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Everything posted by rwill

  1. This link explains it much better: Disciplinary fine in Thailand
  2. Wishing you a full recovery. Hopefully they have some CCTV of the idiot.
  3. They are going to watch "professional" wrestling?
  4. How about extending the crackdown on illegality to the government...
  5. Some conflicting information in the original artlcle. "The retrieval took an unexpected turn when the 2-metre long snake was found coiled around the deceased’s body, refusing to budge." "The 2-metre long snake was found slithering close to where the Burmese man ended his life and even coiled around the roof." Perhaps the story was changed some to fit with beliefs. I know my wife does this sometimes.
  6. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i4144752446-s16259987845.html?
  7. The purpose of life is to create more life.
  8. Perhaps it includes an engine so they won't have to use oars to move it.
  9. Looks like a pretty large building to be dismantled in one night.
  10. They are probably the ones siphoning money off of construction projects and need them to never be completed correctly so they can continue to siphon. And if the roads are truely unpassable how are people passing on them?
  11. You could always just extend it another year and leave after 30 days. An extension costs the same no matter the length of it.
  12. One year they extended me 60 days instead of a year. It was the first time doing an extension of my O-A and my Thai bank account was in both of our names. So I had to open another account in my name only and they gave me time to season it. The next year I asked them if they could extend my wife 60 days to make our extensions match up again, which they did.
  13. The moment the neighbor kept her bankbook and ATM card she should have went to the police. Not a year later.
  14. The worst part is you have to pay first and when they reject her they keep the money. A niece of ours tried to apply 3 times. She was in college, owned a home and had a job. They kept making different excuses each time to deny her. Finish school first, learn to speak English better. Get a better job.
  15. Intermittent fasting and cutting out carbs and sugar intake will do wonders for your weight and can fix insulin resistance. Plus it will save you money.
  16. It would be almost all Myanmar where I live.
  17. I'm holding out for Mr. Keto Donuts.
  18. Sorry I do not. It is probably a potassium binder. I think it was a powder they mixed with water.
  19. When my wife had a high potassium level at a check up they gave her a drink that was supposed to flush it out of her system. Her next check up her level was normal. I read that bitter melon has 50 times more potassium than bananas. She had been taking a bitter melon supplement, which we stopped. I don't know for sure if that is what caused it.
  20. Of course, not it is just a choice of life For one week out of the year for most.
  21. Well someone came out about 299 million baht richer.
  22. I guess he didn't confess to it. Anyway it says up to 50 years. So it could be 1 day.
  23. It's always best to just follow what everyone else is doing... or just live your own life and do what makes you happy...
  24. Everyday I wake up is my favorite day.
  25. Search for threads on the forum about entering visa exempt and changing to a non-o in country. If you already have a Thai bank account it is easier.
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