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Everything posted by blackcab

  1. None. As a user you have to decide whether you accept this third party cookie so you don't see the newsletter signup screen again, or whether you continue to block all third party cookies and you do see the newsletter signup screen. The choice is not necessarily binary though. Some browsers such as Chrome can whitelist a domain to always accept cookies. In this scenario you could block all third party cookies except AN forum. If the newsletter signup screen is deprecated you can then remove AN forum from your whitelist.
  2. That's equivalent to something like 47 marathons in 30 days.
  3. I wonder how that is going to work.
  4. At Bang Chak, Bangkok they accepted 1 original and 1 photocopy of the doctor's certificate when I renewed about 1 year ago.
  5. Moved to Forum Support.
  6. A post has been removed. 16. The Bangkok Post, Khaosod, Pattaya Mail, Phuket News and the Thaiger do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on ASEAN NOW. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to the Bangkok Post, Khaosod, Pattaya Mail, Phuket News and the Thaiger publications will be deleted from the forum. These restrictions are put in place by the above publications, not by ASEAN NOW. In rare cases, forum administrators or the news team may use these sources under special permission.
  7. Moved to the UK forum.
  8. An unhelpful post has been removed.
  9. Has anyone taken the Thai language test recently when applying for PR? If you have, could you let me know whether the test was oral, written or both; what type of questions were asked; how long did the test take; level of Thai needed, etc. Thank you.
  10. Hi Steve You need to click the "chevrons" on the left hand side of the forum names. This will expand the forums by one level. You can click all the chevrons and explore the forum layout to find the sub-forum that you need.
  11. As discussed, the green book will have a page something like the picture below. The date the tax payments are made are on the left. If you paid tax in the past you would have received a tax paper/tag which you have to display on your vehicle. Did you not get a new tax paper/tag each year? If the green book is lost then go get a replacement. The replacement book will state the payment record. How much tax were you paying per year? The picture below is for a PCX150.
  12. Only with the permission of the housemaster (The first person entered in the blue book). If nobody is entered in the blue book then the permission of the property owner is required.
  13. Off topic posts and replies to them have been removed. This topic is about whether schools in Pattaya require students to wear masks. This topic is not about questioning the OP about the correctness or incorrectness of any action they may or may not take.
  14. Ownership status of the land a registered condominium is built on is some of the most undisputable land possible. This is because to obtain the condominium title deeds the developer must surrender the NS4 land title deeds to the land registry. This makes the sale of the land impossible unless all co-owners agree to dissolve the condominium juristic person. Steve, this particular sub-forum is a factual forum where accuracy is important due to the subject matter. This is the second time in one topic that I have had to step in. If you are unsure please clarify before posting. Thanks.
  15. Condominium units cannot be built on leased land. The land must be unencumbered NS4 chanote, otherwise the condominium unit title deeds cannot be issued. There is no need to set up a structure to comply with Thai law. In most instances non-Thai citizens can purchase a condominium unit freehold and be listed as the owner.
  16. This is because AN used to get constantly hit by spammers using Indian IP addresses, whilst getting almost zero legitimate users from India.
  17. I understand. I hope you will be pleasantly surprised.
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