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Everything posted by Bundooman

  1. That's a great shame. This guy has totally destroyed the overall ambience and obvious cleanliness of this very elegant eatery. I hope they catch him and they can be reunited in their forever hovel - sorry, home. His wife appears to enjoy the company of classy men and dining out in expensive places!
  2. Oh dear, just another Gottfrid type who has the hots for Brits...... get a life sunshine - your fellow countrymen won't be any better!
  3. Are the novelty bathtubs, (for the Chinese tourists, it says), placed so that they won't take a dump or pee on the sand?
  4. If we wait a year or so, they'll be giving us all land and houses. the following year, they will pay us to accept one! and he'll be the minister, (or is he a general)? to tell us about it! Sigh!
  5. Agree all three, but the daughter didn't deserve to get shot 3 times, either! That's what's wrong.
  6. Let me just separate the two names in your 1st sentence. Johnson's role is PM. He was voted into Downing street, whether or not you agree with that. Let me emphasise. 'Democratically elected'. OK? The other is a clown, gifted his position as a wealthy "person" with delusions of grandeur far beyond his intelligence. 'gifted' by other such parasites. Lastly, it is easy to sneer at UK's PM. Yet here you are, presumably British, (or you would be sneering at another leader from a different country), but totally removed from doing anything positive yourself in trying to make UK better. If you are so bothered about Johnson, why not get off your butt, wash out and stow your half-empty beer glass, return to UK and show everyone how it should be done. Much better than distant armchair vindictiveness, don't you think? By the way, the post is about Anutin. Not Boris Johnson, in case you didn't know
  7. I don't have a problem with the idea; it is the law in the UK, and I think it is a common sense ruling. However, the first logical step towards this, would be to outlaw heavily blacked out windows. The second would be to outlaw the phrase, "Do you know who I am?", usage of which, should automatically result in a trebling of the fine! But hey. Remember I wrote, 'the first logical step', So, let's all go back to our morning coffee!
  8. It would seem to me that if you personally buy locally, rather than online, you are also contributing to plastic pollution. Everything gets a plastic bag, regardless of whether an item is already encased in a plastic container.
  9. Why is that important? He, she, it, they? A 17 year old girl was being trafficked. If she was your daughter, would you really be interested in whether you referred to the trafficker as 'he' or 'she'? Really dumb post!
  10. I would think the purpose of this post is to ensure that everyone thinks that this woman is stunning. Page three never produced this quality of beauty.
  11. Quote: Lack of helmet wearing and drunk driving are cited as two major causes. Lack of proper police enforcement, poor driver and rider training and political lip service to the issue are cited as contributing factors. Shouldn't this read: Lack of proper police enforcement of helmet wearing and pro-active apprehension of drunk drivers are the two major causes. Lack of government enforcement of effective driver and rider training, are cited as contributing factors. Political lip service to the issue illustrates how the government and the Law are totally disinterested in every aspect of daily life in the land of daily catastrophic fatalities.
  12. A self-important nobody? Their voices, his droning and her highly whining manner grated on me in the first 15 seconds after which I switched off. Bored S***less! First time I've been bored in 17 years!
  13. This post is interesting to me too and I'm glad you received a response so quickly. I too have a fan that needs repair, but I'm in Chiang mai. Anyone know a reliable repair shop or guy? I am Living in Saraphi, but can travel into and around CM.
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