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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. I had a Kawasaki inline 4 400 cc bike back in 1983. Love the small 4s
  2. With 250 seats already in the bag Prayut can't lose. Any other Party would have to get 75% of the votes, very unlikely.
  3. No one seems to asking how "it went missing". Is it not a controlled substance?
  4. Might be a problem when i come out of the a gogos pi**ed.
  5. What do you mean by "overpaid excess funds" ?
  6. Highlights the need to put your assets/money in your wife's name as you come near to your death (unless you die suddenly). If i had health problems or advanced age i would put the condo and all cash (apart from the 800k visa money) in wife's name. Even the 800k could be transferred on your death bed.
  7. One guy treatened to shoot me because i beeped my horn at him. Some Thais are seriously unbalanced.
  8. The Russians "colonised" half of Europe and are in the process of trying to take it back.
  9. Same here when i got 1gb from 3BB. I paid for the wiring to my condo. True was a problem when i asked they wouldn't wire a condo above the 3rd floor.
  10. She must be Thai - fleeing the scene of an accident. Built into their genes.
  11. Even retard children wouldn't throw water in the face of a motorcyclist going 40 kph. Always have a holiday booked to escape this madness.
  12. The one year decline might be worse but living standards in 2023 are way above 1953. When i was a lad, no colour plasma tvs, no mobile phones, no satellite tv, no foreign holidays every year, no central heating...........etc. People don't accept how much better off we are now.
  13. Is 40,000 baht a special customs limit? I just bought an item for 20,000 via Amazon UK. It was sold without UK VAT but Amazon added an estimated Thai Customs fee (about the same amount). Delivered by UPS, no problems at all from Thai customs.
  14. With 250 Senate seats in the bag i doubt he cares. Any opposion would need 376 seats, 75% of the Lower House.
  15. You might care when you have no micro chips.
  16. I doubt the guy in the first photo would be much use on the front line. How can under 50s stay for any extended period.
  17. A miracle, finally got my PS5. Had to buy from Amazon UK, which took 15 days to deliver and cost 45 GBP in postage. Total cost 543 GBP, 22,500 baht, not too bad, includes postage and the God of War game. The GoW game is just a download code though which of course you can't use in Thailand. A major problem to set up a Dutch Sony account to get the game. My advice is just to buy the PS5 without a game. A great console and controller though. Anyone want to buy my old PS4?
  18. I barely watch F1 now, i certainly wouldn't with a bunch of milk floats.
  19. I have had both the Mirage and the Attrage. Both OK cars for money and great service from Mitsubhishi. But if the wife doesn't like them end of story.
  20. Small modern cars are much of a muchness. Just get the best deal you can on a Toyota Yaris or Mazda 2 or Mitsubhishi Mirage/Attrage or Honda City Forget any Chinese rubbish
  21. Greed and stupidity. Who pays out 300k for the promise of millions from a Nigerian Prince.
  22. Does that mean the 300% tax on wine will be abolished? thought not.
  23. It's a third 250 out of 750 so effectively the military can never be voted out.
  24. Just bought a 5TB WD drive from Lazada, only 3,100 baht plus 600 baht cash back. Never had a problem with WD drives, but buy from WD not a secondary sellor. Amazing for the price and so small now.
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