I doubt he will re enter politics. He’s too old . Of course he will stay interested , and I’m sure he’s got advice for his friends, he’s a very clever businessman, he didn’t become a billionaire by making mistakes, and as erroneously implied by many posters, it wasn’t « stolen » from the Thai people . In my eyes his only mistake was the way the drug runners were handled by the army leading to their deaths. There is still too much drug business in Thailand which hasn’t been handled well , as was seen lately on the Burma border where all mules were killed. Drugs are a huge problem here.
Otherwise I believe he did a lot of good helping also the poorer population.
I saw him twice in action close up, once on Bangla rd Patong , during the avian flu crisis, where he spoke to the people , the number of very poor country folk in the seedy surroundings of Bangla was very touching, all had bags of food and meat given to them and everyone, including foreigners and tourists were urged to eat the chicken which was cooked by all the restaurants and hotels in Patong.
Second time was just after the Tsunami where he was visibly shocked as he walked around the beach talking to people. In 24 hours there was help and clearing and as organized as anyone could hope for. He was very popular back then and I’m sure he is today.
My personal hope is that in 4 ( 3?) years Move Forward will be more cautious and become the new party to lead Thailand.