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Everything posted by bigt3116

  1. Not much use for all those retirees that keep the 800k in a separate account, and if immigration ask " that is my only account officer, my wife supports me/i live off the cash savings I brought with me 10 years ago".
  2. What about the thousands of people who don't have a name registered to their sim card?
  3. Do you have a link to this? I only ask because TAT say totally different. https://www.tatnews.org/2024/01/caat-heightens-domestic-boarding-pass-and-identity-verification-rules/
  4. IDP can be applied for in any country that you hold a licence for, so the OP could apply for an IDP here as he holds a Thai licence (maybe only when the 5 year). But certainly you do not have to apply in your home country.
  5. Just got my collection email today from vfs - 20 days from the application date
  6. The Grand Palace is NOT a temple! (The clue is in the name)
  7. https://singapore.thaiembassy.org/en/page/non-immigrant-visa-b-working
  8. "A foreigner is not allowed to do something a Thai can do", sick of this barstool myth being repeated again and again. The prohibited jobs have NOTHING to do with whether a foreigner or Thai can do the job! (By your reasoning there would be no foreign English teachers in Thailand, because Thais can and do, do that.)
  9. Sorry, but deserved all she got.
  10. Seems to be a lot of illegal work going on in that household
  11. How long after his divorce did he leave the country? If he is planning on extending his tourist visa, an eagle eyed IO might ask him why he is not on a marriage extension any more. Then may come the questions about when the divorce was, and possible overstay. (the above is worst case scenario, but not impossible)
  12. No they don't, they only see what is in your passport, Immigration and MFA are not joined up at all.
  13. " Spiders do have two venom-injecting fangs and typically bite with both at the same time. However, in any spider smaller than a tarantula, the entry points of the two fangs will be so close together that there is little if any visible separation. Also, the fangs are so slender and sharp that the actual entry points are all but invisible. When you have a "bite" with two separated marks, it is either caused by a bloodsucking insect that has bitten twice (a common occurrence), or is a double skin eruption arising from one disease condition or arthropod bite, also a common occurrence."
  14. Laws are dynamic and constantly change, I can't see any grounds for a lawsuit.
  15. Did you even read the article?
  16. As has been said, your history is a HUGE red flag, I would be surprised if any consulate in the area would entertain you with a Non-Ed. You are clearly trying to milk the system, and at some point that is gonna have to stop - and I think that moment might be now.
  17. I am just guessing, but even Stevie Wonder could have declared him dead, what with a severed head and all.
  18. If you don't have legal custody, I would imagine it is when they reach the age of majority.
  19. He moved here knowing that his only income would be 75GBP per week for the rest of his life, how is that the government's fault?
  20. The guest would count as "possessor" so could file it themself
  21. Never heard of this, when did it change? (seems unlikely as how could you have a valid permission to stay with an invalid passport?)
  22. AirBnB hosts don't want to file TM30s because they know they are breaking the law and evading tax. They just want to stay under the radar.
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