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Everything posted by Tug

  1. In my humble (conspiracy theory) it was and is a distraction so trumps co conspirator musk gets all out data out of our government for future use in rigging elections killing off Medicare social security to keep tabs on folks ect ect and guess what he’s a foreigner + light years ahead of trump intelligence department….that being said Canada and Mexico both agreed to do what they allready agreed to do.trump looks the fool and further tarnished Americas standing in the world.
  2. Ya don’t say……elect a fraud and you will get fraudsters.only the best people he said…..
  3. Just who elected this foreigner to dismantle our government?I for one am extremely uncomfortable letting this guy get his hands on Americas data.if there is anyone person on this planet better suited to manipulate this data I’d be surprised.this ain’t good.
  4. How’s that saying go….don’t feed the troll.trump isn’t interested in stopping anything he manipulating everyone’s attention as his appointees infest our government if that specimen cared one iota he wouldent have had the bipartisan border bill killed.we here in the states are in very serious trouble.
  5. I’m a builder not a speller trumps tariffs are inflationary they are a driver of that pernicious evil
  6. Well jee use me as an example I want to replace a roof over one of my properties I need to create 8 trusses spanning 28 feet total before trumps first term and his tariffs (tax) on steel the material would have cost 700$ now each stick (20foot) piece costs 90$ times 4 per truss times 8 there’s a real simple example for ya real world.and yes I fabricate the trusses myself I’m a hands on kinda guy.now we just had a garage built at our home in Thailand,a similar amount of material total cost including roofing 800$ all core 10 steel (rust resistant) we the American consumers pay the price period all stop.this trump tax also stifles competition why would any American company lower prices now they have their man in the White House killing off their competitors…….and we pay.It is what it is.Id advise any American consumer that needs a washer/dryer,TV or any other large manufactured item to get it immediately prices and inflation are going to explode!
  7. Are the magga folks dumb enough to swallow this bit of gas lighting?trump just insulted each and every minority in our country and truly pi$$ed off a lot of the rest of us white folks.guess it’s expected from the divider in chief
  8. Thats our Donnie!here we go higher prices for all ain’t it great!sarcasm alert guess he just wiped out the progress made on inflation and all to hurt our neighbors.not the least surprised.this ain’t gonna end well.
  9. She got pretty chummy with Gavin Newsom as well he’s the governor of California Incase you didn’t know.perhaps she’s heard something from Kimberly guilfyole don juniors ex squeeze Kimberly is Gavin’s ex wife lol small world ehh?
  10. Yup the felon has allready delayed the (trump tax) all subject to change of course.
  11. Trump can bleat whatever he pleases the Danes and the Greenlanders told trump to stuff it.
  12. If the shoe fits wear it ya da ya da yada ……it’s just another example of this disgusting felon trying to cause division hate and the dismantling of the institutions that have made this country the success it once was.not to mention he just gutted the agency tasked with air traffic control.personally I doubt it was the cause in this instance tho obviously the chopper pilot was looking at the wrong aircraft.its a tragedy and trump should just shut his big mouth I think Rex tillerson had him pegged rite he’s a moron …..
  13. You are mistaken it’s concern for the health of my country men this dude is a nutter and isn’t qualified it isn’t about political affiliations
  14. Rite now the speculation is that the chopper pilot was looking at the aircraft behind crj the ATC twice confirmed with the chopper pilot and the chopper pilot twice confirmed having crj in site tragically he was mistaken.RIP to all who were killed and my deepest condolences to the bereaved a very sad incident.
  15. Now there’s some epic suckage I think he tythed his orange master 20 million or is that some other tec billionaire…..
  16. Yup that’s going to make us great again ehh insulting our minority’s and their hard one gains America first ya say ehh???lots more to come the felons only been back 10 days
  17. If a gang member #1 breaks the law is convicted then its prison just like any citizen if they aren’t citizens then deport them no more no less im thinking the felons (remarks) are a troll to excite his ( cult) followers
  18. Ahh there’s science hope that helps….you know those vaccine thingeys have saved millions of lives….trumps appointee doesn’t believe in them just another example of trumps very (best people) are you a flat earther?lol
  19. Ditto…..this happened on your watch trump!this breaks 19 years since the last big one in the USA!my deepest condolences to the bereaved…….what a dirtbag of a president disgraceful.
  20. Naa why worry it’s just another one of trumps (best people) heck we can have polio TB whooping cough measles why worry it will be great kids crippled and being kept alive in iron lungs ……it will be a great day if this imbecile gets in…..obvious sarcasm alert I hope a few republicans have some courage and reject this nut case……hey look on the bright side looks like they rescinded the killing of all government subsidies fiasco guess they realized that hungry kids and stabbing vets in the guts looked bad.but hey take heart he’s only been in 9 days plenty of time left for the felon to wreak the country.
  21. Atta boy trump only the best people……a black out drunk with no experience running a large complex operation….our enemies rejoice…..
  22. Ahh that’s our Donnie only the best!appointing an inexperienced drunk to this office our enemies are rejoicing hard to imagine someone more easily compromised and less qualified ,this ranks right up there with that Kennedy loon appointment.
  23. Spot on,just wait till food prices triple or quadruple and the felons gaslighting with his drill baby drill nonsense doesn’t bear fruit.its going to be comical to listen to this segment of delusional fools try to blame anyone other than the NY city trust fund baby…….not even mentioning his tariffs (tax) fiasco coming to each and every consumer soon ……oh and btw applying for asylum is lawful in the United States.
  24. Sure ok just as long as you realize folks applying for asylum are under our laws are here legally.kinda curious that none of the felon’s supporters here haven’t weighed in on trumps plan to kill FEMA ……aww don’t you worry he has a concept of a plan……what could possibly go wrong……
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