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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Then try using it as it! As it is a five letter word it is allowed by your Tin Foil hatted brigade!
  2. Ah so you admit that "elon" is actually the joint President then!
  3. The US did NOT invent the internet on it's own! The set of rules (communication protocols) to enable internetworking on the Internet arose from research and development commissioned in the 1970s by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the United States Department of Defense in collaboration with universities and researchers across the United States and in the United Kingdom and France.
  4. It does not have a viable sealift capability and has not had one for many years! Strategic Sealift is Broken: Which Direction Are We Headed? | Center for International Maritime Security
  5. The word "fact" is a banned four letter word to the Tin Foil Hatted brigade!
  6. Which it does on every forum it has the misfortune to post in!
  7. It is a shame that you have all the wrong ones!
  8. Yet another idiotic and pointless post by you! Please let me know, in advance preferably, if you ever intend to post something constructive and relevant to the OP under discussion!
  9. One minute you say "The EU is weak and useless." Then you say "Let's see the EU step up and get involved." If the EU us as week and useless as you say then how are they going to get involved!
  10. What makes you think that anyone would stalk you. If you honestly believe you are being stalked then report your concerns to the Mods! The only reason I reply to your idiotic one sided Trumpeting posts is because they are just that, one sided and pointless with the same words endlessly repeated!
  11. You did in your original post(s) on this idiotic topic! Go back and read your own posts and my replies! You have not only proven yourself to be not just a liar many times over, but that you also must have a mental disorder (IMHO) when you cannot even remember posting the libellous slurs against me that you now deny! No wonder, as I stated earlier, that I will not put you on an ignore list as your hilariously counter false and outrageous postings give me, and I assume many other AN members, so much merriment and entertainment! PS; I suggest that your future, unintentionally, entertaining posts omit the potentially libellous contents!
  12. Just so you are not fully offended here is a definition of an "internet snowflake"; The term “snowflake” implies that they believe themselves to be special, but there is nothing special about frivolous calls to action on their own. internet snowflake - Search
  13. You are so sad. Please find a quote from another poster that I changed to read as I have now posted. you cannot provide proof as to me being an alcoholic so cut the crap!
  14. Oh yea of little faith!
  15. In an asylum I presume!
  16. Sad comment but you interrupted my flow! Goodnight snowflake!
  17. Is exactly that! It has no foundation in fact as I have shown above! As for the rest of your pointless post which I will not waste my time or breath on it proves two things; 1 It shows why I will not put you on ignore are this last post of yours is so ridiculous and inaccurate it needs to be laughed at by as many on AN as possible! 2. I look forward to the comments your post elicits!
  18. It was not a quote from someone else. It was my own statement that I "changed" I changed it to make a point!
  19. Please provide proof of that scurrilous and unfounded statement! As you cannot I will not wait for a reply!
  20. So you are fully qualified to give MEDICAL advice to others are you?
  21. Which is what you are posting!
  22. What has that got to do with the OP? You really are clutching at non existent straws!
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