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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. You wouldn't get a taxi on the 19th, the roads are gridlocked. I remember making the mistake of get a van from Bangkok to Pattaya on the 19th. Once we hit the outskirts of town it took 5 hours to get home.
  2. I bet they are all salivating at the thought of all those brown envelopes.
  3. EV boom - is that when they burst into flames?
  4. Early/late flights are useless because it ends up costing more with taxis or hotels. Plus they mess up 2 days of your holiday.
  5. Good news. Fairly obvious that an ex security guard couldn't afford a 1 million baht a month villa unless there was something very dodgy with his business.
  6. After dark is even worse. You might might be going out dressed to dinner in the evening and get a bucket of dirty water thrown over you.
  7. Love my Hafele, about 1300 from Lazada
  8. Can't afford real cars so they go for racing milk floats
  9. Where is "much cheaper". I have been all over Thailand and (apart from Bangkopk) prices for normal day to day stuff are very similar to Pattaya.
  10. He can not legally own a gun. If it's registered to him that could only happen if he illegally bribed an official. Why would a normal person need a gun for anyway. In his case it was to intimidate others. This POS thinks nothing of assaulting women, obstructing an ambulance and is a menace to society.
  11. Just go with Roojai on line. My premium 6k for 1st class. Why use a broker?
  12. If the Thai owner really wants you out you think a piece of paper will help? They could make your life hell till you left.
  13. The problem could be solved tomorrow but the Thai Government don't seem to want to take on the farmers, why?
  14. I always thought BYD stands for Buy You Die
  15. But Russia thinks "it's territory" includes half of Europe.
  16. er we are in Thailand, not Europe. Look around you most younger Thai women weigh 40-50 kgs.
  17. Sounds tough that a 53 year old woman has to work on a construction site. Hope she recovers soon.
  18. Thai women just like to eat. You didn't mention her age but over 40 they are going to put on a few kgs. Unless she gets really overweight is that so bad? My tgf was 39 kgs when i met her, now 50kg, but hey that's still not bad compared to any western woman.
  19. While they are knocking this down they can come and do the Waterfront in Pattaya.
  20. If the guns were registered who to. Not him presumably as a farang would not get a gun licence.
  21. I bet most of the under 50 Russians are working here. How else can they stay for months/years.
  22. I wouldn't mind giving to people in real need but even here you are not sure if it's scam. The women you see near The Avenue with a baby/child on the floor. I read that they are just scams not real homeless people.
  23. Thailand doesn't need POS foreigners like this. Good riddance. We are guests here, act like one.
  24. VW just been taken to court for the loss of $500 million after the EV fire on the carrier ship Felicity Ace - 'nuff said.
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