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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Nick the previous owner of MAD DOG passed away in hospital on Saturday 27 April 2024. R.I.P. PS Exact date added to save confusion with the age of the previous post!
  2. You obviously also believe in fairies and Santa Claus! PS; I suspect you also believe that TRUMP never ever tells any lies!
  3. That is just who YOU BELIEVE he is with no evidence of any illegality on his part!
  4. I wish we could really forget and get rid of you on this forum!
  5. I assume that you were one of them that worked "in the UK pub sec (inc. the police)"
  6. What is to say that he is NOT renting out all of the apartment/building but just some rooms and that he lives in the other apartments/rooms in the building which he owns?
  7. Please don't give that "@@@@@" any more off topic (or any) ideas to help it highjack topics which it knows nothing about!
  8. I pity the psychiatrist..........
  9. You must be joking! I think you misspelled/misunderstood that as I believe you meant HE (IT) is a "psychotic"!
  10. You obviously need help but not from a computer forum. I suggest you get back to your doctor/psychiatrist ASAP!
  11. Did he explain to you that he had been in a POW camp outside Birmingham?
  12. Whilst I agree that Dover Beach is an open door with many benefits for some, I would love to know which "Back Door" @MangoKorat is referring to!
  13. Rather than "if I recall" can I suggest that you post a reputable link to the alleged reports! Your link below your post does not prove such an allegation!
  14. Which one have you got and what speeds are you getting as the one year makes no mention of a speed cap, just "Max Speed"?
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