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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. And how many farmers have been prosecuted/jailed - ZERO
  2. Sorry what's that about a "permit stamp" ? Retirement non O extensions don't have any permit stamps.
  3. Repossessed cars at 1/3 of their value ! Run Forest run.
  4. I am surprised that 90% are sold to Thais, when they can so easily buy houses for the same, or less, money.
  5. I used to like B&B sad to see them go. Not a good spot for business i think. I was in GO Wholesale the other day. A massive store and they had about a dozen customers and only 1 or 2 tills in operation.
  6. Let me guess these "historians" are democrats.
  7. I suppose you could. Send 65K in month 1 to Thailand. Withdraw it, deposit it in another bank then send it back to your home country. Month 2 send the same 65k to Thailand.........
  8. "should be accepted" but how do you know until you turn up at immigration on the day your visa expires.
  9. Surely many people get their pension paid into a personal account then transfer it to Thailand. So is this not acceptable to immigration? I will stick to the 800k in bank method, easy.
  10. Exactly, what was the point of him attending if he wasn't in the room. She should have refused the work.
  11. These people are cowardly scum. He could have stopped and just got a DUI fine. Instead he kills a Policeman and will (hopefully) spend his life in jail.
  12. My condo has a fixed rate per sqm irrespective of the floor. But maybe some condos have agreed at an AGM to vary it. But why should a condo on say floor 20 pay more for cleaning etc than one on floor 10?
  13. Even then you might have to have funds available to pay up front before getting re-imbursed.
  14. Many banks don't show the money as coming from abroad, my Krungsri doesn't (even though i use WISE as well). Plus you only need to miss one month as being clearly from abroad and you risk losing your visa.
  15. I can understand Thailand wanting expats to have some funds available so they are not a burden on the country if they get ill etc. But it's bizarre that expats can not use these funds for such purposes (or any purpose). So in effect the minimum funds you need are 1.5-2.0 million (as a buffer for any illness/accident).
  16. Henryford


    Just spent a few days down there. The beaches are lovely and almost deserted. But it is VERY quiet, not much to do apart from enjoying the beach. Can recommend a great restaurant, The White House, just off Mae Ram Phueng beach. Also Rayong Aquarium is a must see.
  17. "implement measures" ha ha. Just jail the first farmer caught burning, it would stop tomorrow.
  18. I don't think the OP said how much these "extra fees" are that he owes. If he paid the main fees 7 years ago it can't be much. Maybe better to just pay the claimed amount rather than spend 10s thousands on legal fees. Over the life of the condo not so much?
  19. Yes they can cut off water, we do it all the time to late payers. Have you no receipts for your payments over the past few years. The fees should be a fixed amount, if you paid you should have a receipt or proof of payment. Are they charging you more than the standard rate per sqm x your condo's sqm?
  20. These GDP figures includes Government UNFUNDED expenditure. Easy to show "growth" when it's on the credit card. The real decline is much greater. Add in 1 million + extra population and the GDP per capita is probably down 3%+.
  21. So what advice are you looking for? You already know 50k is insane and you are being taken for a ride. Either accept it or dump her.
  22. He had a fight with his wife just before, sounds like he jumped.
  23. Phuket must be the worst place to live in Thailand, especially now it's been turned into little Russia. Not surprised expats are leaving as soon as they can.
  24. I see some lovely birds from my balcony, yes i think the black one is noisy one. My favourites are the drongos with the long tail.
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