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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. You must be joking if you think there is any chance of him doing that, apart from with/to himself!
  2. No thanks! It would just mean more hot air and verbal pollution from a spoiled brat!
  3. More like a knotted handkerchief on the head and barefoot!
  4. He is not quite as qualified as Trump as he only has 23 charges pending against the MEGA's 91(and counting)!
  5. How do you expect to get any news if your only source of news is from an Arab state owned so called news outlet?
  6. What's the difference? At his age they are both soft and tickly!
  7. I am sure you must have some scintillating conversations down your local pub with your "colleagues" on this very hot and important topic. What do you call your group? Is it the 'Pets Euthanasia Grammar Internet Tautology" (PEGIT) Group"? What a stupid and pointless stance over a simple word! We are discussing putting dumb animals out of their misery, NOT humans!
  8. Where else in the world would most Thai live? Having "been" somewhere and "living" somewhere is somewhat different!!
  9. A Scotsman returned from America after ten years. His two brothers met him, both with beards down to their knees. The returning Scotsman was annoyed. 'You both look a mess! My own brothers and you meet me without having a shave!' 'It's your fault - when you left you took the only razor!'
  10. Two flies on a bald head. One says to the other, "I remember when this was a footpath"
  11. One of the most moving stories I ever heard was in a senna pod factory. I was a foreman on the conveyor belt and I was always on the go. One night I got invited to a Scrabble party at a teetotallers' coming of age. I was halfway through a carrot cocktail (they're very good: you still get drunk but you see better) when there was a knock at the door. I went with my hostess to open it, and stood on the doorstep was an old tramp. He said, 'Missus, last week you gave me a waistcoat and in the pocket I found two $5 notes: She said, 'You honest man! You've brought the money back!' He said, 'No, I've come for another waistcoat!'
  12. Picasso got run over one day. He drew a sketch of the car and the following day the police arrested a plate of spaghetti and a cake tin.
  13. Customer: 'Why are your hands so filthy?' Barber: 'Nobody's asked for a shampoo yet:
  14. Cleopatra lay stretched out on the heaped Arabian pony skins, like a sensuous throbbing cat. As her handmaidens oiled her shimmering body she glowed in anticipation of seeing Antony, her lover. The flickering pallid flame from the rush lights threw her tawny magnificence into bold relief against the wine-dark hides of the tent. Antony entered the scented dimness and, throwing aside his armour, he took her into his arms in a heated embrace - his masculine musk making heady her senses. She whispered, 'Antony, my dear heart, let's not go out tonight - let's have a musical evening at home: 'How mean you, angel?' said Antony. 'Well; she said, 'I've booked a lute player. She clapped her hands and a slave from Gaul was thrown onto the floor. He was drunk - definitely a Gaul stoned. Two naked Nubian eunuchs then wheeled a brass gong across his body. And Cleopatra sang, I'm rolling a gong on the chest of a slave
  15. Probably the pot smokers have their daily fix!
  16. Please provide a source for that statement as BKK Bank disagree with you and take withholding tax on ALL fixed deposit accounts no matter what the amount is. I have to get my certificates from the bank every year and claim it back, successfully thank goodness!
  17. Depends on the wheel! Of course, those odds are different when you play on a single zero wheel and a double zero roulette.
  18. What health insurance for a standard retirement extension obtained in country?
  19. That's ok I don't mind you mincing your words and getting in a pickle over it, just stop trying to curry f(l)avour with your saucy remarks and making a a dog's breakfast of it all!
  20. Which is of course a totally impartial source, or is it? PAX is the largest peace organization in the Netherlands - PAX (paxforpeace.nl) FYI the largest bombs are 22,000lbs!
  21. My comment was not addressed to you, but to the OP! But if you want to wear the badge of permanent hooker shame and show that you are unable to get a steady relationship then go ahead and wear that badge of inadequacy!
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