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Everything posted by blackcab

  1. @Liverpool Lou Here is the same information in English on the BOI website, under the heading Activities Not Requiring a WP-10 : https://osos.boi.go.th/EN/how-to/218/Getting-Visa--Work-Permit/#:~:text=On 6 March 2015%2C the,Attending a meeting or seminar.
  2. There was some legal discussion at the time, so you can always view client advisories, such as: https://www.bakermckenzie.com/-/media/files/insight/publications/2015/08/certain-activities-by-foreigners/al_bangkok_workpermits_aug15.pdf
  3. It's specifically stated that the exemption is for attending. Organising, speaking, etc. is not listed as an exempt activity. This makes logical sense as actors, etc. need a work permit to act in a stage production, and there are not many differences between that and puclic speaking at an event. If you want to read the Notification you will be able to get a copy at your local Department of Labour.
  4. There is an exemption for attending, not for organising, conducting or speaking at the same. Consider foreign musicians and performers who enter Thailand to sing in a concert or act in a play. Such artistes apply for a 15 day urgent work permit which allows them to perform at their concert venue for reward.
  5. It wasn't issued as primary law. Instead, based on the opinion of the Council of State, the Department Of Employment issued a Notification in March 2015, specifying the following activities would not considered as ‘work’: 1. Attendance at meetings, discussions or seminars 2. Attendance at exhibitions or trade exhibitions 3. Visits to observe businesses or to meet for business dialogues 4. Attendance at special lectures and academic lectures 5. Attendance at technical training and seminars 6. Purchasing of goods in trade exhibitions 7. Attendance at board of directors meetings of one’s company
  6. It's a good question, but Thai law doesn't go that route. Firstly Thai law defines work. The definition of work has been in existence for the last 45 years when the Foreigners Employment Act in Thailand (1978) became law. Once the definition of work was made, the Foreigners Employment Act in Thailand (1978) stated in section 7 that (with some limited exceptions) a work permit is required to engage in work: ...an alien may engage in any work which is not prohibited by the Royal Decree issued under section 6 only upon receipt of a permit from the Director-General or official entrusted by the Director-General... That's the route Thai law has taken. It doesn't need to define job or occupation. As you can see, this law is not additive, it is deductive. This means the Labour Department does not have to list all types of work or labour that are regulated. Instead it is a matter for them to decide which acts a foreigner does that they will not consider to be work. The law allows the Department of Labour complete discretion over what they deem to be offences, what they deem to be work and who they decide to prosecute or not prosecute.
  7. Section 5 of the Foreigners Working Management Emergency Decree (2017) states: “work” means the use of physical strength or knowledge for engaging in an occupation or a job with or without an intention to obtain wages or any other benefit...
  8. The Starlink website has Cambodia and Laos with a start date of 2024.
  9. List your condo for what you think it is worth. If you don't get any offers after 2 weeks, reduce the price by 10 per cent. If you still don't get any offers after another 2 weeks, reduce the price by another 10 per cent. When you start getting serious enquiries then you are in the right range. You don't have to sell the condo at any price, but this will give you a good idea.
  10. Thanks for your question. Generally, if you are asking a question or starting a discussion about local products and local businesses it's better to keep it in the local forum. That way regional members have a great resource and local businesses can benefit from first hand recommendations.
  11. I'm not going to say the name on the bill is often changed, but it can be. The most common reason for this is when a business leases the space and they need to include the electricity invoice in their taxable expenditure. It's possible to change the name to that of a tenant, but the building owner needs to co-operate.
  12. Yes and no. If the bill is not paid the meter is removed. Someone has to pay to reinstall the meter, and before that happens the outstanding debt needs to be cleared. If the owner wants to use or lease the premises then who else is left to pay?
  13. Let's not find out on this forum. Thanks.
  14. Thanks for the recommendation, I've just downloaded it.
  15. What about using an app like Audials Play, which let's you stream radio stations from around the world for free. Your favourite stations from your home country might well be on there.
  16. You can read the article at this archive provider: https://archive.ph/OIviT
  17. A visa is not permission to enter or stay in a country. A visa is permission to present yourself at a port of entry for consideration of admittance. In your case, you would be presenting yourself for consideration of admittance just before your visa expired, but still within the dates allowed to present yourself. On presentation the officer would give you permission to enter and stay in Thailand for 90 days. Permission is granted/confirmed by the entry stamp in your passport, not by your visa.
  18. is there any update from this article posted by KPMG in February 2023, placing Thailand on the grey list? https://kpmg.com/us/en/home/insights/2023/02/tnf-eu-updates-to-list-of-non-cooperative-jurisdictions-four-added-to-black-list-revisions-to-grey-list.html
  19. Acoustic guitars 92.02.900000 Electric guitars 92.07.900000
  20. The general duty rate for both acoustic and electric guitars is 10 per cent of the CIF, and under some circumstances the duty rate is 0 per cent. You then have to pay VAT on top of the CIF and the duty. Used goods are taxable, at a value decided by customs. If the invoice or declaration accompanying the goods is reasonable then customs will accept it. Think about it logically. If all used imports went untaxed then most imported goods would be classed as used and nobody would be paying duty. Clearly, the goods have a value if you are prepared to pay to ship and insure them. Musical instruments such as guitars are oversized to carry onto planes as hand luggage. Professional musicians do hand carry instruments, but they purchase a seat for the instrument. Depending where you are flying from it might be cheaper to fly in with the guitar than ship it.
  21. Yes and no. If you delete the account your apps will stay installed on your phone, but you will not be able to download updates. Updates might be important for your banning security.
  22. Not if the company you have a work permit for has some type of business arrangement/contract with the company you don't work for, and the company you don't work for is receiving an invoice which includes your services and The job title and job description in your work permit lend themselves to such an arrangement. In general the Court won't bother too much about a work permit, unless the work permit is germane to the case.
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