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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. "greater respect for the law"

    This is all that needs to be said. The same people that disrespect the law now are the same ones that disrespected it a few years ago. So 20 years might be a bit off. I suggest when the UDD party faithful pass would indicate the ideal time frame.

    Yep you re right : the army disrespected the law, still disrespect it now, the coup was unlawful, they granted themselves amnesty for past, current and future action they may take.

    They do not respect the Human Rights, the graft is still working at full speed, the arbitrary detention as well...

    In fact you try to defend a "worse than Thaksin" guy and his clique.

    But you know it already...and one more time you just drop a ridiculous comment before fleeing...a bit like the red you despise, funny, no?

    How is the River Kwai Bridge those days? not too busy living under it?

  2. Yeah climate is not changing, human action and his impact on natural cycles ate minimal : they didnt consume nearly 50%of the earth natural resource. There is no impact on the fauna, we don t waste chemical, we do not pollute.. this has zero impact whatsoever...

    quote "they didnt consume nearly 50%of the earth natural resource"

    I've told you a million times, stop exaggerating. Look at man's ego - he is so important and significant that he can even change the weather. Bravo.

    Yeah on the phone so types a bit too fast. The human ressources available per year is consumed faster than produced: for 2016 the human consumed already 50% of a sustainable ressource which should occur half of the year.

    Anyway if tou really believe human actions has no effect on weather and "natural cycles" even aftrr millions of facts in millions of fields (pollution, fauna,modification of landscapes with dams and other things,invasive species...) i seriously doubt we can have more discussion.. just go in your backyard burn some plastic bags, spill some oil in the river nearby..do something fun mate! Enjoy a trip to fukushina bay, go have a dive in the gange river, eat some dodo (oh no we ate them all.already) or hunt some tigers

    Pollute pollute pollute it is a ntural cyclel, there will have no impact....

  3. The only voiced "ambition" of the rabid,fanatical Palestinian "leadership" is to achieve the total destruction of Israel and the extermination of all Jews.

    It is not possible to negotiate with these Terrorists. The only means of control is, as Israel has learnt, containment and measured retaliation to terrorist attacks.

    At least a true troll is here.

    "measured retaliation"..what a joke

    You forgot to mention : let's grab all their land and kill them all

    Perhaps you can list the objectives of the Terrorists?

    Where on the list is "cease our terrorist activity and live in peace with our neigbour" ?

    My neighbor doesn t invade my living room and tell me it is his property from now.

    My neighbor doesn t steal my water, ny neighbor doesn t use white phosphorus on my family, my neighbor...

  4. The only voiced "ambition" of the rabid,fanatical Palestinian "leadership" is to achieve the total destruction of Israel and the extermination of all Jews.

    It is not possible to negotiate with these Terrorists. The only means of control is, as Israel has learnt, containment and measured retaliation to terrorist attacks.

    At least a true troll is here.

    "measured retaliation"..what a joke

    You forgot to mention : let's grab all their land and kill them all

  5. The usual over hyped accolades for a performer of very dubious achievements, the word genius is so over used these days.

    Let see how good your songs and music are...

    Prince was able to sing from falsetoo to baritone without any problem switching quickly between tones.

    He was a master of guitar and many other instruments (more than 20). On his albums he played nearly all the instruments.

    He was recognized by major names of the music worldwide...but yeah it is just a regular john doe, right?

    He was undoubtedly talented but so are many people in different professions which are actually essential to the world in general, being able to play pop music with many instruments and prance about the stage hardly constitutes genius. I admire Sayaka Shoji a young Japanese woman who plays classical music on the violin so beautifully it brings tears to my eyes but that isn't genius it is pure talent. Hawkins,Einstein, Boehman, Bohr,Feynman were and are great physicists whose strange abilities to think outside the box puts them in the realm of genius and they had no need to ruin their health with drugs. The word genius,like the word hero are misused these days. I leave fawning over pop stars and film stars to the teeny's.

    So what is the definition of Genius?

    Here is the official.

    a. Extraordinary intellectual and creative power: artistic works of genius.
    b. A person of extraordinary intellect and talent.
    c. A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient, typically above 140.
    a. A strong natural talent, aptitude, or inclination: has a genius for choosing the right words.
    b. One who has such a talent or inclination: a genius at diplomacy.
    3. The prevailing spirit or distinctive character, as of a place, a person, or an era: the genius ofElizabethan England.
    4. pl. ge·ni·i (jē′nē-ī′) Roman Mythology A tutelary deity or guardian spirit of a person or place.
    Hawkins , Einstein are genius in Maths, physics, chemistry...so genius are only people who can solve problem and linked to down to earth topics for you? Beaudelaire was not a genius? neither Mozart? Neither Pablo Picasso?...
    Prince has the creativity, the talent, the intelligence, the innovative thinking, the talent to write songs and music.
    He thought out of the box, took great initiative and risks with his music style
    By the way the studies of Einstein body shown he was probably a cocaine addict and traces of LSD were found in his body during the autopsy...
    People tend to think Genius is only linked to IQ, qhich is clearly less and less true as even the IQ notation fade nowdays in profit for other way to "scale the intelligence".
    I understand what you try to say and just think it is a shame to ignore the greatest talents in fields which are considered "second zone" especially when it comes to art
  6. The usual over hyped accolades for a performer of very dubious achievements, the word genius is so over used these days.

    Let see how good your songs and music are...

    Prince was able to sing from falsetoo to baritone without any problem switching quickly between tones.

    He was a master of guitar and many other instruments (more than 20). On his albums he played nearly all the instruments.

    He was recognized by major names of the music worldwide...but yeah it is just a regular john doe, right?

  7. So the Obama administration (as well as the previous one) are lobbying AGAINST this bill?

    Saudi has threaten to sell their assets (worth 750 billions $) if the bill pass.

    But we can see how twisted this country his when a leader work against his citizen and want to save a relationship with a terrorist country, selling weapons and providing logistic to them...

    I bet chuck'd will love this one

  8. Prayut as some obsessive compulsive disorder.

    He could fit well with some posters here.

    So there are two things we can say :

    the Junta is still not able to restore unity (who had any doubt...) as more and more people stand up against their dictat laws

    They will raise the favorable opinion to the Shinawatra family by showing the NCPO is worse, far worse than Thaksin

  9. Record trade agreements 1 year after the coup and now this.

    Of course I was belittled, bullied and called names for even suggesting that trade would be open between the US and Thailand.

    Business as usual even if it does not suit the narrative of some.

    Oooh the sweet irony...

    First the economy is at its worst.

    Second, and here is all the fun is, espcially for someone who hate Thaksin : youlte basically praising the Economy Minister... guess who was hired, the very same one the Red put in charger during the shinawatra government... funny no? You hate them all, but yet you live in the north and praise the guy who was appointed by the reds....

  10. Biden is still around?


    There is a tiny, tiny chance that Biden might still be president.

    In the very unlikely event that Hillary Clinton does get into serious legal problems, there could be a real contested democratic convention.

    The party establishment does not want Sanders. They fear, correctly, that he will be buried with "red scare" propaganda and lose the white house.

    In such a scenario, Biden could still step in.

    Very unlikely of course.

    A bit off topic but I think you underestimate Sanders : the party establishment wants to win the election. The legal issue for Clinton is a problem for them

    Yet the only one who "crush" the trump and even more Cruz is Sanders and it seems they will be more enclined to choose Sanders than Clinton.

    I can try to find the link of this study which was quite interesting.

    Edit : the link : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/h-a-goodman/5-reasons-bernie-sanders-will-win-the-presidency-in-a-landslide_b_9086180.html

  11. Some here have claimed that Israel is a democracy in which homosexuals live safely amongst a moderate society. :-?

    Not a word of that description of Israel is accurate.

    Indeed I fully expect gay Israeli Arabs to patronize the Gaza Strip pride march next year. P.s A score of people could have been murdered in any other Country in the world at a similar parade and you and our other esteemed members would have written squat all about it.

    For obsessive Israel demonizers anything connected to Israel is another chance for them to trash the entire civilization of Israel.

    I agree with you, yet, lot of people tend to do the same with muslim and middle east countries and it doesn't seem to bother a lot of people

  12. Good gosh. What a rant. 12 miles off San Fran is not international waters. Wow.

    Not sure what you mean. Up to 12 nautical miles (13.8 miles) off the coast is territorial waters of the US, beyond is international waters with this exception - there is an additional 12 nautical miles referred to as the contiguous zone. This is covered in the UN convention of law of the seas.

    Boston, MA - At an event today at the New England Aquarium in Boston, Vice President Al Gore announced new action by the United States to help protect and preserve our nation's coastal shores and precious oceans, helping ensure that future generations of American working families will enjoy a cleaner environment and safer streets.

    Specifically, the Vice President announced that the United States is strengthening its ability to enforce environmental, customs and immigration laws at sea by expanding a critical enforcement zone to include waters within 24 nautical miles of the U.S. coast. A proclamation signed today by President Clinton formally extends the U.S. "contiguous zone" from 12 to 24 miles, doubling the area within which the Coast Guard and other federal authorities can board foreign vessels and take other actions to enforce U.S. law.

    Under international law, a nation can claim a territorial sea up to 12 nautical miles from its coast, and a contiguous zone extending an additional 12 miles. Within the contiguous zone, a nation can act to prevent violations of its environmental, customs, fiscal, or immigration laws, or to apprehend vessels suspected of violating them.


    The additional 12 miles of the contiguous zone makes international waters beginning at the 24 nautical mile mark from San Francisco.

    It would seem Craig got this one right and our little French friend, who seemingly hates Americans unless we are kicking the German army out of Paris, wrong.

    Edited cause in fact this guy doesn t deserve any attention.

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