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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. It would me - before or after the dog bit the child. 'Fluttering' it? I find it very distasteful for you to imply that the child might have been taunting the dog with a plastic bag and therefore the dog thought it was being attacked. The child is five years old. The dog is vicious and needs eradicating. I'm sure the boy's mother would be wildly sympathetic to your view of the incident. Blame anyone except the disgusting creature that bit the child!
  2. Really? Thailand is different from the rest of the world? May I cordially suggest you try entering your native country without a passport. I would be interested in the outcome.
  3. I can remember when it was just LGBT - I thought it was something to do with British Telecom. Before that it was gays - they stole the delightful English word 'gay', meaning 'happy', carefree, etc. -that 'Gays' don't really appear to be. As a kid, they were just homos and lezzies. Looking forward the the add-on Alphabet letters. Maybe, LGBTQIA+QWERTY?
  4. Yet another 'Know-it-all' ticcy-tokky, YouTube bloggy expert who decides to lecture all of us foreigners and 30+million thai women - what is the best way to hook up with a woman.
  5. Furthermore - did he have a licence and was he insured? And did he get preferential treatment? And where can he lay his hands on 200,000 Baht? And did they really breathalyse him? Or blood check him for drugs? I wonder if the police checked these things before kowtowing to the famous man monk and then courteously driving him home in the early hours? I wonder where he had been? It says he was visiting relatives ...........! I wonder if I could get such preferential treatment for this kind of incident?
  6. Yes there is. But it's partly, the other way around. Most Thais probably don't understand, (or even want to know), who it is that are buying these luxury villas, etc. They don't care that it is likely to be Russian or Chinese money, they're not interested in the war in the northern hemisphere - Ukraine, or the rising threat from China and the greed is beginning to show. It will be interesting when the Thai people find out just how unpleasant both these foreign nationals can be, when established in expensive housing, long term - compared to the normal Thai people's standard of living. Not to mention the rise in overstays, corruption, job-stealing and the drunkenness, accident rate, fighting, theft, rude behaviour and disgusting habits that both of the nations exhibit. (Phuket's recent report and statistics, not mine). The recent rapid rise in overstay was highlighted last week, but surprisingly, this time, the nationalities of the 'miscreants' wasn't announced. I wonder why not. But I also think you are right - Thais know that these rapid-rise structures and going to be cheaply made, poor quality materials and workmanship - sold at unbelievably stupid prices. The price actually, that the Russians particularly will pay for running away from their country. they may live to regret that. Plus a new government - Interesting times ahead, don't you think?
  7. And no different to the wretched thumb of the American native Indian under the US, or the Aborigine under the Australian thumb or crimea under the Putin thumb/Vietnamese under the French, Hong Kong under ......, bla-de bla-de-bla. I could add at least another 6/7 examples. the subject is Myanmar and 60 years under murderous dictatorship. Not your petty, sneering reference to the UK. Which of the above do you come from, eh?
  8. Better than sticking your head in the sand regarding possible Chinese or Russian interference. The USA is no worse than them..
  9. And every other bird around, I suspect. Bird traps available on Lazada - then you have a choice. Eat them or just wring their necks.
  10. Wow! What a great post! So, no mention whatsoever of the horrific, violent and repeated abuse against the girl then. You only have sympathy for the dogs. Right?
  11. Yes, I too was looking to see how many Russians had been caught on overstay. Particularly after the very damning report from Phuket on drunkenness, theft, illegal jobs, traffic accidents, fighting with Ukrainians, locals and then running out of money. Thailand has truly given itself a headache - plus the usual overstayers......
  12. Me too. Every time I eat shellfish as well. Especially oysters!
  13. Suggest you are in need of a visit to this place. Haha. Go get rejuvenated! Come back and post joyful news. Vaginas forever!
  14. If I saw them I would immediately slow down as I have no idea what they represent. I would be quite cautious as most of us would be.
  15. 'Owl' is not reading the post and understanding the meaning. Now you've let the cat out of the bag, all English reading Russians will be swarming to.........: "Isaan: There's no better place to live in the world!" They're gonna love you down in Isaan, Owl - haha.
  16. Wait till you go to Immigration and wait there for a few hours in their seats. It will cure your laziness, maybe. Good luck - my wife cuts mine, Has done for years. Hair cutters are good quality, easily available and cheap. A no. 3, followed by No. 2 and lastly No.1 trimming tools around the ears and I'm done. And it's free. You should try it - You can even do it yourself - unless your laziness affects that as well ....................
  17. Wow! Good to see you've got your priorities right!
  18. Very confused over this story...... Who is what and who is fergaseterming who - a threesome seems to be the best solution - or is there a 4-some?
  19. Start worrying when the rash and itch appears. Change your habits.
  20. 99.99999999999% of Thai nationals have absolutely no idea what a pipefish is - neither does the government, the police or most of the people in the world. Thai scam!
  21. That could work quite well around the world - great idea!
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