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Everything posted by soi3eddie

  1. If you don't know what airlines serve the route you want then Google Flights is very good for finding a full list of options and fares. It then gives you a list of booking sites and normally shows the fare direct from the airline too. In these "uncertain" times of travel changes and cancellations it is advisable to book direct with the airline to get the best service in case of changes or cancellations. IMO: The only reliable flight tracker is www.flightradar24.com and we use it to track planes right to the arrival gate.
  2. Fail to plan, plan to fail... Time and effort spent on advance research will save time, frustration and dissapointment. But then there would be nothing to complain about ????
  3. I bought my Bangkok condo in 2009 for 6 Million THB. Paid a deposit of 5% by my UK credit card. I then transferred the full purchase price to my lawyer's Thai client account in GBP (with a little extra to cover costs and exchange rate fluctuation) from my UK bank. Very important is to get the "purpose of transfer" correctly noted. Normally "for purchase of... (add full unit info and address of the property you are buying)". You will need to show this document to Lane Department to transfer ownership to your name. Some say it is not necessary to show full address but for avoidance of issues with Land Department I put full property address and info. The extra money to cover deposit amount was used to pay lawyer's fees, taxes and to furnish my condo. I would try to get deposit amount reduced to 5% if I was you as there's few buyers in the market right now. As for your scenario B, then you would be OK if you simply put as reason of transfer "To purchase Condominium" and hope that Land Department will just accept that.
  4. I was DTAC pre-paid for many years. In 2020 their data service was becoming <deleted> for me so decided to go to AIS (better IMO) and get postpaid. Went to DTAC in Central Festival, Pattaya to cancel and ensure my old number could be transferred. Crossed the hall to AIS and was set-up with a new postpaid sim within about 40 minutes. Next morning my old number started working on the new AIS sim. Bills by email and text each month. Even got international roaming activated. Very happy.
  5. In my experience Thai Intruders normally <deleted> themselves and do an about turn if they encounter security dogs. Unfortunately poisonings are too common though.
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