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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. "If there's something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it's the recognition of the nauseating processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then - 70, 80 and 90 years ago - and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016."

    ....He's absolutely correct. If I'm interpreting what he said correctly. Bravo to him. The same kind of people (use the term loosely) are in Israel, if not throughout the whole world. Back in the 20's Berlin, Germany was running amok with decadence and corruption (as is the world now) Someone like Hitler rose because of it and imprisoned them, then kicked them out of the country into what is now called Israel. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews(so-called) and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population.When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I.

    mmm...not sure if I interpret your post correctly but from what I understand you mean Hitler was a savior for Germany and WW2 was caused by Jewish cabal....if this is the case : utterly nonsense!

    If not. and I seriously hope you don t believe this bullsh.t, please let us know

  2. While I realize the obsessive Israel demonization agenda will take his statement out of context and use it as "Jew washing" (it's a thing, look it up) to support continued demonization of Israel. So in that sense, perhaps he shouldn't have given such ammunition to people who obviously hate Israel ... but the context really was INTERNAL.

    I think this article explains that very well but you really need to read the entire article to get the context, which also explains the INTERNAL context of the general's statement:

    Why are Israel’s generals being so noisy? Quite simple. In their near-unanimous professional estimation, stretching from a proven hawk like Yair Golan across the spectrum to the 200 ex-generals of Commanders for Israel’s Security, they see Israel facing an opportunity now, given the current Palestinian leadership, the weakness of the neighboring Arab states and the openness of the Saudi-led Arab League, to make deals that can secure Israel’s future. Instead they see a political leadership that’s letting the opportunities slip by for ideological reasons.


    Well I read the article, and it is quite clear

    Here is another quote :

    They must stop thinking of themselves only as victims and begin to understand themselves also as actors. If they don’t, they’re in danger of sliding down that same slippery slope and becoming perpetrators.

    So basically they say what most of the people you tax as "jew hater"... they see the victims puhing worldwide the victim card each time and never think the way they do the things to other.

    Because you criticize the thai government can you be taxed as thai hater? Don t think so, think you even like this country and are sadden by the action taken, am I right?

    Can't you simply imagine that most of the critics seen here, in Europe, in USA and even in Israel with Breaking The Silence, the same way you criticize the government.

    Israel, proudly boasting its democratic country in middle east, has the power to change its leaders and the way the Cisjordania settlements and abuses are seen by Israeli. That' s also why the world (yeah a lot of people worldwide disapprove the politics of Israel) put pressure and call for boycott...certainly not for the "end of Israel" but to show that those illegal settlements are bad for the palestinians AND for the Israeli....

    So maybe you will play the "jew Hater" card but from the other post you wrote not linked to Israel you seem a clever man and hope you can see the difference between this poor game of : you not agree so you hate the jew, and the reality which is : stealing lands of your neighbours and ressources is bad and leads to more confrontation...

  3. Well, this one is obvious isn't it?

    Poll: Stopping Hillary Is The Top Reason Why Voters Will Back Trump


    Warts and all, gotta go with Trump, boys. smile.png

    Nope, and if you look at the polls it is Hillary all the way up...Except Fox news the last 30 polls shown Hillary winning if facing Trump...

  4. Who care if Bill had an affair, who cares if Hillary has an affair. I am quite sure this does not impact the work done.

    However we can clearly see that US politics is becoming every day more a "tv show" and Trump should call TMZ for his campign as they spit the same trash.

    One more proof, if needed, which show the level of intelligence of the Donald..

  5. your upset he wasted money on this? why so petty guy? so, the over priced wall clocks, ipads, tablet for children.... all wasted more with nothing to show..... and your mad at this? its pretty at least. its FINALLY A TOURISM PHOTO... i will assume someones paying you to voice your outrage. like this. .... i dont get most your posts. like quoting Thomas Jefferson into thai politics. your all over the place.

    Yeah cause 2 wrongs make one right?

    Let me translate your post : "but but but Thaksin...."

    I know that you don't give a sh.t about the taxes you pay and how they are spent, but maybe some of the thai living in Bangkok, let say Rangsit for exemple, would rather have a flood proof sewer system instead of a tunnel of lights for the tourism. Especially when the money used is not for the tourism and overcharged tunnel of light.

    Did you even go there watch this tunnel? It looked crappy and very poorly setup for the price paid

    I care how my tax is spend.. people should get voting rights based on how much tax they pay. Otherwise the poor can always divert the money others pay to their needs. Also when voting is based on tax payment this kind of spending would be far harder for the corrupt because those paying for it would make sure they won't get voted in next time. Also governments would have a hard time buying votes this way.. Yea I know does not sound very democratic but I feel its unfair that those who don't pay into a system have a more votes over it then those who do.
    First what you aah clearly show something some thais wanted as well : vote based on taxes spent by individual, so the poor won t vote. Guess who feeds you : the poors, guess who build your condo : the poor, guess who drives the taxi, the bus, the train, guess who clean your streets...the poor... so yeah they have the right to vote, and the corrupted ones are the rich, not the poors.. last time i heard such stupid comment it was by a old thai aristocrate... oh the problem is : they are more than the riches and if not happy will simply take the streets. And we are not far from this...
  6. your upset he wasted money on this? why so petty guy? so, the over priced wall clocks, ipads, tablet for children.... all wasted more with nothing to show..... and your mad at this? its pretty at least. its FINALLY A TOURISM PHOTO... i will assume someones paying you to voice your outrage. like this. .... i dont get most your posts. like quoting Thomas Jefferson into thai politics. your all over the place.

    Yeah cause 2 wrongs make one right?

    Let me translate your post : "but but but Thaksin...."

    I know that you don't give a sh.t about the taxes you pay and how they are spent, but maybe some of the thai living in Bangkok, let say Rangsit for exemple, would rather have a flood proof sewer system instead of a tunnel of lights for the tourism. Especially when the money used is not for the tourism and overcharged tunnel of light.

    Did you even go there watch this tunnel? It looked crappy and very poorly setup for the price paid

  7. Let's face it, the house and senate are made up of hardcore democrats and Republicans who both dislike trump. Without their support nothing will happen in America, nothing !!! Might as well not have a president. Then you have the rest of the world who he has already offended. The English already tried to have him banded from entering the country. How many middle eastern countries will want to trust him ? Trump and his 30 million supporters against the world .... I knew the end of America was coming some day but I didn't know it could be so soon.

    The end of America is not because of Trump. Trump is a symptom not the cause

    When you have symptoms like this you rush to the Hospital, you don't try to be more sick

  8. All the trump fanboys here seem to think they are the majority

    Here is a reality Check


    Only FOX News polls show him victoriouscheesy.gif

    Is he laughing at his own joke...or is it the medication has not been refilled?

    somebody tell him that polls are not accurate...

    he thinks that a poll taken weeks ago can predict who wins in November.

    What these polls did not take into account was that Cruz and Kasich just dropped out...and Trump pretty much wins the nomination.

    If it's polls that convince you...then wait for some new ones...something more fresh. You are not factoring in the momentum that this victory gives Trump...and the new party backing (that he did not previously have)

    Hillary is stagnant. Bernie has been take large bites out of her popularity........ Trump is on the move.


    Yeah polls are not accurate in Thailand, but when ALL the polls are in favor of a candidate for the pas months, and yet you still try to find a way to support the Donald, YOU are the one who should take medication mate.

    You should as well reread the whole page to understand how polls work when they ask for only : who will you vote for between Trump and Clinto, Cruz neither Bernie are involved...

    But this is one more proof of your lack of attention to the page i linked

  9. all in your opinion

    Where have you been for the past few months? It's common knowledge that the draft charter is designed to stack the decks in favour of the people currently pulling the strings, Hand picked senate, a PM that doesn't need to belong to any party. Even Abhisit himself has stated it's a backwards step.

    You're being deliberately obtuse however not unexpected given your stance.

    The thread is about the distortion of information/ facts being punishable as a crime, facts like..

    The Erwan shrine bombing wasn't an act of terrorism

    The Samui VBIED was the work of a Southern Politician

    There are NO Military personnel involved in Human Trafficking.

    so you are saying that an elected government will not be allowed to govern or just specific things like Thaksins amnesty attempt lol

    Yes if the chart is passed the government will not be allowed to govern, the Junta will, helped by....

    And about the Amnesty bill, what is your opinion on the one which was granted to the Junta for their past/present/future actions ?

    none of them are convicted criminals on the run or maybe you just refuse to see that

    By None of them you mean who the member of the Junta?

    You should seriously look at the names and their graft/corruption history before saying that.

    Also : a coup make them criminals, arbitrary detention make them criminals, graft cases, nepotism, extra judicial arrests, threatening the families of students,....

    want more?

    They are not criminals because they granted themselves amnesty, not other reason

    Or are you refering to Suthep? In this case I do not even bother to list the accusations and corruptions cases he has.

    Yingluck is criminal because Prayuth OCT , no any other reason...

  10. If the Thais are willing to continually bend over and take it from these guys, then perhaps this is exactly the government these deserve.

    However, take away their Facebook, smart phone games, and booze, and you'll have riots.

    Citizens of most countries these days get more upset over football than they do their government.

    and you think the last elected government did a stellar job then ?

    Do you?

    And if not, don't you think it should have been left to the people to vote them out at election time?

    well the last elected government did a stellar job at tearing the country apart and causing massive demonstrations almost to the point of civil war, all because one convicted criminal wanted his amnesty and all the pending charges dropped - that is a fact

    The other facts:

    the previous government was elected.

    Suthep did the riots and worked with the Army to setup the coup

    The army granted amnesty for past/present/futur action

  11. Good, I for one cannot wait for the NCPO to be jailed, their propaganda is the very definition of distorting facts.

    As to the draft constitution, it is designed to enable the elite to control and possibly oust a government voted in by an electoral majority. And that remark is 100% factual.

    here's a 100% honest question

    If true,under what situation do you think your claimed fact above would actually be enacted, to make it easy you can look back or forward in time

    Where have you been for the past few months? It's common knowledge that the draft charter is designed to stack the decks in favour of the people currently pulling the strings, Hand picked senate, a PM that doesn't need to belong to any party. Even Abhisit himself has stated it's a backwards step.

    You're being deliberately obtuse however not unexpected given your stance.

    The thread is about the distortion of information/ facts being punishable as a crime, facts like..

    The Erwan shrine bombing wasn't an act of terrorism

    The Samui VBIED was the work of a Southern Politician

    There are NO Military personnel involved in Human Trafficking.

    all in your opinion

    so you are saying that an elected government will not be allowed to govern or just specific things like Thaksins amnesty attempt lol

    Yes if the chart is passed the government will not be allowed to govern, the Junta will, helped by....

    And about the Amnesty bill, what is your opinion on the one which was granted to the Junta for their past/present/future actions ?

  12. If the Thais are willing to continually bend over and take it from these guys, then perhaps this is exactly the government these deserve.

    However, take away their Facebook, smart phone games, and booze, and you'll have riots.

    Citizens of most countries these days get more upset over football than they do their government.

    and you think the last elected government did a stellar job then ?

    but but but Thaksin.....

  13. Start by cleaning your own house. Wasn't there a scandal just a few days ago about the PM's brother appointing his son a position. Nepotism and patronage are related.

    Another exemple, a huge one but who has not been mentioned here :

    AIS is summoned to give around 6 millions users to True. Officialy about a bandwitch thing, but strangely this happens since the son of a top brass is working for True.


    Manager quoted another anonymous source in the NBTC saying that the meeting was called under the orders of the “big boss” who wants the matter to be done and dusted as soon as possible. The source also highlighted conflict of interest pointing out that Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu’s son was now working at one of AIS’ competitors.

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