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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. Now I understand why you seem to spend your life here contributing to TV/AN forums. Have you sought counselling or an air ticket out of there?
  2. Even if you did not lie on your visa application, the UK border officer still gets to decide whether or not you get to enter the country. The only thing the visa does is get you onto the plane to the UK. Right or wrong I'm not sure but would lean towards why issue a visa if it won't allow you guaranteed entry? I think there should be some sensible standards invoked. NoVaxx Djokovic will appeal his case in the courts and will likely be allowed entry but will the Aus Gov actually allow him to remain and participate in the tennis tournament?
  3. I arrive in Thailand on 19th January and expect to have lots of life "down there". My good!
  4. Good loacation in my opinon. Not far from almost everything. My concern would be to find somewere quiet from traffic noise and not too expensive. Otherwise convenient for most that Bangkok has to offer and easy access to BTS too.
  5. Sorry to hear your story mate. You've been "done up like a kipper" as the phrase goes. Anyone reading: Play the Thai game, no money, no money and show the "insurance" papers. Tell them no money, no credit card etc. Get the insurance company to pay as you paid the fuking premium! If neccessary feign symptoms to get the coverage. Fuking <deleted> show. I arrive on Wednesday 19th January and hope to avoid this scenario. Chok dee!
  6. Makes sense. Lets hope other neighbouring countries follow suit. Thailand are you watching?
  7. This is good news as I arrive under test and go on 19th January. They probably haven't imposed a cut off as it is highly likely that few of the issued passes are actually being used due to high numbers of cancellations. Let's face it there are many scared off for a number of reasons such as limited nightlife, threat of expensive Covid jail (hospital) for testing positive etc. Thailand is my second home so for me it's part of my life. For tourists under current rules, why bother!
  8. #1 reason to own a Benz? I'll give you more than one reason. Quality, reliabilty, service and comfort. Owned 4 (all bought brand new) Mercedes since 2005. Done about 650,000 Miles in them. Never been stranded at the roadside. OK there's been a few issues but Mercedes always sorted it fast and never off the road for more than 2 days. 3 year unlimited mileage warranty with no quibble - ever. Good value for money and peace of mind in my opinion. Before that owned 4 Toyotas all bought new and they were good too. Other than Mercedes or Toyota the only other brand I would buy is a McLaren - but I haven't won the lottery yet!
  9. IIRC route to UK citizenship back in 2001-2005 was no more than £750. OMG glad not doing it now.
  10. Daily here in London I have to contend with UBER drivers looking at their GPS in the same way that pilots do with ILS in fog. Only thing is that airspace is controlled and there's fewer planes than cars. These UBER <deleted>tards will stop, turn, reverse or drive at 5mph at will without any consideration to other road or pavement (sidewalk) users whilst focused on GPS only.
  11. The case you're describing is probably more favorable, since there would be very little likelihood of the couple staying in the US (unlike going with a US citizen, who might be aiming to relocate to the US and bring his wife or girlfriend to live with him). I'm British and was living in the UK at the time. My Thai fiancee applied in Bangkok for a US tourist visa in 2001. We went to the US embassy for an interview. She had been to the UK year before and was holding a Fiancee Visa for the UK. The US granted her a visa but added a requirement on it that by the time of entry to the US we must be married and travel together. The US Embassy were extremely helpful to us back then. Not sure it would be the same these days (post 9-11 and with all the world events). BTW: We married and went to US for 6 weeks honeymoon/travel in late 2001.
  12. Exactly. Very straightforward and what I have been doing since 2018. Since putting the 800k in the separate account I forget all about it. Minimal loss of return and low risk too. Call it a small cost of removing the anxiety that those who use income method worry about (1 missed monthly transfer and you're cancelled) or the expense of using a dodgy "agent" to fix things.
  13. So how much and for what reason are you paying an agent if you are legit with the funds on deposit? 1,900 Baht/Year is all that is needed to DIY. Your agent is filling out a form and doing a few photocopies for you at what cost?
  14. <deleted> prices went up a bit. Your post reminds me of going to Lunar House in 2001 at 06:00am to get temporary leave to remain for my Thai wife. About 300 people in the queue already. Was out of there about 3pm all done. No or minimal cost IIRC. Went back a year later at 05:00am to get ILR and about 500 people in the queue. Was done about 11:00am. No appointments either time. Never wanted to trust putting wife's passport in the system as needed to travel. Not sure how it works now but crikey £800 for ILR is outrageous. She got full British citizenship after 3 years of marriage and I think it cost me about £800 total. Good luck with your journey.
  15. TBH views and tranquility across rice paddys far outweigh animal or insect concerns IMO. Took this picture in 2014. Rainy season, Lan Saka, Nakhon Si Thammarat.
  16. Actually the 10 rai of rice paddy I paid for in 2004 had a pond dug out for the earth some years earlier. When we got the land the family bought in a static pump for 2 days to drain the pond. Then went in and picked up all the fish. Easily filled two of the larger insulated produce boxes - and provided a good feed for all the villagers. Just another thing we experience in rural Thailand. Was fun watching them though (and my young son). The burning of garbage in evenings is an annoyance though.
  17. Reaching out to help extract fees and fines or fast track to Covid gulag detention centres (aka hospitals). As many I know in Thailand are doing on positive ATK test, hunker down in self isolation on the QT and sit it out until you get the double negative at risk of pure butt hurt and financial ruin carted off to hospital.
  18. I know probably about 30-40 retirees living in Thailand. They support the economy by renting property, eating out, taking trips, enjoying entertainment and often supporting a loved one and their family. Take that away or make it more difficult and how does that help Thailand? Thailand and most countries need all possible revenue streams right now. Enough of this nonsense spouting and just make easier for anyone to come to Thailand. It's not like foreigners are a drain on the country's finances due to all the rules. All foreigners, from backpackers to the elite, spend money in the country and sustain jobs and livelihoods.
  19. Frogs, rats and snakes. Mostly during rainy season.
  20. Agree totally that quality is better. Does anyone know if there are any good Sunday brunches being offered in Pattaya? Used to do them a few times a year in Bangkok but some of those have long since stopped.
  21. Many Thais I know hated Thaksin but almost all would take him back now as a better option to the current bunch of ministers. I agree.
  22. That's my point. Locked down in abodes but they are still getting and spread covid. Lockdowns don't work.
  23. My 18yr old son and 35yr old employee both just had covid. Son had a mild cold and employee mild flu. Neither hospitalised. Both back at college and work within 7 days. The "new normal"?
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