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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I feel sorry for Harry Kane and I really do respect him as a talented footballer, however I had to chuckle at this cartoon..........
  2. I had a TURP done in Epworth Hospital in Melbourne about 12 years ago and there were a few hiccups after the operation, whereby I had to use a catheter for quite a few weeks to be able to get the bladder working again. Things seemed to be just okay for a few years, but in recent times I've been having problems and one urologist here operated on on me to widen my bladder neck, because there was some scar tissue there, probably from the TURP operation, and it's been downhill from there, whereby my bladder has stopped working, so the small catheter is my best friend before I go to bed, although I can expel a little urine sometimes during the day which eases the pressure. I did a lot of research after this last episode, and before I realised that the bladder had actually ceased to work I was thinking that the prostate might be at fault and was considering various operations to rectify this, and I came to this conclusion: – – If I could get the Urolift done here or in some country nearby, that would be my first option. – Rezum would be my next option, and I noticed they do have it available in Bumrungrad hospital here. – A further TURP was an outside possibility if indeed the prostate had grown again, and the TURP can be done using a Laser. For those folks with prostate cancer, the da Vinci robotic machine is an absolute must for prostate removal, or prior to this of course, brachytherapy is an option to consider.
  3. Looking back at old movies I may have missed, I had often seen the movie, "North by Northwest" touted as one of the best films/thrillers ever so I decided to download and watch it...... Well as thrillers go, it wasn't one, and although the acting was okay it was still fairly stilted/wooden and the faux props didn't help, and not one time in the whole movie was I "enthralled" by it or anything happening in it – – so a thriller, hmmmm. As a thriller it would rank up there with the movies, "Anthony the aardvark goes quantity surveying" or "Paddington bear eats an ice cream". I did watch a very good movie the day prior to that, called, "Three billboards outside of Ebbing, Missouri" and it had great performances from Francis McDormand, Sam Rockwell and Woody Harrelson.
  4. The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity, and stupidity is infinite. And trump has oodles of it...........
  5. She is an absolute nut job.........god help America if she ever holds any sway. How can someone so stupid be in government, unless she is on "the sauce" or similar.
  6. Great post....well done Pomchop, and for the record I am exactly the same!
  7. Whilst I'm on the thread, does anybody have any idea when the next/follow-up series of "Billy the Kid" is going to be released, or are we being left in limbo??
  8. Hi OJAS, I am catching up with this friend tomorrow and he's bringing along whatever paperwork he has, however he has sent me a copy of something he received and it is this: – VFS Global Dear Sir or Madam, The UK Passport Application for ref no. HMP/BKK/260922/0011/01 was forwarded to HMPO on Sep 26, 2022. Regards, VFS Global Will learn more tomorrow. Thanks yet again!!
  9. I have searched high and low for it and I believe this is the clip which I saw, and it does contain footage as well as an explanation of the proceedings, so it may well be what I originally saw. I got this from BBC iPlayer so I think it will be a "protected view", but not sure about that, so give it a try and see how you go – – better still if you have a VPN to be able to login to BBC iPlayer. Good luck.
  10. Ah, true conspiracy theory colours shown........no need for any more interchange with you, so on to ignore you go. Happy conspiracy theories.
  11. Just more nonsense from someone who obviously doesn't "see all". And yes, men did walk on the moon! Surprised?? I believe in facts and that won't change, and as regards the medical research, I believe the doctors, scientists, institutions and research facilities which support us, and I note the following: – "the vaccine is nothing special. Nearly 10 billion doses have been administered in the past year and no widespread, large-scale, or long-term side effects having been noted. Yes, there are a tiny minority of people who have side effects, some of which are indeed concerning — but nothing so large as to be concerned about on a population-wide scale. We’ve had two centuries’ worth of data and experience supporting how vaccines work. Two centuries. We know that if a vaccine has negative side effects or other issues of concern, they show up within a few weeks of administration. This is not surprising, because unlike a medication, a vaccine is only active within a person’s body for a short period of time. It’s basic job is to pass along instructions to your body’s immune system so that it knows what to look for and how to mount a future defense against infection".
  12. Thanks again for your help with this OJAS, and I have forwarded a copy of your post onto him, but he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and sometimes I'm tempted to just give up trying to help him, because it is so frustrating. They did give him some sort of "receipt" and the number on it doesn't match anything, and it is certainly not a DHL tracking number, so I've gone back to him and asked him to search around to see what he can find. Once again thank you for your sterling help, it is much appreciated.
  13. I managed to get through about 40 minutes of this before turning it off and loading another movie (Love Actually), mainly because nothing seemed to gel and seeing/hearing Daniel Craig with a false southern American drawl, just didn't do it for me – – never mind, we all have different tastes.
  14. Dealing with these anti-VAX nut jobs with their unsubstantiated claims is becoming very wearing, and I know because I've got a couple of friends in NZ who were spouting the same nonsense from various YouTube sites and the like, that is until I told them to desist or I would cut them off completely. In my lifetime (and I'm 75 years old now) I don't ever recall seeing such unsubstantiated nonsense regarding anything, let alone medical matters, and most times now I just skip over the nonsense – – I wonder why these people are so hellbent on repeating lies and nonsense??
  15. Also saw the news clip/mini doco on the BBC, about the hitherto unseen events and footage of the Jan Capitol Hill riot........and it was an eye-opener, and how that can be defended in any way, shape or form is beyond belief. I hope justice is served on those who truly deserve it.
  16. Watched the perennial Christmas favourite...."Love Actually" and still enjoyed it after many viewings!!!
  17. Now that is a bit of a puzzle, because he copied me the "receipt" he got from VFS and it had a number on it, preceded by a few letters, but when I tried to enter that into the online form as previously suggested, it was far too long and the space allocated on the form only allowed about 50% of it, so I left it blank, however I did put it in the comments/other box which was on the form – – best I could do at the time.
  18. Thanks OJAS, and I have completed the online enquiries form (with his details) for him because he's not that computer literate, and submitted it, so we will see what happens. There have been a few helpful posts, so to all of those folks who obliged, many thanks for your help.
  19. Thanks for your advice, and his credit card has not been debited with the payment, although he applied for the passport renewal on 22 September?? Thanks again for your help which I have passed on to him.
  20. A friend of mine is panicking somewhat because he went to Bangkok and gave VFS his passport details for renewal and he's heard nothing back since. He's got the receipt from VFS and it is dated 26 September so he thought he should have heard something by now, and despite telephoning VFS on a few occasions, the phone goes unanswered, which is panicking him even more! So he is stumped really, because they won't answer the phone and the UK telephone number goes unanswered as well, and of course the UK is bedevilled by strikes at the moment which won't make anything easier for him.......anyone got any ideas as to what he can do/the latest update????
  21. Yes I've had that very same thing said to me before by a Thai "electrician" but he said that Thai electricity doesn't need an earth! This when I was helping a Thai lady I know, with her restaurant and trying to install a water heater in the bathroom.....obviously I took no notice of him and ran a separate earth in the ceiling and down to an earthing rod just outside, and whilst I was at it I ran an earth to the socket outlets in the kitchen, because staff were getting "tingles" from a couple of the appliances.
  22. Three drongos in one pic.......lets hope they become extinct soon.????
  23. I'm definitely not a trump supporter and I have no respect whatsoever for the Republicans, however I will state my position/thoughts on this thread, because although I believe that Biden is a good president, and has good advisers, it is somewhat of an embarrassment to see the poor man "forget his lines, and stumble around a little" and unfortunately it is seen by the MAGA as a mental weakness, when in fact it is something which comes with age. Biden is an intelligent man, but the years have taken their toll, as they do and have on other Presidents, and it may well be that Kamala Harris has to step in in the not-too-distant future and although a few people "throw their hands up in the air at this", let's not forget that she too will have the same good advisers behind her.......and she is a strong willed woman. PS. I am not an American.
  24. I have sold something on https://www.bahtsold.com/ and it does have different areas, so there could be buyers near you.
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