that since 1964. But some are unavoidable.
  13. Then why post clearly stating that it was you?
  14. Suggest you both turn left out of the kitchen, climb the stairs, walk towards the last bedroom, enter - de-clothe ...... and there you will find satisfying adventure that will create unforgettable memories where you can indulge in activities that would deepen our bond. No need to spend loads of dosh!
  15. How, specifically and 'clearly', can you tell she's not Thai?
  16. I was just thinking about her height and how she is throwing up. Is she kneeling or exceptionally short? I'd do it from the rear....... Vomit excluded, of course.
  17. And I wonder when they, (All of them in Thailand, or anywhere else for that matter), were last cleaned? How much cack builds up on them from the spray or on the trigger? Followed by the tap turning - straight after a dump! and of course, the impeccably clean towel provided that one might use............
  18. Masculine? Just take another look at the above photo. I see a snivelling, weak and grovelling loser manchild. Hardly what I would call 'masculine'.
  19. Great picture - the future for all these disgusting, stinking animals. Alternatively minced and sold as cat food.... and vice versa. "According to the WHO, rabid dogs are responsible for about 25,000 deaths per year throughout the world. Countries with large populations of strays see correspondingly high rates of rabies and about 36 percent of rabies deaths occur in India each year, most of which come from people coming into contact with rabid dogs. The number of individuals who suffered from dog bites annually. More recently, according to a randomized survey conducted from 2001-2003, an estimated 4.521 million suffered from dog bites each year." Exterminate them all. No more dog sh*t......... heaven!
  20. If it were your child and you didn't have much money to care for a child that is the victim of a dog attack, what would YOU do? You sound no different from the dog's owner. Denying responsibility so that compensation isn't paid. She has to: Take care of the child, change dressings, hospital check visits, transport to and from hospital, administer medication, purchase medication, lotions, lint, dressings, probably take time off work, worry herself sick that the dog might have rabies, worry that the dog might attack him again, face the relative who is denying responsibility, and possibly, many other necessary things that have turned her families life into a nightmare existence She should be demanding 3 times that figure and you know it!
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