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Everything posted by bigt3116

  1. When? The "A" (approved) has always meant a multi-entry, valid for a year visa.(Non-OA and Non-BA)
  2. According to that, the drug smuggler was caught at the police station? Deserves to get caught, lol. (Poor reporting more likely)
  3. And here you are on 25 May 2019 posting this; " I am 58-year old and recently settled in Thailand with a 20-year elite visa. I visited Poseidon and rented a girl a few times and then on one occasion, I asked her to meet me outside the establishment for 5K She did and then visited my condo almost everyday and stayed with me for 5K for 10/12 hours.. She is 20-year old and I have strong sexual feelings for her and want to possess her still my infatuation with her wears off. . Also, I have feelings to have a child with her. I know this all sound strange but she just makes this old man live again. She barely speaks any English and mostly interested in my money. I understand that. Just to test her if she is trust worthy or not, I once gave her an ATM card and asked her to take 15K for her and return the ATM card to me (The card had day's limit 20K) . My card also had one million baht. She returned my card. May be she knew that the card is worthless after 15K. I don't have any way to know it. She asked me to buy her an iPhone and I did. How can I ask her to stay with me as long as she likes and bear a child with me? Is that even possible in Thailand? If so, how much money should I give her to stay with me? If she had a child with me, I am ready to give 10 million to her. But how do I discuss the subject with a young girl 20-year old. I understand she may have a bf or want to have a bf of her age. But I don't want somebody else having sex with her till she is pregnant and the child is born. After that she can do whatever she wants. And she will get 10 million or even more. Any suggestions how to execute the plan? Money is not a problem." What a quality guy you are!
  4. Actually "Did you know that retail crime, such as shoplifting, robbery and vandalism, costs Australian businesses up to $9 billion each year?", so not just stealing/shoplifting.
  5. Very true, the child can attest at the local government office that he is the father, when they reach an age of responsibility, which generally (as you said) is about the age of 7
  6. There are reports of some people having done their first report online, (presumably different offices have different rules). " 90 day report on line. Might be of interest to others, and for what its worth, Cheers. Did my first 90 day report online yesterday using the TM47 website. Established my account with same day confirmation. Submitted 90 day report and received online approval (with printable receipt) within an hour. This was my first ever 90 day report - i.e. I've not previously reported in person at Immigration (which seems to have been the requirement for initial report in the past?)"
  7. Average road deaths per day normally is 54, during the last songkran it was 67 , a 24% increase.
  8. They can if the holder of the usurfuct agrees As for transferring, I read the section you quoted and that seems to suggest you can, but other pages state you can't and yet others state you can with the owners permission. Very confusing
  9. Do you understand what the prefix "co" means? It does not mean that "you don't have to do one of the classes.", it means that there should be another teacher in the class with you. You still have to do the classes.
  10. No, because for immigration purposes the child is not legally yours, (name on the birth certificate means nothing)
  11. Did you also not notice paying them for the re-entry permit ?
  12. Are you sure? The blacklist is administered by immigration, not the MFA and consulates have no access to immigration history other that what is actually in your passport. That said, a person on the blacklist could be issued a visa, but would be denied entry by immigration.
  13. The 200 baht service fee is only charged if you ask them to complete the form and take the photos, if you take them yourself, it is 1000 baht as normal.
  14. A decade of teaching at a university would lead me to stick with the fact that qualifications are not checked by OHEC.
  15. I think it was written as 24 hours, but google translate could not see it properly, (as it is a stamp and not a hand written time).
  16. Under 24 hours the stamp is totally different Here is one that is translated
  17. Fairly sure I read that the Thai social medical covers this (still trying to find where I saw it)
  18. At the SSO office, you don't need a pink card to start SS nor to continue after finishing work (at my local one)
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