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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Let's hope that Marine le Pen will be welcoming President Trump sometime next year...

    If you had someone like Marine in Thailand you wouldn't be here.

    You re the "bougnoule" in thailand.

    Never understood how people living in foreign country, especially if not a real expatriate(called by company to come here) can support someone in their own country who will deport them if they were in power where they are.....

  2. One more time:

    Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed. Any posts which can be construed as rumor mongering are not allowed.
    Posters violating these rules and the forum rules will receive a warning, a possible suspension of posting privileges or a ban from the site.

    Not sure if it is the place to ask but : what about Thaivisa? If the PM or his government ask for IP or personnal information, what will be your policy? Not a trolling but geniune question

  3. Trump is such a sweet man, it's truly heart warming to see the Whitehouse may soon be occupied by such a thoughtful moderate.

    I support him precisely because he isn't a moderate, at least when it comes to immigration and trade.

    As he changes his mind like a weahtercock changes direction you shouldn't bet on such things, especially when those things are clearly impossible to put in place.

  4. Urge foreigners to NEVER buy or eat so called "street food" in Bangkok. Its poison ! As well as encouraging more congestion on sidewalk,or,it appears on the actual road now!

    Bangkok street food can be particulary delicious, what you say is not true, some of them are even far better than the traditionnal restaurants..the ones who sell bad food do not last long, as words spread quickly. However some restaurants sell overpriced food for less quality.

    To avoid congestion I have another solution : take bus, taxis, BTS, MRT, motosoi and stop subvention of cars.

    The reason of congestion is mostly due to : 1 guy/1car...

  5. Only neo-cons think Trump is to the left of Hillary. To actual conservatives (paleo-conservatives), non-interventionism and protectionism sound pretty good. Remember Washington's Farewell address and entangling alliances. Hillary is called a liberal hawk, another phrase for neo-con, and in the socialist order is well to the right of Trump, who is actually neither left nor right on that scale, from left to right: communist-socialist-national socialist.

    Were/are you a politician? All of that PC jargon you just spewed is exactly why Trump is winning and the "same-'ol-thing" is losing.

    He's not a party rep, he's an "I'm-sick-and-tired-of-the-same-old-crap-and-rich-enough-to-do-something-about-it-American" party member.

    Nope he is a : " now that I have enough money the only thrilling thing in my life would be power, and I am a complete lunatic"

  6. UN has been praising Thailand efforts since January so this comes as no surprise.

    Just witnessing the changes at the Laos / Thai border at Nong Kai allows one to easily see their have been strong improvements by the PM in this area.

    Of course if the UN said Thailand was going backwards in this area the very same people that denounced this result and found excuses to not respect the UN's narrative would also applaud that UN narrative? Why? It suits their agenda.

    Are you out of your mind?

    UN Highlight Junat Hypocrisy


    U.N. Human Rights Council Slams Thai Junta at Universal Periodic Review


    Come one we all know it is a lie, you know it is a lie, the PM knows it is a lie, the Human Right Nows it is a lie...

  7. Yet another example of poor strategic planning by our American cousins

    Just reinforces the Russian idea of maintaining buffer zones.

    Strategic deterrence together with rapid deployment capability would have been much preferred.

    As you will probably be aware, positioning radars and listening stations in the East of Turkey was one of the key triggers of the Cuban missile crisis.

    We need smarter people at the helm

    We do need smarter people at the helm. Ones who don't invade countries and annex their sovereign territory. Ones who don't support maniac dictators and bomb innocent civilians. Ones who don't threaten their former states with legal action to reclaim them.

    This is just tit for tat.

    your post can be applied to both USA and Russia.

  8. He didn't say killed he said shot. I think the butler only wanted to see Obama winged. Thing is, the destruction to the fabric of America and American life has been so severe over the past 8 years it is no wonder that some patriot's tempers are running a bit high. It is a high stakes game after all - maintaining the greatest country on earth, and protecting her from the extreme left and their naivety.

    While the dumbness of the right and especially The Donald supporters show the world how America could become a live version of the movie Idiocracy! So much for "the greatest country on earth"...

    Do not forget : it has electrolytes!

  9. The muslim ban is a nonsense...it is not written on your passport...so he could choose to ban all muslim dominant countries and therefore anihilate all agreements with them. Or he could set up ham and cheese sandwich stands in every border control and ask everyone to eat some...anyway

    Not possible anyway...one more stupidity from the Donald

  10. "If there's something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it's the recognition of the nauseating processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then - 70, 80 and 90 years ago - and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016."

    ....He's absolutely correct. If I'm interpreting what he said correctly. Bravo to him. The same kind of people (use the term loosely) are in Israel, if not throughout the whole world. Back in the 20's Berlin, Germany was running amok with decadence and corruption (as is the world now) Someone like Hitler rose because of it and imprisoned them, then kicked them out of the country into what is now called Israel. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews(so-called) and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population.When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I.

    Jew hating neo-Nazi propaganda. Proves the point which was so obviously predictable. The general's sincere statement (when understood in full context) will be used by the most vile Jew hating and Israel demonizing agenda. Jew hating (which is directly reflected in obsessive Israel demonization) is a form of mental illness ... and the infected try to infect others. So in that sense, because the statement will be twisted and exploited by most disgusting elements of the Jew hating world (which is very large); again I wish the general could have avoided using that kind of language. Was he so naive that he didn't know how his words would be used by Israel's Jew hating enemies? Hard to believe. It seems he knew he made a political mistake in that sense by walking it back right away. But the damage is done ... the quote will be used by Jew haters / obsessive Israel demonizers indefinitely. Indeed, I think he has entered himself into the "Jew washing" hall of fame.

    I completly agree with you about the post above and think it is trash. What I don't understand is how YOU can be so much polarized and think the world want the end of Israel...maybe you blocked me for whatever reason, but you should read and answer my post...

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