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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. Which probably explains why half the Country like shooting each other...................
  2. I do wonder with some what would happen to them if they faced serious problems in their lives I'm being utterly polite
  3. Yes I've always doubted this and no one has ever been able to show otherwise Whilst I'll use an extreme example it nonetheless is valid If the ATM fee is 220 baht a pop and current Dollar/Baht is around 34 that entails a refund of $6.47 every usage (ignore any other card related fees) Now use the card every day....... Thats around $194 a month There simply must be a "limit" on these refund of fees for obvious reasons
  4. Bizarrely enough have been building a position (nearly complete) on a stock with a near 17% dividend paid quarterly because of its drop in SP I wont name it outright as would be rightly accused of ramping but they are certainly out there if you look
  5. The long winter nights must utterly fly by....................................
  6. Embassies no matter which are not there to bail out citizens who cannot control themselves...... If she's a druggie lock her up for a 20 stretch...????
  7. Why anyone would be "confused" with the above post is a source of wonder lol
  8. My admiration for Wise is long estrablished and whilst I had no particular reason to forward monies yesterday other than keeping my long standing SCB account active the transfer landed in.....7 seconds
  9. I've said this so many times down the years on Thaivisa/Asean (by the way why am I newbie after coming up to 18 years lol) but never completely burn your bridges within your home country If you have absolutely no family at all (maybe 1% here) there are in the UK (as in this case) proper mailing addresses with forwarding options that are perfectable acceptable (they wouldnt even know) for in this case all banks People who live in motorhomes (I'm on many forums on that subject) canal boats etc etc all use them
  10. Sadly 6045 miles is a tad to far for my BMW whick requires a service.....???? So kindly tell the forum what the code is lol
  11. Is there a short code to activate that ?? I cant see it listed on AIS site
  12. Wealth of information down the years RIP
  13. Passport Persona non grata Hang em high Bloody druggies Make it a 20 stretch that'll teach these stinkin roasters
  14. I refer you to my previous post fella....When did Thaivisa/Asean Now become soooo bitter with deadbeats with nothing better to do but troll others
  15. Go and troll elsewhere fella seriously I missed out entirely the reasons why which would have filled an A4 sheet because they were not relevant to the request for information I asked a simple question and appreciate a few of the replies that actually answered but not the know all idiocy displayed by more than a few Out.... (Mods feel free to close the thread we've sorted the taxi out at an excellent price)
  16. Chap I dont need a lecture I was asked to post the exact requirements of which I've happily done
  17. One of my lads is coming to Thailand later in the year and because of flight times and connections etc etc has sought my advice on the possibility of arranging a taxi instead As there are two them it may well work out cheaper anyway than 2 additional flight tickets and bags etc Now if it was arranging a taxi down to Pattaya I have couple of old contacts but unfortunately not going north Anyone have a contact who could quote for the trip please ?? Not looking for cheap per se but certainly reliable....someone with his name on a board at Swampy and job done Thanks
  18. Well fella I suggest quite politely you rely on your "grace" period whatever that is You've had more than enough answers including relevant websites to buy onward ticket reservations for $15 but you can only lead a horse to water so many times
  19. I think you misunderstand...I could have worded the earlier post better.....If (and its still an if) they check the passport for a tourist visa (which they 100% should) when ground handling at check input your flight details and see the 34 days duration they can and many airlines do (because of the increased fine levels) ask to see any outbound ticket at any time within the first 30 days after you arrive I've never had reason to do so subsequently but there are onward ticket websites designed to get around the issue for fairly nominal cost....its always been my view that check in staff know only too well what they are when presented with one lol but their liability is covered at that point
  20. No You go and find the information yourself. Its not difficult fella
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