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Everything posted by rwill

  1. Are they getting engines with them?
  2. When I applied about 3 years ago it was automatically moved to the Philippines office. My wife had been collecting SS before we moved here. When I applied they asked if my wife was living here also. So they said her account needed to move to the Philippines office also. The biggest difference seems to be the date you get your payments each month. The ones out of the Philippines are paid on the 3rd each month. Previous to that my wife had been getting her payment late in the month. Pretty sure in the US the payment dates are set based on your last name. Also there is some form you are supposed to submit each year when living overseas to verify your address I guess. I have not had to do it yet because they had cancelled it the last few years due to covid. I would not be surprised if your initial application is handled in the US but then moved to the Philippines. Pretty sure mine worked like that. I applied online and then later received a phone call from the Philippines office. They sent me some emails with forms to fill out and send back to them.
  3. There are leaning poles and dangling wires throughout Thailand. Nothing new.
  4. I'm sure he did not personnally give out any 'bananas'. More likely that would be handled by someone beneath him.
  5. Prawit said he has enough time to do it.
  6. Psst, we can help you spy on the tourists!
  7. There was a comedian, I don't remember his name. But he had a joke that went like this: "I've travelled around the world. I can tell you the prettiest women in the world are the men in Thailand."
  8. These ETF/ETN you can put money into and get high monthly yields. But these are not going to grow your investment just give you good dividends. Sort of like buying an annuity. Where you are ok with putting the money in and not worrying if it shrinks. If you know for sure you can just leave the money there and hold the shares no matter what. QYLD, RYLD pay about 12% USOI pays about 30% A safer one with growth and dividends is SCHD but only pays around 2.9% There are other etfs you can look at some around 6-7% yields.
  9. You can open a TDameritrade account and get US index funds.
  10. I'm guessing only his time since the 2019 election will be considered. So he will be able to run again.
  11. ???? I would imagine that is more the fault of the author and proof reader of the article than the doctor actually saying soup.
  12. And who did she get it from? And who did that person get it from? Ad nauseam.
  13. Online notary service? I fould this one looking real quick. Australian Notary Services | Document Preparation, Notary and Legalisation Services
  14. I would expect that they are making less than that. More like 8-12K/month.
  15. Well if they were blocked or locked would it have mattered if they were aware that they were there?
  16. Hard to sympathize with anyone traveling with drugs. Just a silly thing to do.
  17. If it truely hits the fan everything will be useless for a couple hundred years.
  18. Tell him to become a monk. Of course that doesn't always work either.
  19. Looking at the photo he must have really been disturbing all those people sitting at the tables behind him....
  20. You could have her fill in her information on an online tax site and see what they come up with. I use olt.com. Federal returns are free. OnLine Taxes at OLT.COM - Federal and State taxes Online
  21. Market crashes are normal and a great investment opportunity.
  22. Many businesses and home owners here feel they own the street in front of them. Many blocking it off to prevent people from parking there. It legally is not theirs but there is no to little enforcement of it.
  23. We pay our housekeeper 350 baht a day. She works 5 days a week. I have had about 5 different housekeepers over the years. The first one we hired cleaned really good but was stealing from us. A few we let go because they didn't do a good job or refused to do things how we wanted them done. It's really hit and miss as far as getting a good one goes.
  24. Wait until there is a somewhat major earthquake in the Bangkok area. When I am driving under the elevated freeways I see lots of the supports with cracks in them. I know it is somewhat normal for concrete to crack but I still keep wondering if any of it is significant damage.
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