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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. How can a new management company just come in !! Surely it has to be approved by the Committe/AGM. Also it is up to the Committee/AGM to approve parking regulations not the management company. In my condo all car owners have to display a sticker showing they are allowed to park as a co-owner/renter. There is no time limit on parking as many go back home for months on end.
  2. Hope they don't use the Buriram circuit, there are only about 20 hotel rooms within 50 kms of the circuit. Impossible to see the MotoGP races there.
  3. My tgf says he only owns one but rents the others to make it look like he is a kind person caring for so many in his Sanctuary. That's why he can afford a 1 million baht a month villa and a multi million Audi.
  4. But the billionaires don't live in NZ. Zuckerberg is spending $200 million on his Hawaii bunker. Will he live within 15 minutes travel time of it. Hawaii will be the first to get nuked by Russian subs.
  5. I can't see the point of all the bunkers they are building. Nukes from Russia will arrive in 30 minutes. Can you get to the bunker in 15-20 minutes? Unless you are actually in the bunker 24/7/365 you still get fried.
  6. Great news. Hope he is kicked out of Thailand asap. His name is appropriate as he likes to "Beat" up female Thais.
  7. They are worse than nothing. People think that drivers will stop but of course the white/black lines mean accelerate. Better to avoid them if you want to live.
  8. The guy has admitted he kicked the doctor when he "slipped" and hurt his toe.
  9. What's KYC?
  10. Let's hope they findsomething wrong with his affairs and the POS gets deported.
  11. "legal cannabis clinics" so nothing will change then.
  12. You say one of WISE's strengths is fast speeds, often within a few days. I think that should be, often within a few seconds.
  13. And it wouldn't kill thousands of young children mining cobalt by hand in Africa.
  14. I would be nervous walking to or from the Land Office with millions in cash.
  15. For large amounts could SWIFT be cheaper as they usually charge a fixed fee irrespective of the amount. Don't WISE transfers increase as a percentage of the amount. I just checked for a 40,000 GBP transfer WISE would charge 228 GBP in fees. I think a SWIFT fee would be maybe 50 GBP.
  16. I presume so they can pretend they are dating a man not banging another woman. The same as some guys go with ladyboys not men.
  17. I noticed as well that sometimes it is the "fast and easy charge" and you have to change it manually. What does the fast charge give you anyway when the transfer usually happens within seconds?
  18. I agree they are crazy. I rented a car once and driving i night i had to open all the windows to see where i was going. Imagine driving at night with 80% tint after going to the pub !!
  19. Some of theses drivers are scum. They knock over an old man and leave him in the road to die. What sort of person does that? RIP But as others have said madness to go cycling at 11.30 pm just as people are leaving the bars after drinking all night.
  20. My condo has banned EV parking/charging. Too dangerous for other cars and the condo when it bursts into flames.
  21. I have lived in Pattaya for 18 years and can't say i have noticed any burning effects in March/April. Maybe a bit hazy on a few days but that is all.
  22. There will be no peace in Gaza until every Hamas soldier is exterminated.
  23. Have you tried other insurers? My Class 1 with Roojai is only 6k.
  24. Well they certainly destroyed Thailand's nightlife, along with social media. But it's the same in every country.
  25. You mean the actual visa extension stamp? I never knew that you had to apply for the new extension no later than 15 days before the old one expires.
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