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Everything posted by bigt3116

  1. One other thing, MOST (but not all) offices will correct a bad air entry stamp for you, although they are not obligated to and can send you back to the entry airport if they want to
  2. No, you will receive the remainder of the 90 days (so about 60)
  3. There are also no offices that would accept a single transfer for the initial Non-O either.
  4. Can you enlighten me as to which office would accept a single transfer of 65K for an annual extension?
  5. Actually they don't "ignore" it, chances are they will get an "overstay fine waived" stamp
  6. And on October 16 they will go back into effect, this is just a short term "tourist" enhancement.
  7. It would appear from your previous posts that you are not working in Thailand? If not, then you are not even eligible to apply for PR.
  8. If applying for an in country non-o the money does not need to be seasoned
  9. So wrong ! Also, you can not assume that the op is talking about retirement, maybe he means marriage To actually answer your question OP, for retirement, no seasoning required, but the funds must be shown to have come from abroad. For marriage, no seasoning required and the funds do not have to be shown to have come from abroad.
  10. Actually " When European colonial powers threatened in the 19th and 20th centuries, Thailand managed to escape as the only country not to fall under colonial rule. This was due to a compromise between the French and British to keep it as a neutral territory between them."
  11. Incorrect, for a marriage Non-O the money does not have to come from overseas To actually answer the OP's question, as long as the 400k is in your account on the day you apply for the Non-O, it does not matter a jot where it came from.
  12. Most important piece of info that the OP did not mention is his previous entry/exit history to Thailand (as in, how long have you been in Thailand).
  13. Do you have a link for that? I can only find the previous announcement
  14. Will the PM be paying a visit to all recently released criminals?
  15. The only office (that I am aware of) that asks for seasoning for an initial Non-O is Jomtien, every other office just needs it on the day of the application
  16. Both Thai and Eva do direct flights to UK https://www.skyscanner.co.th/transport/flights/bkk/lond/240227/240305/?adults=1&adultsv2=1&cabinclass=economy&children=0&childrenv2=&inboundaltsenabled=false&infants=0&outboundaltsenabled=false&preferdirects=true&ref=home&rtn=1
  17. Very true, but that was not the point of his post, his post was all about the map and photos 🙂
  18. For the 60 day extension they do not normally ask for the map or photos, maybe that is his point?
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