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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. 'Hands on' for gripping the old todger to accurately engage target, followed by 'hands on' to the butt for stabilisation and power thrusts?
  2. I too am a Brit. I wholeheartedly agree with your post. Shameful - throw the book at him.
  3. Well! There you go then. The perfect answer, Well-meaning people to shut up! Better that than Edmund Burke's: - 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good people to do nothing'
  4. Which implies that you are saying, "Be a man - like me, I can take it - I'm tough............ from your armchair!
  5. The police should threaten to charge him with a double murder unless he releases details of the girls whereabouts. also, it's only his word that the 2 teenagers were involved in drug smuggling. Did they have a history in taking or dealing drugs?
  6. So would you be too - if you upset the army!
  7. But on your terms, naturally - not the terms of the general population who have to suffer through the lack of self-control by druggies, eh?
  8. You cannot have either a short or long answer to something you cannot know about, as you are alive.
  9. Where I live just outside CM, nearly every grocery store sells alcohol by the glass or whatever to the locals. At the weekends, some of them, men and women, sit, drink and watch TV - Thai boxing on Sundays. It is a common activity and the authorities turn a blind eye to it. Over the last 18 years, I've seen it everywhere. I doubt very much if any of them have a license.
  10. Thai people will decide when they will stop wearing masks, not you or 'Thai officials'. Many people in Thailand wear masks for a variety of reasons, irrespective of those highly informative, so-called intelligent westerners who Poo-poo Thai people for wearing them. Their reasons include: allergies, (of which my wife suffers from), traffic pollution, the current problem of polluted air due to crop stubble burning, protecting themselves and others from colds, flu, etc., or even 'B.O'. (foreigners and bad breath. Leave them alone - they're doing you no harm. Or do you feel guilty............
  11. The usual vitriol regarding 'Brit behaviour' is absent.....................
  12. Not to mention the recent RTN Assault ship recently received and the new, 2nd hand Chinese subs that will now have 'other' engines. Toys for the boys indeed!
  13. The more you say it, the more I believe you. Thailand has not had submarines for around 50 years or more. Who will train them? Who in the Thai navy can speak either English or Chinese competently enough to learn just from those sources? Would you want to dive with these guys? Even if they managed to accomplish the maintenance? In a Chinese made vessel with a fake engine?
  14. The Indian navy would annihilate them.
  15. The new, desperately needed assault ship has now arrived and is to be berthed inboard of Aircraft Carrier Chakri, currently sitting permanently alongside the jetty after one sea trial many years ago. Later this year the new submarine will also arrive to be berthed outboard of the Chakri. On Children's day, these mighty warships will spring into action, over-awing the boys and girls with the might and power of the Thai Royal Navy, (quayside only). Meanwhile, overhead, the heart-stopping thunder of fighter jet engines as the massed squadrons of the Thai Royal Air-force fly over this tremendous Naval task force, soon to be in action, against the ........... Who is the enemy? Oh yes, the Thai population! (I almost forgot, silly me). As the echoes of this massive air display involving two jet fighters fade away, all the little children, yes folks, even the grown-up little children will drift off home in a state of wonderment and happiness, safe in the knowledge that the Thai Armed Forces are ready, alert (?) and prepared to put down their enemies. Then it's back to the Laundry lines slung across deck, just as they were in 1964 when I first arrived in Thailand and we steamed up the Chao Phraya River for 10 days shore leave in Bangkok. The entire Thai Navy appeared to have done their laundry very early that morning, at 6:30 am. I'd probably see the same thing in 3 years time if I re-enacted that amazing Ceremonial 'entry into harbour' scene.....
  16. I'm totally in favour of rounding up these dogs and offering them for sale to Korea, Myanmar or wherever else they eat them. Good earner for the government - winner for tourists and for Thais wishing to dump their unwanted dogs. So many advantages, but sadly, unlikely to happen
  17. But maybe, if you asked him to explain 'Renewable energy', he might just point to his Zimmer frame?
  18. To be secured alongside the jetty, but inboard of the Chakri. Just so the kids can see it first on Children's' day. After that, it will be dragged out by tugs, displayed around the local area and then, it will simply stay there......... just like the Chakri.
  19. Wow! You've even provided your own clear-cut narrative for the whole incident. Clever boy...................
  20. I agree, but maybe also, a complete and inclusive break-down of the hospital bill in Thailand as well?
  21. "I suspect this young beer monster fell foul of 7/11's ridiculous alcohol serving hours. I drink about 2 beers a year and still nearly had a fit when they refused to serve me at 1 minute past 2 oclock or whenever it was". So, you have 365 days x 24 hours to buy beer and you decide to buy 2 beers, one minute after 2pm. You couldn't have planned it better!
  22. What we really don't know is: Are all official posts in the police force for all of the RTP - 'Inactive' posts? Now there's a question that needs investigation .............
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