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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. No airline will let you on a plane without the Thai Pass (and all the correct documents). Good luck to OP in getting the pass issued in time.
  2. Not sure on sizing but I use Pirelli Angel scooter tyres on my ADV150. These tyres seem a favourite with Grab and Motorsy drivers too. Most good motorcycle shops should either stock them or be able to supply. Definitely keep away from cheap no brand name tyres for a bike. Agree with Hummin - replace both tyres at same time and if more than 3 years old.
  3. I'm registered for online filing of TM30 and it worked for me last year. Would not work for me last month so I gave up as not needing to visit immigration this time. After inputting the data it just would not save it. I tried several different browsers inluding Edge, Chrome and Internet Explorer. Have you tried the mobile phone app to file TM30? If it won't work in January for me then I will just go to immigration to file with paper application.
  4. Always bear this in mind. You have to look out for yourself as nobody else cares. Very good advice.
  5. It's about 8 years since I ditched TOT (absolute s.h.i.t.e even then). Moved to AIS who were great. AIS did not offer full fibre so left them once 3BB offered full fibre. 18 months on, 3BB have been great and fast 900/500mbps at about 600Baht/Mth by paying a full year upfront. Never any outages with 3BB so far. Never used True.
  6. Went to the cinema a couple of weeks ago and there was a fairly graphic road safety film involving a motorbike urging safe riding etc. Next up was an advert/sponsorship by a vehicle manufactuer of speeding trucks driving insanely. Stark contradiction. Which one will get noticed more?
  7. Not really. When the SIM card is restricted to 10mbps (unlimited data at 200B/Mth) then having a faster router makes no difference. The "lash up" was just a temporary 2 week setup while at the cottage where there's no fixed phone or fibre lines. Worked a charm and solved my connectivity issues. The GF had not installed lamps on the circuit so just added a socket to the cable to connect the router. With it being high up, the WiFi signal was strong all around the property too.
  8. Why no picture of him entering the slammer or sitting in his cell? The authorities seem to whip out the cameras for a photo opportunity whenever they catch a farang for overstaying or doing a minor wrong such as feeding fish. Why no photo proof that Premchai is actually banged up thus highlighting how good a job was done by law enforcement...
  9. They should put him in the jungle for 2 and a half years and allow hunters to try to find and shoot him.
  10. A sorry tale. Surely he must have noticed his permission to stay stamp expiry date? Always check on arrival that the correct permission has been stamped and be sure to follow the rules. Feel sorry for the guy after paying all that money and getting no help from Thai Elite.
  11. I knew there was a reason not to eat at McDonalds. Jamies Italian wasn't exactly high quality either.
  12. Good idea. Better if they can actually drive it around for 15 minutes once warmed up to operating temperature. Stops flat spots on tyres (although after another 2 years I would replace tyres anyway).
  13. I think you all "tink too mut". Don't be a cheap charlie and simply buy another SIM at 200b/mth for unlimited 10mbps data. It's 2021 for <deleted> and who here uses a phone for phone calls in the age of Line/What'sApp,Skype and Messenger, Facetime etc.? A good internet signal over WiFi is all that is needed (worked for me in deepest, darkest Buriram). Buy a 4G Router, plug in a SIM from your carrier of choice with best signal and off you go. You can even add an external antenna on the roof if needed. The below worked for me very well with streaming, YouTube, TuneIn and Skype/Line/What's App calls etc. Great range around the property too and any number of devices can connect. I simply place the router high up to get the best signal.
  14. That's correct for sure. The only thing they are good for is processing transactions (and they sometimes fail with that). Never expect any kind of "service" from them let alone allow them to give any kind of investment or business "advice".
  15. Lots of new "restaurants" opening here in Pattaya now. Even Lollipop aGoGo in Bangkok is now opening as a restaurant! https://twitter.com/LollipopBangkok/status/1466706356761772032
  16. Surely they should be concetrating on more beneficial things for the Thai people and the Thai economy than bloody casinos? Seems a measure of the inefectiveness of these incompetant buffoons.
  17. I'm curious to know what the fees are and how they came to be in such arrears. Surely any fees would be less than paying rent unless you are planning to rent a Thai style room for 3,000 Baht/Month? Or was there some large one-off maintenance fee? Where is the condo located, how big is it, how much did you pay, how much have you been trying to sell for and where/how was it advertised? And what would you accept as a price to sell and get yourself out of this anxious situation? Could be a lesson for many here who own condos. Please share.
  18. No. That "no currency conversion" is a scam by the Thai bank/store. You may be billed in GBP to your card but the foreign exchange rate will be far, far worse than what your UK bank will charge. Same goes for ATMs. ALWAYS select charge in local currency and let your home bank do the conversion. I went to withdraw 20,000 Baht from an ATM a few years ago and compared the rates. If I had of chosen GBP for the withdrawal I would have been about £27 worse off. Always select local currency for charges when overseas and let your home bank do the exchange. Better still, get a Wise card and use that which gives even lower rates than most home country banks ever will.
  19. "Should work" is very different to will work. My Kbank debit card does not work online and I'm happy with that as it stops online fraud (and criminals getting my money). I beleive it can be opened for online purchases by contacting the bank. I did previously use a K-web shopping virtual card which is easy to activate. For online transactions I now prefer to use a UK issued credit card as it affords far better protection in case of fraud.
  20. Unusually for me, I filed my self assessment last week. I normally see no good reason to file it before 23:59hrs on 31st January but had more time recently. I did get login code by AIS no problem.
  21. Having only two main players in the Thai wireless telco market is unlikely to benefit the customers. It will reduce competition and likely increase prices. Less incentive to improve connectivity and data speeds too. Too much control in many sectors from overly dominent companies IMO. Not good for the Thai people.
  22. I'm assuming the difference in name is with the first name rather than last name (surname)? Seems OTT of UKPO to make an issue of this now after holding a UK passport for 20 years. I see no reason in having same name in both passports and was not a problem with UKPO. My ex kept everything Thai in her maiden name and eveything British in her married name. Was never an issue. My British/Thai son got his Thai passport from RTE in London just after getting his British passport so all his names are aligned.
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