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Everything posted by Peterw42

  1. Its not uncommon to have incorrect DOB etc on ID cards, kids get born at home, no birth cert or registration etc. The actual ID number (digit it starts with) can explain some of the mystery, digit 1 is normal Thai registered at birth, digit 2 is missed registration at birth etc. There is also a significant date around 1984 when they changed/introduced the ID rules and the corresponding Digit they get (1984 becomes birthday etc). see below https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_identity_card
  2. I may be wrong but I think a large proportion of people who get 7/11 deliveries are young girls. For lots of reasons, they dont own a vehicle, they are security conscious, snatch and grab of hand bags etc do happen, they don't walk to 7/11 at night., they avoid the direct sun, it means putting on make-up, getting out of pajamas. Not to mention, anyone caring for children/elderly.
  3. Of course they would say that, they don't want their business going to Thailand. I have two crowns done here in Thailand, Ceramic (cerac) latest technology and materials (the cerac machines cost $100k US), still fine 10 years later, and a 3rd of the price of back home
  4. 2,000 three times, enough to pay for the tickets, so I am playing for free
  5. The FET is the required proof "Foreign Exchange Transaction" (details that a foreign exchange has happened)
  6. Up to you if you want to involve a lawyer but completely unnecessary, yes the lawyer can generate a FET via their account with you as the sender etc, funds still need to be sent as foreign currency and exchanged in Thailand. If you visit the TransferWise website they have a section explaining how they do transfers to buy a Thai condo. I sold a condo a month ago and the buyer used TransferWise for the transfer. Its a box you tick when doing the transfer. But as you say, its only to certain banks.
  7. That's completely wrong, where did you get that information ? The land office wants proof that foreign currency funds arrived into your Thai bank account, your Thai bank will the generate a FET (Foreign Exchange Transaction), that you take to the land office as proof. You literally cannot buy a condo without a FET document. There is no need to even involve a lawyer, its a pretty straight forward procedure done at the land office.
  8. As others have said, the money must be exchanged to Baht inside Thailand, ie: send foreign currency. (the rate is always better from thai banks no matter what the purpose)The name of the sending account is not relevant and doesn't need to be in your name, so long as money goes into a Thai account in your name. Don't transfer it straight into a lawyers account, it must arrive foreign currency into your account first. Nowadays you can use TransferWise, they are aware of the requirements and will treat the transfer appropriately, if you inform them its for a condo purchase .
  9. The son could certainly act as power of attorney for the owner. Using Or Chor 21, which is authority to act on behalf of someone, at the land office. Its not authority to receive/bank money in their (the person with POA) name. Any payments would still be made to the owner, banked into owners account etc. The POA would receive a cashiers cheque made out to the owner and bank it into the owners account etc. If the POA is not in order, and the person represented is not the owner, the land office wont do the transfer.
  10. The OP and the linked article "IS NOT" about people getting caught doing bogus extensions. Its about an agent doing a runner with money and passports. There is no mention of checking the legitimacy of any visa's/extensions.
  11. Imagine if they actually had a digital nomad visa, a visa where you didn't have to lie about going to school, do border runs etc. They may have made 1st place.
  12. Long time is great, but I still have problems working out what to do with the other 57 minutes.
  13. Can you point me to one of these 200 baht a month, unlimited, 20 Mbps packages ? Below is AIS unlimited 10Mps, and its 50 baht " a day"
  14. No, its not wrong, most unlimited data packages have slow speeds. Especially, if like the OP, he is only paying 200 baht a month.
  15. OP, what speed are you paying for, most unlimited data packages have a quiet slow speed. It probably nothing to do with true or the network is busy, you are probably getting the package speed, can be as low as 1-5 mbps. for 200B a month, you either get unlimited with slow speed, or full speed with a set data amount.
  16. +1 for Facebook marketplace, and local buy/sell/rent property groups on FB.
  17. I have 2 x jeans, denim for weddings, black for funerals, otherwise never worn.
  18. OP, if you haven't found anyone yet, try this guy. https://www.facebook.com/TruckMoveThailandService/ I have used him in pattaya but sure he would come to Bangkok, just add extra time. Great service, answers messages straight away.
  19. Not sure why you think the condo juristic has anything to do with these aspects. The Juristic doesn't rent out condos, and has little to no knowledge of private rentals done by private owners. While some Juristics may do TM30 as an additional service to owners, its not their responsibility, they are not the owner, landlord etc.
  20. Depends on the origin of the leak, is it coming from above (unit above responsible) and running down the outside of the pipe, or if the pipe/T junction is leaking , then its a condo building fault, a common property drainage pipe. The definitions can be unclear, but the office should be able to decide. It wouldn't usually ever be the responsibility of the bottom condo.
  21. It may come down to the wording of the POA. B has POA to sell the Condo, maybe not to receive/bank the money in their name. I just went through a similar circumstance, buying a property with absent owner and someone acting POA. The cheque still had to be made out to pay the owner, and the POA deposited it into the owners account. Check with the land office if they would allow payment to other than the owner. If its ok with them and the cheque/payment recorded (they usually take a photocopy of cheque) then I imagine you are covered.
  22. Yes its possible, all the usual criteria applies. An agent can do it 100%, costs 3k-5k. Otherwise its visit bank to bank, branch to branch until someone says yes. visit the maim area branch not the smaller limited services shopping mall branches. More chance at a branch close to an immigration office (its a big part of their business). Dress appropriately, no shorts/singlets etc. Take along a Thai customer of the bank, it works as a referral. Buying insurance can often get an account opened, (its for account holders and the staff get commission). There is often no consistency, a branch may do accounts on a TV this week, and not next week.
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