There are a lot of Filipino english teachers in public schools here. They can have quite an accent. So that may be some of the reason for it.
I sometimes feel Thai's purposefully don't understand me when I am speaking Thai. I know my Thai is not the greatest and I mess up tones. But I think sometimes it is because when I speak thai they are listening for english and just hear gibberish.
What I see around where I live. In Ratchaburi they use machines to harvest the sugar cane. But after the fields are harvested they burn them, just like rice fields.
But when driving thru Kanchanaburi I see the sugar cane in trucks that is already burnt.
A couple of videos taken from my hotel on Sunday in Petchabun. I saw more fires in other places driving there and back from Ratchaburi.
a smoke.mp4
a smoke 2.mp4
He didn't buy the ticket through the app. I suppose you could go around and scan your other family members and friends tickets to put them in the system and claim they were yours later if they allowed you to claim a prize without the actual ticket.
You should leave at least 2,000 baht in the account. Otherwise after 1 year of no activity in the account they will start taking out 50 baht a month until the account is empty.
If you want to detour a bit Sam Phan Bok (3,000 holes) is worth a visit (assuming they haven't finished the dam down river from there). Also best viewed out of the rainy season when water levels are lower. Definitely worth it to pay for a guide as they know where all the best formations are.
Sam Phan Bok
If you have 3 separate meters I would assume you also have 3 separate breaker boxes. Do you?
If you only have one breaker box most likely you only have 1 actual meter.
But they were not concerned by the lack of life vests...
Or the guy on the scooter behind them without a helmet...
Or the other 80% of bike riders that don't wear helmets......
First off Medicare will not cover anything outside of the US.
So for me it seems silly to pay for the other parts that you will probably never use.
But say if you don't pay for part B at 65 you can still get it later if you returned to live in the states but it would cost more.
Part A you are going to get automatically anyway.
wrlife will insure you. But I have no idea if they are a good company to deal with. You can apply online but they want you to pay before you even see the actual policy.
The bigger problem is any insurance company that will offer you insurance here will have coverage exclusions that make the policies pretty useless.
Looks like for a perm and coloring the price should have been between 1,600 to 3,000 baht based on the prices on the door shown.
Of course they may have asked her if she wanted them to use premium products.
I had some Alice Cooper signed items and had Edgar Winter sign a They Only Come Out At Night CD Cover.
I gave them to my brother when I moved to Thailand.
Chiangmai Smokehouse usually has a Thanksgiving Buffet dinner. It's at a house and set up in the yard.
All the Dukes branches have a Thanksgiving meal. It used to be a buffet but the last 2 years just a regular meal service. The portion size is generous though. You have to buy tickets in advance.
I haven't had much luck searching online for thanksgiving dinners this year. As others have mentioned some hotels may offer thanksgiving dinners but the price is usually a lot higher. Probably best to call the hotels and ask if you are interested in that route.
The gun incident happened previously. He had left Thailand before they could arrest him. Now he decided it was safe to return but was arrested on his return.
Driving on the other side of the road isn't that hard. The biggest issue you will have at first is turning on the windshield wipers when you want to use the turn signals. But you have to be aware of how people drive here too. Don't ever think about 'right of way' when driving here.