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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. Fantastic news for you Simon and I'm sure for all of the other folks who follow you on this forum. A short while back I did a post about my experience with the prostate and the calcification/lumps inside of it, which it appears you may well have, especially as I too had UTIs for months, in fact on and off for years, because of this (I did post about this in detail). I don't know what antibiotic they have got you on, but I would have tried just about every one on this planet and eventually, owing to the fact I contacted two professors who were investigating similar scenarios to yours and mine, I tried a combination of Fosfomycin (Monural) and doxycycline, which they recommended and they worked; and that is what they now put their patients, with similar conditions, on. Strangely enough a couple of decades ago I did try doxycycline on its own for three months and although it calmed the situation down, sure enough the UTI came back. Then ciprofloxacin was recommended and I was on that for about six weeks, and that was not successful. Anyway, the best thing is that you have no cancer, so heartfelt congratulations on your latest news.
  2. Now I'm nowhere the level that some posters appear to be with regards to their knowledge of climate change and associated science, but something came up just a few days ago when I was discussing nuclear power with a friend of mine who used to work in a power station in the UK. For him it was cleaner, greener, safer and where the world should be going with regards to power generation, but I had some questions: – – The fuel for nuclear reactors is uranium and this has to be mined, so both fossil fuels and uranium have to be mined, using all of the resources necessary – not necessarily clean and green (manpower, trucks, fuel etc)! – The mining for both the uranium and fossil fuel products can present health problems. – The uranium has to be processed, and carefully so, whereas fossil fuels not so much. – The burning of fossil fuels gives off carbon dioxide which is a key driver in climate change, whereas nuclear reactors don't. And this seems to be the difference as regards polluting the atmosphere. – Once fossil fuels are burnt that's about it for their life, however uranium etc has a life of 10,000 years plus and of course is radioactive, thereby presenting health problems if it's not handled properly. So burying it deep in the ground in concrete/glass casing seems to be the latest answer. My friend seemed to think that this was safe to do, whereas I brought into the conversation the fact that movements in the Earth's crust and earthquakes could cause some damage to encased uranium and if this were to get into the water table, then that would be a catastrophe. My thoughts were around the fact that if there was a way by which one could capture and even harness the outputs of fossil fuel burning, then that would make the whole process much safer, less expensive and provide a future which didn't rely on anything nuclear/radioactive. Some thoughts around that would be most welcome, and if I remember correctly a few decades ago "wave power" was touted to be the next big thing for power generation – – whatever happened to that?
  3. Or, "Faux News", "Flakes News", "Fake News", "False News", "Not News"................
  4. Not what one would expect of such a revered man.........
  5. Or of course that this is the sort of theory that only a stupid person could think of!
  6. I think you're probably right and that AirAsia just didn't know about the eight hour rule for British subjects transiting in Australia. My friend (not me) has a UK passport, so he thought that he would be able to transit Australia and then fly on to NZ which is what he intended to do. I only asked on here because someone else might have had experience with AirAsia in regard to something like this. As for me I have a British passport and a NZ passport and I have travelled backwards and forwards for many years with no problems?? Having said that I always used to fly JetStar into Oz and then transit to NZ and I never had a problem with JetStar and despite them getting a bad rap on sites like this, I've always found them to be excellent, especially their business class which wasn't much more expensive than "cattle class". I will pass this information on, and as regards fare compensation with AirAsia, I think he could be waiting a long time, if ever, to get that.
  7. Thanks for the information, however as I stated in my original post, this was for a British friend of mine who was just refused a flight with AirAsia because even though he was transiting in Australia to NZ, they said he needed a visa? Now I have just found this on the web: – "British citizens are eligible to transit through Australia for a maximum of 8 hours without a visa". So he should have been okay but AirAsia still wouldn't let him board the plane.
  8. Does a British citizen, with the correct passport, have to have an Australian visa to transit in Australia, on the way to NZ?? I've always believed that if you had a British passport then you didn't need a Visa to transit in Australia, but AirAsia refused a friend of mine because he didn't have this visa and despite his protestations, he couldn't get on the flight. This is interesting for me because I have relatives in Australia and also friends in NZ, and although I have a British and New Zealand passport, I'm wondering if there are new rules regarding this, or is it just AirAsia being difficult?
  9. Good post and you hit the nail on the head with, "and since this social issue is based on falsities......". This because an overweight, dumb grifter couldn't face the fact that he lost the election, so he and his supporters carry on with this fallacy. Despite them ranting and raving, there has been no proof of mis-counting of votes, but as with the "pizza gate" and "blood drinking" claims, the rubes continue to persist with the voting/counting machines false claims – – no wonder trump appeals to the "lower" classes, whilst at the same time enriching his buddies with tax cuts, because they can't see that they are being duped by a master at the art.
  10. I did seek out some explanations as to the ending, or indeed as to the basics of the movie, so your link is not news to me (thanks all the same) however having absolutely no knowledge of Nietzsche and his “eternal recurrence” scenario, the movie made no sense to me. Far too complex for an old guy watching a late-night series, IMO!!!
  11. Agree, and I went there just a couple of days ago for my 90 day report and I was only one of three people in that office, so I was in and out in five minutes. Two others were doing 90 day reports and the other person, a visa extension.
  12. I always try and respect other people's opinions, because I know we are all different in our likes and dislikes, and as an example of that a friend of mine who is a highly intelligent man thought that the latest Avatar movie was great, whereas I switched it off after about 20 minutes because it did nothing for me! Having said all that, he is into the Marvel comic/Batman/Spider-Man stuff, whereas I am not. Like you, I could not get my head around the movie "Nope" and although I'm sure there were worse movies released in 2022, this has to be one of them IMO – – perhaps it was the prelaunch hype which raised my expectations, only to be dashed by the actual movie. PS. On the subject of likes and dislikes, the intelligent friend I mentioned hated the movie, "The Power of the Dog", whereas I thought it was a good movie.
  13. That reminds me of the old saying, "I like a good movie, but this movie was nothing like one". I have yet to see it and quite enjoyed the others in the series, but IMO it became very formulaic later on in the piece.
  14. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "great movie", but it was an okay movie when there wasn't much else on to watch, and it filled my evening as a movie which didn't take a lot of fathoming out, no twisted/convoluted plots and no mind bending finale. Okay for blobbing out and relaxing.
  15. Some good suggestions there, and whatever happens there has to be a clear out of the players you have mentioned, as well as others in the squad, to recoup some money and build a leaner/meaner squad.
  16. You have done well h90, and like you, I have no debts and a good sum in the bank in NZ, and other investments as well, but starting a business here has never appealed to me. When I retired at age 53 I wanted to RETIRE and as I am 76 have no wish to work again. Best of luck to you.
  17. Me to.........I started with nothing 20 years ago and I've still got most of it!!!!!!????
  18. That is great news Simon and so pleased to hear it. Interesting that, "something is going on since the MRI scan shows two small growths" and it reminds me of something which I encountered after years of prostatitis symptoms and also years of antibiotics for a recurrent "UTI" (which may or may not have been one) because when I had my TURP, the specialist told me that there was some calcification (very small calcified "stones") in the prostate which could well have been causing me the problems! Never heard of that before, but it was too late to do anything about it then, and the more research I did on the prostate and infections therein did uncover the fact that there could be an infection in the prostate which was protected by a biofilm, and the fact that this biofilm is very difficult to penetrate, as is the prostate barrier, makes some infections very difficult to treat. Also calcification within the prostate can occur after an infection or due to other reasons. So by all accounts what you have is not life-threatening, so onwards and upwards Simon and please keep us posted.
  19. And if there are no "vulnerabilities", or at least any which could do what the trumpies have been suggesting, then it is a kick in the slats for Murdoch, Fox News and his Trump acolytes. Fine them heavily, and then some, and jail some of the bar stewards.
  20. The problem being that Russia will want to negotiate on its terms only, and that would include keeping any gains they may have made, as well as the other parts of Ukraine which they invaded a while back. And I don't see why Ukraine has to have "any wins big enough to be able to get back to the negotiating table" when it is their country and IMO the worst possible scenario would be to go back to the status quo of a couple of years ago
  21. On the subject of rubes............. Outside the courtroom, a divided country’s madness raged in the confines of a small city park where those who loved and loathed Trump barked at one another across a metal barricade and occasionally skirmished. There was talk of paedophiles and children’s blood. “It’s either this or die,” said a woman wearing a shirt advertising her adherence to the QAnon conspiracy theory and helicopters buzzed overhead and the crowd stirred, they had been riled up by a chaotic appearance from Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Georgia representative who is a conspiracy theorist and ardent Trump supporter. And Trump in his short speech also spoke about the stolen election..........jeez, he is a sore loser and some. It is beyond my comprehension that there are so many stupid people out there, many of whom seem to be trump supporters; how on earth did we get to this, what with QAnon's unbelievable lies and disinformation, tied in with the paedophile ring and the drinking of children's blood by Democrats, and finally far right conspiracy theorist Marjorie Taylor Greene, who trump suggested should run for the Senate, adding her nonsense to the melee. I don't think America has ever seen this level of stupidity before.
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