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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Yes, I really enjoyed it too, when I watched it a while back and it was specifically of interest for me because a friend of mine from NZ was a commander of the battalion firing on the enemy to try and keep them back from the Anzac position, and he said that the barrels of the big guns became so hot because of the continued firing, that they wondered if they could carry on. He/they kept up a continuous barrage which was extremely close to their own lines, but proved effective eventually.
  2. Have always had a good memory, so meds not necessary!! But if you need them I'm sure someone on here can help you!!
  3. This might bring hope to those suffering from prostate cancer, and it seems there is progress being made on many fronts. Game changing' surgery could cure prostate cancer Prostate cancer could be cured with a "game changing" one-hour operation that uses electric currents to destroy the most difficult to reach tumours. The pioneering treatment has been used to treat the disease for the first time on the NHS, with surgeons saying the breakthrough could offer hope to thousands of men. Treatments offered normally involve surgery to remove the prostate, or radiotherapy, both of which can cause distressing side-effects such as problems with urination, incontinence and loss of sexual function. Surgeons said the new therapy, called NanoKnife, which has been used to treat prostate cancer patients at University College London Hospital (UCLH), was "amazingly simple and quick". https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/game-changing-surgery-could-cure-prostate-cancer/XBOBQR6KJMVBGYTS4IFN6HEMNQ/
  4. Maybe I'm doing something wrong Hammer, because when I have gotten onto the torrent site I can only find episodes one, two and three??
  5. Thanks for the info, and what I didn't realise until I watched an in-depth documentary about them, was that they were both homosexual, one being openly gay and the other in the closet so to speak. I quite like Vienna Blood as well, and will have to get onto a couple more episodes shortly.
  6. Maybe about three years ago I came across a documentary/movie (may have been on YouTube?) which was a couple of hours long at least and dealt with the building of the pyramids and suggested that they were built using a form of ancient concrete, and not from the huge rocks hauled from quarries many miles away. I kept it somewhere but after a computer crash have been unable to find it and I have looked on Google, and have found a couple of similar items, but nothing like the one I had before........so my question is, "does anybody know of the documentary and where I can find it?". Thanks in anticipation.
  7. A friend of mine in my youth had a Tiger Cub (Triumph) and it was a lovely little bike, if not a bit unreliable at times! Similarities perhaps?
  8. And indeed it was LLF, as Bangla was crowded, almost to the point of pre-Covid times, and many bars were also crowded, especially the music bars which were packing them in. Whilst it is good to see some semblance of normality returning, I couldn't help but think that Bangla could well be a "super spreader" event, not only because of the amount of people milling around and in close proximity, but because about 70% of them (perhaps more) were not wearing a mask. Time will tell. There were rumours around that the BIB had decreed that everything should cease at 11 PM, but that was changed and Bangla and bars were still going full pelt after midnight. I did notice that Harem and Nidas "gentlemen's clubs" were now open so a friend and I decided to have a look to see what was going on, and in Harem there was a lot of space, occupied by a handful of farangs, and the girls were nothing like the quality of the old Suzie Wongs, so we decided to look in Nidas club. Again, no more than a handful of farangs, but at least a couple of the girls looked half decent, whereas the others were very average and looked like they wished they were somewhere else. And that's when we took pity on them because we agreed that we would buy drinks for a couple of the girls who looked most down in the dumps, by way of a New Year treat. This we did and left shortly afterwards and really wondered why we'd gone in there in the first place. As we were in Sea Dragon, we had a drink at another bar and caught up with the bar owner whom we have known for a few years, and that was good. From thereon in I lost track of my friend because he decided to go off to another couple of bars to buy drinks for some of the girls he had known over the years, whilst I went to catch up with another friend, and then onto Red Hot, which was packed to the point of not having any spare tables or anywhere to sit. However using a little bit of ingenuity I managed to secure a few spare stools and our little group sat to one side of the stage, marveling at the repertoire of this extremely talented band. Whilst milling up and down Bangla, I did notice that the Soi opposite Sea Dragon, which once housed my favourite Italian restaurant, was now quite lively and there was a steakhouse, of Scandinavian origin I believe, as well as a couple of other places which had opened up, so in future I might give the steakhouse a try, because I do believe they have other dishes on the menu. Nothing really to differentiate this between any other night, apart from the crowd and the occasional small gang of Farang idiots who delighted in spraying plastic string and foam into the eyes/faces of passers-by, and once the folks got wind of what they were doing, they gave them a bit of a wide berth, as did we. Home on a motorbike taxi, and my drive up Soi Nanai showed there to be a lot of activity in the bars, so the Nanai bar owners would be very pleased I would think. Will be interesting to see if there are any repercussions from the crowding last night.
  9. Well the verdict from the Thai court should be that which has been applied to similar circumstances in other countries, but then again those folks who pull the strings both financially and status wise here, being Thailand, will most likely have a different view on this, mainly because it affects their pockets directly or indirectly. And your point about "oversight" is a good one because at the level of offending in this particular instance, the oversight responsibility should have been on this person's direct manager, and so on. With the sub-prime mortgage debacle, the US government allowed the banks and similar financial institutions to "self regulate" (no conflict-of-interest by those seeking to make huge commissions and those supposedly regulating it – – yeah right) And look where that got the world – – cheap CDOs anybody. Interesting times.
  10. As I said.....we will have to agree to disagree. PS. And the Lehman Bros collapse was whole different scenario,
  11. A few days ago I did manage to download, "Krays: Code of Silence" and although there have been several other movies about the the Krays, this movie approaches it from the perspective of the detective inspector who is in charge of the investigation, Nipper Read, so it is a little different and just adds another layer to the Kray story. The movie is not going to set the world alight and has a pretty low IMDb rating, however it was okay, and it was about a subject which I have always been interested in.
  12. I am trying to download, "The Kings Man", however when I have seen it available on 1337x.to and Limetorrents, and then I download it, I get something completely different, and it seems to be something about betting?? I've tried deleting and reloading both of the above torrent sites, as well as doing the same with my uTorrent app, but to no avail, and not only that I can't seem to find this movie elsewhere – – suggestions most welcomed please?
  13. I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you on this, because employment/contract law means that if an employee commits an offence, then he has to be dealt with by the bank, which will review what he has supposedly done, and if it is serious enough will terminate his contract. He then will be officially dismissed and will not be allowed to operate on behalf of the bank. Simply saying that because he committed an offence, which wasn't picked up until many months afterwards, meant that the first time that he committed that offence, he ceased to be an employee, is not the way employee/employment contracts work, it has to be proven at the very time of the first incident, and this wasn't. Also I believe that even if there was a clause written into the employment contract that some sort of misdemeanour (whatever it was) would result in instant dismissal, then that has to be acted upon and he would have to be officially dismissed/sacked. IMO, the bank is trying to get out of its obligations and I do believe that indeed, "the bank's fraud mitigation and supervisory systems failed", and that does make them liable, because that's exactly what those systems are put in place to do, stop fraud and the like, and they didn't work. Maybe in Thailand it doesn't work like that, but I do have experience in matters like this, because in a major bank in NZ, when an employee stole $18 million over a period of time, doing almost exactly what this guy had done, the bank fully reimbursed all of the customers who had been affected by this fraud, and they went after him and took just about everything they could, and then he was jailed for six years.
  14. A friend of mine bought the robot owl and another couple of supposed "pigeon scarers" because he had a pigeon problem at his house, and when I next saw him I asked him how it was going and he replied, "it seemed to work for a couple of days, and then I looked out of the window to see what was happening and one pigeon was trying to f..ck the owl, and another one was trying to feed the "pigeon scarer". I know he was saying it in jest, but what he was trying to put over was that neither worked!
  15. I remember trying pigeon (as a dinner) in a country pub in Sussex, as I had never tried it before. It had been hung for quite a while I think, as the flesh was a bit dry and powdery, but the most off-putting part was the lead shotgun pellets in it!!! Won't happen with plastic pellets of course, and braising with garlic and red wine should do the trick!
  16. Again, you have a point, however thinking back to my footballing career when I played senior amateur football, and was paid for it, and also played against Crystal Palace, Chelsea and a few others in pre-season friendlies (and quite a few teams who now play in the top divisions), I and other guys in the team really didn't need to be motivated, because that was what we did – – we played football and thoroughly enjoyed it and did our very best to win games. There's only so much motivation that a manager can bring to a side, however the players have to have a great deal of self-motivation in wanting to win, prove themselves, show what they can do, and there is a counter to this argument, inasmuch as if the manager is an absolute dork, then players really don't want to play for him, and therefore don't. I'm trying to look at the bigger picture and United appear to have been disjointed from top to bottom for quite some time now and it shows by the number of players who are still on their books, who shouldn't be; the number of managers they've had who couldn't "cut the mustard" and the panic signing of the likes of CR, not to mention DVB, who can't get a game. "There's something rotten in the state of United" to steal a phrase from Hamlet, and it hasn't been fixed for quite some time, and you only have to look at the number of managers who have been there since the departure of Alex Ferguson to see that something is very wrong. In addition, the fact that United have failed to seek out and entice a top and experienced manager to come to the club speaks volumes, and even if they do get someone like Louis van Gaal, whose credentials were great, he isn't (or his style isn't) considered good enough for United?? I don't know enough about RR to comment, although in the very small amounts that I had read prior to his appointment, no one seemed to be bursting with enthusiasm over it?
  17. After being thoroughly disappointed with the new version of Dune, I downloaded and watched the original 1984 version, albeit remastered, and enjoyed it, and for the first time of watching it on about three occasions, I finally understood it all!!!!! Although, I will add a rider to the above, inasmuch as the special effects were a bit naff in some parts, at least compared to what can be done today with CGI
  18. Very good IMO........ Sort of follows on from the BBC series about Jeremy Thorpe, "A Very English Affair" which I thought was excellent, and I hope they produce many more of them. Had to admit to looking up the circumstances surrounding the Argyll case, and the three parter was true to the story in the main.
  19. Throckmorton knew that when he passed wind in the echo chamber, he'd never hear the last of it.
  20. You make a good point and I'm not sure that the new formation that RR is trying to implement helps at all........or at least it didn't seem to against Newcastle!! And to all intents and purposes RR is a "decent manager", but you can be the best manager in the world, however when players are unable to even pass a ball to one of their own team, or lack the ability to see opportunities/openings where they exist, then IMO the players have to be held accountable.
  21. Interesting article and I have read similar before........... https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/why-high-fructose-corn-syrup-is-bad Also... Increases appetite, promotes obesity Studies show that high fructose corn syrup increases your appetite and it promotes obesity more than regular sugar. “High fructose corn syrup also contributes to diabetes, inflammation, high triglycerides, and something we call non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,” says Dr. Hyman. He says it increases all the fat in the liver which now affects over 90 million Americans. “It can even cause fibrosis or what we call cirrhosis. In fact, sugar in our diet is now the major cause of liver failure and that makes sugar the leading cause of liver transplants,” says Dr. Hyman. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/avoid-the-hidden-dangers-of-high-fructose-corn-syrup-video/
  22. As I stated in another post, I don't believe the stats.............as an example, if the owner of a large bar in Bangla, who is supposed to regularly test his staff, finds one who is Covid/Omicron positive, do you really think they are going to report it to the authorities and risk being closed down and losing whatever income they were getting?? OR, do they send the positive staff member home and carry on regardless (or if the staff member is a particularly good one, get them to wear a mask and just carry on)? Food for thought.
  23. I have just switched to Basmati as, for me, it has a "taste" which I like.
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