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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Dear George - Your trolling to hard.

    Some people here might actually remember the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's. Long ago and in fact back when little Vlad was just a low level KGB drone. Back then Russian Trawlers always hung outside the 12 mile INTERNATIONAL limit around US bases. Shock, Gasp, Horror!!

    In actual practice that means 15 to 20 miles offshore from say ... San Diego, San Francisco and the Straits of Juan De Fuca between Vancouver Island Canada and the state of Washington US, where the ships from Bremerton Naval base and Bangor Trident sub base exit into the Pacific. They were there of course to gather radio information and drop there sonic microphones, er nets, to record the submarines propeller and engine signature. And many other bases, I just have first hand knowledge of these west coast bases.

    How do I know, well you can read about it thumbsup.gif However I used to both fish and sail off the coast so we would see them. Always and incredible amount of radio antennas for s fishing boats, heh. Cuba had nothing to do with bases, but you know that.

    The troll line you are spouting likely works better with an ignorant, uneducated rural population living in poverty. No matter if lacking in most western amenities, and banging it up with vodka they will have a satellite dish so they can suck up the latest in populist PR propaganda.

    Go Troll Team ! biggrin.png

    50s, 60s,70s... well that was the cold war, right? I mean it is not like we have the same situation here.

    Also if I remember correctly Cuba situation nearly escalated to war...so I am not sure the USA would let another cuba style nowdays. Even with mexico and Canada with just projects of russian bases would bring a torrent of sh.t on them and we all know the USA is not an hegemonic country who brings peace and democracy worldwide or if needed fuel the opposition when a government do not suit them.

    So having the USA putting missiles at the very border of Russia is not a problem, right? I mean why Russia, or Iran as another example would be offended by this?

    I am quite sure if Russia was 12 miles from San Francisco with warships there would be lot of international condemnations.

    Also in your comment you speak about fishing boat with antenna and radars. Well the US vessel was not a fishing boat, it was a war vessel.

    So yes they can do that, just as they can put bases all around Russia, try to corner Iran as well.

    Another thing, you praise yourself with "the knowledge" well in that case you probably know these kind of close encounters between Russia and US ( or US and China, or US and middle east country...look for the common denominator here) always have some kind of show off and are not considered dangerous..It is not coming from me but from the very crew of the US boat which witnessed the Russian planes.

    My comment may work with "ignorant people" but sure yours are the one who eat FAUX news and other bullshit from the media and the "good Old Freedom bringers".

    When a country like US has a president who either create a lot of shit worldwide (like Bush) and one who lobby to avoid a bill which could lead to legal action against the Saudi in 9/11 terrorist attacks, you know you re in good hands...right?

    So please go back to your fishing boat and and build your own bridge smile.png

    Good gosh. What a rant. 12 miles off San Fran is not international waters. Wow.

    Yeah sorry 12 nautical miles of territorial waters+12 of contiguous zone.


    Please read and learn

    And say hello to Chuck'd for me, he misses me I guess, as he likes every answer to my comments

  2. Dear George - Your trolling to hard.

    Some people here might actually remember the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's. Long ago and in fact back when little Vlad was just a low level KGB drone. Back then Russian Trawlers always hung outside the 12 mile INTERNATIONAL limit around US bases. Shock, Gasp, Horror!!

    In actual practice that means 15 to 20 miles offshore from say ... San Diego, San Francisco and the Straits of Juan De Fuca between Vancouver Island Canada and the state of Washington US, where the ships from Bremerton Naval base and Bangor Trident sub base exit into the Pacific. They were there of course to gather radio information and drop there sonic microphones, er nets, to record the submarines propeller and engine signature. And many other bases, I just have first hand knowledge of these west coast bases.

    How do I know, well you can read about it thumbsup.gif However I used to both fish and sail off the coast so we would see them. Always and incredible amount of radio antennas for s fishing boats, heh. Cuba had nothing to do with bases, but you know that.

    The troll line you are spouting likely works better with an ignorant, uneducated rural population living in poverty. No matter if lacking in most western amenities, and banging it up with vodka they will have a satellite dish so they can suck up the latest in populist PR propaganda.

    Go Troll Team ! biggrin.png

    50s, 60s,70s... well that was the cold war, right? I mean it is not like we have the same situation here.

    Also if I remember correctly Cuba situation nearly escalated to war...so I am not sure the USA would let another cuba style nowdays. Even with mexico and Canada with just projects of russian bases would bring a torrent of sh.t on them and we all know the USA is not an hegemonic country who brings peace and democracy worldwide or if needed fuel the opposition when a government do not suit them.

    So having the USA putting missiles at the very border of Russia is not a problem, right? I mean why Russia, or Iran as another example would be offended by this?

    I am quite sure if Russia was 12 miles from San Francisco with warships there would be lot of international condemnations.

    Also in your comment you speak about fishing boat with antenna and radars. Well the US vessel was not a fishing boat, it was a war vessel.

    So yes they can do that, just as they can put bases all around Russia, try to corner Iran as well.

    Another thing, you praise yourself with "the knowledge" well in that case you probably know these kind of close encounters between Russia and US ( or US and China, or US and middle east country...look for the common denominator here) always have some kind of show off and are not considered dangerous..It is not coming from me but from the very crew of the US boat which witnessed the Russian planes.

    My comment may work with "ignorant people" but sure yours are the one who eat FAUX news and other bullshit from the media and the "good Old Freedom bringers".

    When a country like US has a president who either create a lot of shit worldwide (like Bush) and one who lobby to avoid a bill which could lead to legal action against the Saudi in 9/11 terrorist attacks, you know you re in good hands...right?

    So please go back to your fishing boat and and build your own bridge :)

  3. As a Junta they have license to do what they want. They can employ who they want when they want how they want. If they were working under a democratic system this would be highly unethical and is ironically in a small part why the Junta stepped in. Democracy allowed nepotism to flourish unabated.

    Pertinent questions by rational people before commenting would be, Is this person the best person for this position? Does he have the qualifications for this role? How many officers are appointed positions? One, hundreds, thousands? If he is but one officer appointed into 10 000 available positions then this is a non news story.

    If it is a position as general of combat forces then it is another story.

    With this mindset no relative of any govt official can have any job in Thailand that is govt or military related without it being construed as nepotism.

    Of course the doom and gloom media will contort this and omit important and critical facts to suit their means while the gullible will lap it up like new born pups on their mothers teat.

    I can't even understand how you can say suchthings. I mean you criticize the past governments for their nepotism, populism, grafts, and yet when the Junta do exactly the same, you praise them.

    I really start to think you re living under the River Kwai Bridge like a siamese troll

  4. I wonder how USA would react if Russia started to have bases in Mexico, Canada,... and sail in international waters close to the USA national waters.

    Guess the USA wouldn t be happy.

    Damn last time this happened it was nearly a world war with Cuba.

    But as long as good ol'US has military bases all around Russia, sail quite close from the russian waters, everything should be ok, right?

    And at the same time Obama push to avoid a bill which could lead Saudi to trial for 9/11....what joke this country is

  5. Amazed by the amount of trash written by the so called "the look for it" team. Are you the same ones who say about a rape "well she wore short skitt. She looked for it".

    This law is all about segregation. Maybe the kkk will open some bakery and refuse to serve black people or the nazi some spa for aryan, it will still look ok?

    And yet you live in a country full of openly gay, lesbian and trans people.. life must be a nightmare for you... i pity you and hope your kind of mentality will go with you in the grave

  6. Goodness me.

    It seems that the choice is

    A/ delay the constitution if the referendum is not successful until the public vote oyes on it thus delaying elections on the promised date. Of course some will whinge and state "told you say, can't trust Prayut" and "typical of this govt and is of no surprise"

    B/ If not voted in don't delay the process and pass a constitution used on previous ones thus ensuring elections are held on the promised date. Of course some will state "Come on junta lovers, spin this one!"

    When the referendum is held and if it is a no vote then both will result in people blaming the Junta for something.

    If it is a yes vote the comments will be "rigged results"

    Poor Prayut can't win if he does and can't win if he doesn't. Just keep moving forward Prayut. No matter what you do the usual suspects will complain.

    And yet in your own profile you tell that you re against non-elected governments.

    So just to ask, even if, as usual you never answer :

    -What Prayut and the Junta has done so far?

    -How is the freedom of speech now days compared to Australia, your home country?

    -How do you feel when you see a woman arrested for a <deleted> red bowl and a thumb up? Do you think Aussies would find this normal?

    -Of course the results will be rigged, do you really believe 98% of the thai people support this Junta as the past poll shown?

    This chart will just put the military in control like in Burma, do you like to see Thailand as the lowest growth in ASEAn because of the poor management the army has done the last two years.

    You must be pretty upset to have seen the Minister of Economy, as it is the one Thaksin hired and tje Junta finally decided to hire him because they were clueless about what to do

    You must be pretty upset to see the Junta decide to give 200,000 thb to each village in the north...like Thaksin did...no doubt you will be the first in the street to fight against this

    The thai media do not speak of that but, as you don not like unelected government who kill and frighten kids :

    How do you feel when the Junta just told the whole family of a militant will be deported if he doesn't stop ?

    What is your opinion on the fact that NONE of the coup have solved anything?

    In the eyes of the Junta everybody who is not with them is a usual suspect, as you are a farang you re a suspect whatever you think

    And on e side not, Prayut is everything but poor... but he doesn t want to let us know where the money come from...

    seriously mate, libing in the North is not good for you, you re surrounded by the Red and probably have nightmare every night

  7. Tax cheats, i see nothing wrong in not paying tax on your own monies if it's been made through honest hard work unlike most of the politicians hiding their corrupt fortunes.

    I agree that politicans and fortune should pay more tax.

    However I think you re happy to have roads, light in the streets, firefighters...guess how they can pay for that?

  8. Le Pen is basically a Nazi, and he should have his freedom of speech taken away.

    The man incites racial hatred with a whole load of his comments.

    My word, it didn't take long before one of the forum reactionaries came along invoking Godwin's law. Le Pen, for good reason, is a patriot and attempts to defend the traditional French way of life. By that I am referring to jovial portly men with unkempt facial hair wearing breton shirts while riding a bicycle carrying a string of garlic around his neck and smoking gitanes. This is his ideal rather than the intolerant niqab wearing haters that try to change France to a sharia hellhole. Le Pen recognizes that his ancestors and forefathers incredible bravery repeatedly fighting off and beating the invading muslims, and the superiority of the Christian based culture Le Pen cares about French people, and his daughter is the countries most popular politician.

    What a joke!

    A true patriot who don not want to pay taxes in France?

    A true patriot who participated in Torture during the Algerian occupation?

    Le Pen do not care about french people, he just has hate.

    He hates muslims, jews, black and just play with ignorance to have supporters...apparently you re one of them! If Le pen was prime minister of Thailand you would have been kicked out as a foreigner who steal the Thai work.

    Do not forget : you re the "bougnoule" here

    The inviding muslim? He was a fierce defensor of the French colonies,...

    There is more humanity in a dog eye when he swings his tail than in Le Pen Tail when he swing his eye

  9. However, if you're Hispanic, just rock on up to the S. border and waltz right in. No need for a visa. Just make yourself at home. No one will bother you.

    That's how the USA was built anyway

    I take it you don't know the history of the Spanish-American war or how things were back then.


    USA was not built by migrants?

    How so??

    Please tell me more about the History of your country? White people just spawned there?

  10. Meechai also has a right to speak but was silenced through ignorance, I believe he is a good man and is doing his very best for the country, he wrote the draft charter would it not be a better idea to let him explain its intentions rather than try to silence him, if these people have objections to certain aspects of the charter then voice them in a civil manner and explain why they object

    If you still believe he is the brain behind the chart you are lost... He is barely the hand holding the pen and the face to "convince" the people.

    We also know what this charter is about : appointed representants, 20 years minimum under the supervision of a politburo ruled by the army and the elites.

    When you can go to trial for a red bowl on fb, no doubt what goal this charter has.

    If the Junta had for 2 years did something for this country we would have known already.

    While Burma raise, Thailand fall...

  11. Trump clearly doesn't know anything about illegal Mexican Immigration. Does he know that even the illegal Mexicans are paying tax?

    I had first hand experience in California, hiring Mexicans.

    Most were legal and a few illegals showed up in the busy season. Worked out great!

    Ronald Reagan was sympathetic to our poor neighbors to the South and offered an Amnesty Program to the illegal Mexicans workers that had become good members of the US community. These were Mexican families that had been there for years performing needed services. They were loved by the neighbors and very well behaved, often serving up some awesome cuisine at the local county fair or neighborhood fundraisers. Lovely people and its great Ronald Reagan gave them a break.

    Now what Ronald Reagan did next was brilliant.

    He realized you are not going to stop hungry people offering valuable services to thankful Americans.

    Reagan put the pressure on the employers. Instantly, every employer in town was being forced to get proper ID from every Mexican staff. A $9,000 fine was the penalty for failure! I can assure you we all got IDs from these seasonal workers. Employers withheld Social Security and Federal Taxes from these people.

    The illegals that offered us fake IDs left all that money in the US Treasury.

    Win Win plan from Ronald Reagan.

    The poor get jobs that Americans just refuse to do & the US Citizens benefit from cheaper produce, products and services...and the illegal Mexicans leave $billions behind in taxes.

    The Mexican immigration into the USA is going the other way now.

    More are leaving than are arriving. Trump can forget about that stupid wall. It will just keep them in now!

    Pretty soon, the US will realize they have a symbiotic relationship that is a win win for the US citizens...but it will be too late if they throw them out.


    Unfortunatly the trumpeters will just tell you they are here to steal the american money, jobs...while praising the ones who put their money offshore and do not pay tax.

    The thing they forget is tax evasion cost FAR MORE than illegal immigration and that if this tax evasion was solved, it would probably end in lower taxes because of the money coming back to US treasury....fun, right?

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