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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Better than that, I'm going to put this far right trumpie on ignore, mainly because I feel sorry, so sorry for someone who believes Fox News, when they've already acknowledged that what they print/state amounts to lies. Life's too short to think that someone believes this nonsense. Reminds me of the pigeon analogy.
  2. Fox again.............come out of the rabbit hole and do yourself and us non-gullible posters a favour, because with all of your nonsense you are about as popular as a rattlesnake in a lucky dip.
  3. Thanks for the tip but cannot find it available on any of the usual sites??........any clues please?
  4. Mentioning ageing and dementia brings up something which may be affecting Donny boy, especially as quite a few of his gaffes have been in the press just recently........ Shadowing Trump’s attacks on mental fitness — his own father’s dementia. Trump avoids mention of his father’s Alzheimer’s disease as he lashes Biden for being ‘cognitively impaired’ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/20/donald-trump-dementia-father-fred-alzheimers-biden What are the chances of getting Alzheimer's if a parent has it? Studies of family history say that if you have a close relative who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease—the most common form of dementia in older adults—your risk increases by about 30%. This is a relative risk increase, meaning a 30% hike in your existing risk.Jan 28, 2562 BE https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/alzheimers-in-the-family#:~:text=Studies of family history say,hike in your existing risk. Maybe warning signs for Donny and his cult followers????
  5. Yes, I thought about recommending that because I take it, however it does contain lovastatin, often in varying amounts, so you don't always know the exact amount you are taking.
  6. That's what I did when I sold a house here in Patong and because the neighbours talk amongst themselves, it wasn't long before I had a buyer. My first house here, I sold through advertisements in the local Phuket newspaper and producing flyers which I distributed around the place. Now I only rent and was lucky enough to have a good Thai woman and lawyer who helped me through the sale process. Good luck, and don't give up, and certainly don't engage a real estate agent unless you can get a promised 3% commission charge, because nowadays it is certainly up in the 5% range plus.
  7. Now back onto Patong activities in general, or should I say, nightlife activities........ Went out to have dinner with friends on Friday night, and unfortunately made a pig of myself and ate too much, which left me very bloated for the walk up Bangla to the Blue Lotus bar, in which we had one drink and moved on. Bangla, as has been the case in the past few visits, was still very crowded and I wondered if this was trickling through to the Thai folk working here, and that "question" was answered when we walked past a Tuk Tuk driver stationed at the beach end of Bangla, who was being asked by a couple and their young daughter, "how much to go to Jungceylon?" Of course he obviously didn't know that Jungceylon was just a very short walk up Bangla, however that being the case, the Tuk Tuk driver quoted 500 baht!!!!! Which of course astounded us – – so rip-offs still abound in Patong and I found the same experience with my motorbike taxi driver this time, because my main one was not available, and whereas I used to pay 140/160 baht for a trip from Soi Nanai six, the new motorbike taxi driver whom I hailed, charged me 200 baht. I wasn't about to argue with him because he was an old bugger who probably needed the money, but in future I will ensure that I book my regular motorbike taxi driver. Back to Bangla – – the bar on the corner of Bangla and Soi Sea Dragon was very crowded, and I'm not surprised because there were quite a few attractive young women in the place, obviously attracting the punters, so that ploy is working, as it always has done here! Jumping around a bit and on the subject of attractive young women, an attractive woman I know who manages a massage shop here, and who I've known for years, has got her boyfriend over Europe, and when I asked after her, one of the other women in the shop said that she and her boyfriend had gone home to the north of Thailand to get married!! I was astounded at this because whenever I had spoken to this particular woman, she had said that she and her boyfriend often had rows and I know she had a couple of other boyfriends in tow, so the thought of her getting married to this particular one was one hell of a surprise. This other woman in the shop who knows me and who speaks pretty good English, gave me a lesson in Thai logic......she said that it might be difficult for me as a farang to understand, but a Thai woman does not confuse love on the one hand with money on the other, saying they are not the same, basically telling me that her friend (the manager) was getting married for money, whereas the boyfriend thought it was love, but based on that "misunderstanding" they could both be happy! We had a little discussion on this and I told her how surprised I was when I first arrived here to see how many really old farangs were walking around with much younger women/wives, and her response was, well that really goes to prove what she had just said: – for "love" and care from the Thai person, the older farang gives financial support to the Thai woman and her family, and thinking about it it's probably been that way forever here. As an addendum to that, I am sure that there are farangs and Thai women who are in love with one another, but IMO a Thai woman's "love" can be a movable feast! Unfortunately the shop/building in which this massage parlour sits has been repossessed by the bank and so the shop and the one next to it will have to close this coming month, which is a shame because it gets a lot of foot traffic and there is parking outside of it. It made me wonder why the bank wouldn't keep the occupants of the shops in place, and sell it as a going concern, and if the buyer doesn't like that, then ask them to move out? Just to end on a positive note; a couple of weeks ago I and a couple of friends had ventured down Soi Freedom to have a drink with a birthday bar owner, and something I'd forgotten all about was happening in that Soi, because the ladyboys were putting on a stage show, and I have to say they were professional not only in their stage gear, but in the routines and the lip syncing of course, only this time it was a little different to the one I remember a few years back, because the "female" singers were often accompanied by a couple of gay boys prancing around either side of them. Either way a whole lot of them seemed pleased with their performance and there were a few onlookers, so perhaps things really are back on track here.
  8. After your recommendation P2, I stopped by Le Bistrot to have a look at the menu and it's not huge by any standards, but has a nice range of options on it. I then looked at the wine list and their house wine is, unfortunately, a fruit wine, which I'm not partial to, so I may ask the owner if I can pay a corkage and take my own wine along??
  9. Add.....he is not popular with Mike Pence, his previous VP, and that speaks volumes about trump!! Former US vice-president Mike Pence says he will not be backing Donald Trump in the 2024 election. The decision makes Pence the latest in a series of senior Trump administration officials who have declined to endorse their former boss’ bid to return to the Oval Office. “During my presidential campaign I made it clear that there were profound differences between me and President Trump on a range of issues, and not just our difference on my Constitutional duties that I exercised on January the 6th.” “I mean, as I have watched his candidacy unfold, I’ve seen him walking away from our commitment to confronting the national debt. I’ve seen him starting to shy away from a commitment to the sanctity of human life,” he went on, also referencing what he called Trump’s “reversal on getting tough on China and supporting our administration’s effort to force” the sale of the popular TikTok app.
  10. Yee Haw, break out the moonshine Marylou, that's the first intelligent thing you've ever posted – – good boy, keep it up!
  11. Many folks will tell you that you don't need a multivitamin or similar if you eat a balanced/healthy diet. And therein lies the conundrum, because what exactly is balanced/healthy diet........ In most cases we don't know what pesticides/insecticides our fruit and vegetables have been sprayed with, and which we could well go on to eat (remember that a study done in Thailand on "organic" produce showed it to be a complete misnomer, because traces of pesticides and insecticides were found on a majority of them). Then of course you have artificial sugars in many products, some of which have garnered a bad reputation, along with the artificial flavourings and colourings, some of which have proven to be cancerous, not to mention the canned tuna which contains high levels of mercury, or indeed many different kinds of meat (including chicken) that have been fed antibiotics and antimicrobials, and the amount used by the farming industry in America is absolutely mind-boggling. Just to add that extra virgin olive oil is considered the "go to" oil, but even some of that has found to be adulterated with other oils and not altogether healthy ones either. I did have an article on the effects of heating many of the readily available cooking oils, and it is not good reading. So it would seem it is very difficult to eat a "balanced/healthy" diet, unless you grow everything yourself, and as for multivitamins, then the article below is interesting....... Multivitamin supplementation slowed cognitive decline in older adults, the COSMOS study showed. Compared with placebo, participants who took a daily multivitamin/multimineral supplement had significantly better immediate recall at 1 year (P=0.025) and across 4 years of follow-up on average (P=0.011), reported Adam Brickman, PhD, of Columbia University in New York City, and co-authors in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Multivitamins improved memory performance above placebo by the equivalent of 3.1 years of age-related memory change, the researchers estimated. The effect was more pronounced in people with underlying cardiovascular disease. PS. One other thing which is nearest and dearest to my heart is, red wine, collecting it and drinking it are both hobbies of mine, however now the latest research shows that irrespective of the origin of the alcohol, it is a poison in one way or another.
  12. He can't stop watching Fox News because he's been conditioned by listening to trump's lies for years, so now he has to watch Fox News to get his jollies because he can't tell truth from fiction, poor lad. And trying to expect a trumpie like him to listen to common sense is a lost cause, so don't bother.
  13. When I need a break from a long series, such as "The Gentlemen", I flick on to the BBC iPlayer and watch some of the old Morecambe and Wise shows, some of which still make me laugh – – they were simply brilliant in my opinion.
  14. With all of the talk about the new "Dune" movie, I decided to watch the original 1984 version again and I found it enjoyable although the "special effects" were far from it, however the imagination of the producer and set designers when portraying life and settings in certain planets and other aspects of the movie, was intriguingly brilliant! PS. I also fell in love, all over again, with Sean Young.
  15. I, and of course many of my friends from the two countries in which I lived, are "boomers" and I don't recall any of our parents teaching us anything about life, other than the occasional "clip round the ear" if we did something wrong – – we learned from our experiences and mistakes and of course schooling, college and university attendance. And we didn't do too badly at all in life, well most of us anyway!
  16. "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive" I suspect there will be many other cases around, very much like this one as it was an "option" proposed by many people, including lawyers, to get round the property ownership laws for foreigners.
  17. But is the leading candidate for the GOP, to become president and should he become so, the debt could well mean that a foreign power has him "by the short and curlies" as the saying goes. Not a good position to be in.
  18. Well I just missed that point in time, and eventually retired at the age of 55, mostly because of a potentially serious health condition brought on by stress and reflux. However I had started and managed the Investment Division for a major NZ bank and had also become a registered financial planner/investment adviser, so I was in the good position of being able to work out what I would do with my finances in the future. So far it has worked out well and I still have a tidy nest egg and am living the life that I want here in Phuket, with no financial constraints and enough money to be able to indulge my passion on good wine. I have taken my ex-girlfriends daughter under my wing and have taken care of her financially for the past 17 years, and I have made both a Thai and New Zealand Will, which will ensure that she gets a good lump sum for her future. Something to end on here: – when I was working at the bank as Chief Manager Investments I used to run investment seminars around the country. At one of these, I had just finished my presentation when one very well dressed tall and "stately" gentleman stood up and commended me for the presentation and suggested a round of applause, which was forthcoming. He then said he had a rather perplexing question for me; he and his wife lived in a lovely house in one of the best parts of the city and he owned a business and sold it, and he was obviously wealthy, and he said, "we have everything we need, we take holidays anywhere in the world that we wish to, and we want for nothing, so what am I going to do with my lump sum of money which I have currently in your bank?". I ascertained that he had taken care of his children by virtue of a Will and suggested that he might want to buy anything that his heart desired, even something outlandish, because we can't take it with us – – then I got onto a tongue in cheek remark, when I said, "well you could always follow the SKIN philosophy – Spend Kids Inheritance Now, and have a wild time doing it"! This got a good laugh from the audience, however I did add that I would gladly make an appointment to meet with him and sit down in earnest and make sure that he had all his bases covered, so to speak. Plan for the future, save for the future, invest wisely and always be aware of your time horizons and your own risk profile.
  19. Sadly, I do believe you are serious about that post and I'm sure that I and others on this thread will be alarmed that anyone could think like this, but not surprised given the content of your other posts. For the president of the United States to be indebted to a foreign power/person for a personal debt which he may or may not be able to repay, should sound alarm bells for all and sundry, but obviously not you! Sad, so very sad.
  20. And yet he still can't find the money to post his bond, and besides this, if he was as wealthy as he says, then why can't he borrow from elsewhere?? I will answer my own question – – he is a liar and a thief and is untrustworthy as well as having a record of cheating people out of their investments and money. Not a good risk I would hasten to add!
  21. An oxymoron twice over in that post.......'the truth" and Fox News, for a start, then "intelligent remarks" and Republicans. Have you been mixing alcohol with your Kool Aid???
  22. A Man’s Fairy Tale……………. Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful princess, “Will you marry me?” The Princess immediately said “No!” And the Prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles, dated slim long legged, full-breasted women and hunted and fished and raced cars and went to tittie bars and dated ladies half his age and drank wine, whiskey, beer and Captain Morgan. And never heard bitching and moaning or paid alimony, and dated cheerleaders and kept his house and guns, and ate spam and potato chips and beans and blew enormous farts, and never got cheated on while he was at work, and all his friends and family thought he was as cool as hell and he had tons of money in the bank. …………..and left the toilet seat up.
  23. Good to see that you are a Trump supporter because he favours supporters like you .....Noble Peace Prize indeed!!!!!!
  24. You poor soul, my post was not about questioning what you said, but questioning why you had the ongoing need to refer to a news channel, whose own lawyers had said that one should not believe what they said because it's not news. There is a subtle difference, but then again subtlety is not a word that trumpies know much about, and trumps recent ramble to his goobers is a perfect example of that.
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